Friday, October 24, 2014


Our brain has tripled in volume over the past several million years in order to help us conquer survival challenges.  It continues to operate inside us today as we face the reality of our country being under attack by terrorists.  So add to the stress of our daily lives of driving to work, worrying about our children, listening to the news, pay bills or find solutions to personal problems we are re-assured that our brains are equipped to find solutions.

PA230508As I go for my walk; without my cane or my phone, or my rain pants or boots there are creepy creatures everywhere.  Bats and spiders hanging from trees or crawling on the grass. I come home soaking wet but I do survive. There are also ghosts and skeletons.

It is a happy experience and I am thankful for my walk.  Dad and I so enjoyed seeing Jasmine with her bunny ears walking their dog on a long rope.  

Foe my own knowledge I now know there in the middle of my head is a central circuit of over -reactivity that has three parts:
the amygdala
the hypothalamus
the hippocampus.
PA230513As  signals move from one to another the hypothalamus sends out an urgent call for adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine and other stress hormones.

Fear is a natural reaction but can cause needless anxiety if in reality there is nothing to fear.

It is more helpful to overestimate resources and opportunities, than dwelling on our fears.

Our own temperament are all different so we respond differently.
Remember what flows through your mind changes your brain.
What is put into the storehouse holds our inner strengths but also
0ur feelings of inadequacy, defensiveness, unfulfilled longings and old pain.  Good experiences can quickly be forgotten, but bad stays as part of the neural structure.

We tell people to get over things and not dwell on what you cannot change but to do the best in the moment of time you have.  We never really forget but training ourselves to see the beauty of life and to be thankful is the way to find peace and contentment and be open to the love that surrounds us.
Love is about tenderness and inner courage and trust;  also about being grateful for lessons learned from mistakes and failures.

PA220497Jim's brain is failing along with his failing health which is sad.  He still loves his milkshake!  The staff at the Home are always so happy and pleased to see me so it is good.  I am thankful.

I phoned Leah to tell her that her dad would be here on Sunday and she had just seen her car being towed away.  She had paid her parking so this was very upsetting and unbelievable and she had another job to go to.  It is amazing the things that happen to that girl!   Fortunately Craig could come to the rescue.

Haiti and I view the park now that the trees have been cleared away.

Life really is all about survival!  From the moment we are conceived!


Sandra said...

I am thinking I need to stop complaining about going to school and having to force my brain to learn. You seem to be learning quite a bit, maybe you should go to school? Had all the animals sleep with me last night but they were restless for some reason. Got up at 4 to let them out for a pee, very nice out, but still went back to bed. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Haiti was frightened of the fire works but then calmed down. I am happy with my own learning but thank you for the compliment.

Rick will be here Sunday afternoon do you want to come over. He likes going to the green Lettuce which is fine with me.

Hope Leah and Craig and Carol and Panteli can come.

love mom P.S. glad you went back to bed!

nancy-Lou said...

For a minute you really had me "going" with the spiders....I thought they were real and they really give me the creeps.

Well, my goodness you are really working your brain learning about the the brain! It is amazing how much it controls. my granddaughters mother has been diagnosed with grand mal seizures. the doctors couldn't stop them and had to put her in an induced coma for three days. It was nip and tuck if she would live.
She lost her driving licence.

I certainly see different temperments in my students...the last class had an angry pre teen...who was acting out...her mother was bullying her, a very shy little girl who was the best artist and a little boy with ADD...who bounced off the was definitely a challenge with no teacher's aid.

How sad to hear Jim is failing...but so delightful to hear he still enjoys his milkshake. You are his angel Beth!

Today is the last warm day probably for 5 months. It was 18C in Winnipeg, but only 12C here. The lake has really cooled down and must be close to freezing. It will freeze over about the third week of November. The wind is cold coming off the lake. I still have some flowers blooming...we haven't had a frost yet.

I wish you a really good night's sleep, Beth and please remember to take your cane and phone on your walk!

oh I just remembered...there was a large bear at our sons house last night and he tore apart a wooden bird feeder that had 2 X 4 I always take my cell phone on walks! You never know Beth, you too, could meet up with a bear!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy.
No bears around here although we wonder if there could be one in the Water Shed Park because people have seen foot prints.

Put on my long underwear for my walk in the morning. It is getting darker and colder and I sure feel the cold.

Larry is doing so much better riding his bike and he so enjoys telling Kim his stories. We have lots of laughs together.

I enjoy walking Haiti when Kim does not have time with school and work and other activities. She took the bus into Van. to see old friends last night. That is good because she misses her Cayman friends.

I am sure I will sleep well

You must have a lot of patience with your teaching, Theresa can relate to that as she is the one on one person with the children with special needs.

Take care and watch out doe the bear!

love beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I really like the Green Lettuce! We will order two or three of that thing you can eat!

I'll have to phone Leah and see if she got her car back.

