Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Who knew cabbages could be such a bright purple. 

DSCN5374Life is an adventure that keeps us alive as we keep looking for the good.  Yes even as we get older.  I find more and more my family is giving to us in so many ways.  Life can be tough but if we see it as an adventure into a new experience that can teach us new values and one day my back can be so painful but a few days later it can be my knee.  I just never know what part of me wants to complain and I have been using this body for a long time so it is only natural.  So if one part hurts I am thankful for what does not hurt and that I am able to keep moving.  Several people have asked about the young  man they saw me walking with and said how lucky I was!

Yes, there are days I do not have a lot of energy but I am thankful I can read and enjoy the adventures  of   others.  There is so much beauty to enjoy even on a walk to the Safeway  Albert Schweitzer.  whoops that is in the wrong place I doubt if he ever said that.

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being.  Each of us owes our deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.   -A Schweitzer

Prayer I now see as an adventure that allows me to have an intimate relationship with the Creator of Love, that is not controlling but allowing me to learn and to grow to my fullest potential.  It does not need to be  tested and proved  for me; but  it keeps my soul alive and my spirit nourished and my heart and mind peaceful.
It is not even a mystical experience while sitting with legs crossed nor is it a formal experience. The proper words said by a person wearing flowing robes who prays on my behalf.
Prayer is not just an inspiring adventure it is an awesome privilege, a gift that Jesus gives to us by his words and his life giving love to all.  As a Christian I try to follow his path and his way.
 We can let go of all our past sins and breathe in   by faith, new spiritual life.

 I also believe there is an invisible grace available to all who sigh or groan or cry without words for help beyond themselves.  May the healing light of love surround us all.

Carol and I are feeling tired this morning.  Some tims it pays to be honest.


Sandra said...

What young man were you walking with? Out into the dark and rain this morning. Sandra

Sandra said...

Had to keep it short to be sure I posted it!

beth bennett said...

The young man was your brother Ken.
I am going later but I am off too.
Sorry you did not do as well as you would have liked but it must have been hard to study with all that was going on.
I reworded what I wrote.
love mom

beth bennett said...

Sandra what kind of rice krispies did you use.?