Wednesday, October 22, 2014



A very sad sight at our park Wed. morning.  It is used for the dogs to be let lose and run around, by soccer players, children on the swings etc.

Fortunately this one fell away from the house.

Yellow tape all around but I was able to slip in as did many others.  The wind made a huge amount of noise at our house and I was sure something would crash onto it.  The power was off for a short while only a few minutes and I got up to check my compute rand it was hard to get back to sleep. Woke up with a headache that refused to go
Very disturbing morning with the shooting in Ottawa.   A young soldier guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier was shot and killed and got into the Parliament buildings.

I strongly would like our country to return to being peace keepers!


Sandra said...

A lot different than my walk this morning, I was very happy to not see any trees lying about like you did. I only did my short walk and of course it is dark still when I go. Sandra

Mama Lee said...

Yes, that wind storm was quite annoying last night. Our power was off for about 5 hours, luckily it didn't go out until 10:45 last night - just before I was going to shut down my computer.
The gents had been at the church yesterday morning & swept the parking lot & sidewalks & then this big mess last night. Some of them came back again today as the parking lot & other areas were filled with fallen branches, etc. Our road was green from all the debris.
We missed you at bible study today. Hope you're feeling better.
Yes, we should be peacekeepers.

Anonymous said...

Yes a sad day with the shooting in Ottawa.