Tuesday, October 7, 2014



PA070333A foggy morning in Van.  Good news Ken is on the flight to Hong Kong.  A prayer answered and more praying needed.  Thankful for a great visit.  love and a safe journey Ken.  A long 13 hour flight.


nancy-Lou said...

Bittersweet Day....so nice to see your son, but not easy to say goodbye. He lives sooo far away. I am so glad you had such a good visit and were able to a lot of things together as a family.

Nice pic of Larry and Ken.

I just got back from teaching my kids art class...what a bunch of neat kids...so different, each one. Thirteen kids and just me sure keeps me hopping....I have to divide them in to two groups because they are different ages and abilities. The are ages 8 to 12.

Do you and Larry watch the baseball play offs? We do...usually don't get to see all the games...but most. We are waiting for the curling season...that is when I get a square bum....three games a day sometimes! I knit and crochet while watching them.

Have a lovely evening and a good sleep.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes we do but not all the games. We also like the curling. I curled in high school and Larry curled when we first came out to B. c. with his Uncle Bill.

Seems pretty quiet and lonely here to-night.

love beth

Anonymous said...

Waiting at Hong Kong airport for the next leg of my journey. 32 staff now on standby. Ugghhhh