Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Life is like a pair of book ends.

One minute  saying hello then the next moment  it is time to say good-bye.

Now it seems like all of a sudden we are no longer young.  One of the advantages of growing older we can begin to accept that none of us can manage without family, friends, people to love and people who love us, and even now and then a little criticism, if it is given with kindness.

Sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree.  That is healthy. 

Today Leah is coming over and we will be going to Howard's funeral service.  I am reminded that as long as we keep a sense of humour in the middle of where we are  we can find meaning in that place although I feel at times I should be doing more, because it feels better to be waiting on others than others looking after me,  but I am sure I will get over that idea. 

After the funeral dad has an appointment with the prostate doctor but we do not expect any changes.


Sandra said...

So, it is like life is a full shelf of books, as you live each story in your life a book is removed. You do not have many stories left, but that does not mean the books are not fat, or really really interesting, there are just less. I pick up two kittens today, my fist fostering job for the Delta Animal Shelter. Sandra

Shandel said...

Sandra!!!!!!!!! you have two baby kittens at your place? omg that must be so sweet. What do the other cats think?

in life there is ebb and flow. sometimes you need someone to look or care after you and other times you do the caring and looking after. I know as women we tend to do more of the caring and looking after but it sure feels good to know you have someone to be there if you need. XO

larry bennett said...

Two very wise Women !!

nancy-Lou said...

wow...Sandra's philosophy sounds just like her Mom's! Very wise indeed! I like to think of myself as a fat really interesting book! Kinda comforting!

Beth. your book ends quote is really cute!

Sorry to hear of your Friend, Howard's passing and funeral. We have lost a lot of friends too. I guess that is what happens when you are in your seventies!

Good for Sandra, fostering two kittens.....as the Grandma to a kitten, I know you will be in for a lot of fun! Mark's kitten is now four months old and full of old nick! His other cat is a mature female and she grooms him and sleeps with him. She sure didn't like him at first. He was a rescue from the reserve...found alone at night outdoors on the road at 5 weeks old. He is cute as a bugs ear! Mark loves him a lot...always calls and tells me what mischief he is getting into ...like shredding the whole toilet paper roll.

Have fun Sandra!

Love Nancy