Sunday, October 12, 2014


Thankful for light.  Outer and inner!

Thankful for all the seasons that are always changing and for the seasons of life that bring new challenges.
Thankful for the gifts that the lives of my children,  my grandchildren and great grandchildren have been to me.  I am thankful for the people they have brought into our lives and continue to add love and blessings.  They all give us so much happiness.  Thank you for our many family visitors from Ken,  Oliver, Rick and then Ron today.

Last night was a lovely drive over to have another excellent meal prepared for us by Carol and a visit with Panteli and Ben and Morgan.  They had been to the aquarium and to the library and still had energy to want to kick a ball and do gymnastics.  Then they got the bright idea to draw tattoos on each others backs.  Very colorful and funny. 

Dad came home with some new vitamins to try called Neuracel to help his neuropathy in his feet and legs and we are expecting a miracle.  Carol has also given me some Essential Probiotics which I feel are helping me.  They help the digestion which also produces more energy.  I am improving a lot.

I am thankful for each new day and the amazing improvement in my health and my walking.  I have learned to rest and relax,  and be content with all the good in my life.

I am thankful for the visit of Ron and the family get-to-gether at Randy and Sandra's  Even a simple pot luck takes preparation.

Oh crumbs I am expected to bring a pot!  Kim says do not she is bring enough to feed an army.

This is the park close enough for just a nice walk with Haiti or grand children.  Last night some kids were setting off fire crackers and Haiti really wanted to crawl right in bed with us.  It was good Kim got home a bit early.

I just have to add a little spiritual note  in that I am thankful for being held
in the hand of someone or something greater than myself.

I am thankful for the love of Jesus who can fill an empty soul
 with hope and peace and unconditional love!


Sandra said...

Yes, there is a lot to be thankful for. Randy was off for 2 days but is back at it today. From the sounds of it Kimberly will more than make up for your lack of pot. Sandra

nancy-Lou said... truly are blessed, many things to be thankful for and in turn, I am sure your family are very thankful for you and Larry.

My friend and I were just talking about how much we have to be thankful for. She is going through some very tough challenges and yet she can find things to be thankful for. I worry about her and invited her to our Thanksgiving supper tomorrow. She is our foot care nurse and a widow.

Yesterday was one of those picture perfect fall days....a real gift to be thankful for....still some beautiful colours, yellows and reds, the smell of woodsmoke in the air, the rooster crowing and the sounds of the breakers roaring in to shore on the lake. Even at a quarter of a mile away, one could hear them. I am thankful for the wonderful place we live. Thankful the ATeah grandparents immigrated from Lebanon and found this paradise a hundred and fifteen years ago.

Glad to hear your family are having a pot luck supper....they are always so good. I usually bring cabbage rolls. I saw some at Safeway and could not believe the price of 1, yes one, cabbage roll. $3.99. I would be rich if I made them and sold them for that price. I usually roll about 40 and fill two pots...hmmm now what does that add up to? $ business for next spring. I could sell them to the, cottagers. The permanent residents call them campers for some strange reason.

Well enough rambling, this is your blog not mine and I need to remind myself of that! sorry.

I wish you and Larry and all your amazing family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm sure that Haiti was thankful that there was a bed to crawl under when the fire-crackers started to go off!

What was supposed to be in "the" pot?

Nancy-Lou is right - the whole family is thankful for you and Dad!

