Saturday, October 11, 2014


PA090359In the good old fashioned days this is what you said when you were really mad!   Now I say it when some one leaves a crumb in something  I want to use and they may  not be G.f.  crumbs.

We let Ken know the scoop from the start with all the extra precautions.  We were worried about Haiti's re-actions as he can bark and growl at strangers.  He was okay except for one little growl and loved it when Ken ate peanuts and even fed him some.  So instead of Haiti having a time out in the laundry room Ken nearly did.  No feeding the dog was a firm rule.
This picture was taken on a early walk with Haiti and the sun just peaking through the fog.

I did some watering today and then of course it rained, not too heavy a downpour.  We are putting summer furniture away so maybe the sun will shine.

Sandra did drop by after the dentist and her and Randy are warming up the pool for the week-end.

Ron Ateah phone and may come over for the family dinner on  on Sunday.   It has been a long time since we have seen him so will be good if he can make it.  With animals that need to be cared for he has to arrange that.  He will arrive at about noon so we will have a quick trip to church.

"Somewhere deep inside me there is a sound that is mine alone.  I struggle daily to hear it and tune my life to it.  Sometimes there are people and situations that help me to hear my note more clearly, other times there are people and situations make it harder for me to hear.  A lot depends on my commitment to hearing."   - from Rachel Naomi Remen book.

Oh crumbs!  I found some missing underwear but too late.  Well at least you will not have to bring any with you next time when you come Ken!


Steady-as-rain said...

"Oh crumbs!" That is what I say when I leave underwear in Australia.



Sandra said...

Not heating the pool all winter, just bought the heater for next summer, and we are testing it right now so MIGHT be warm enough for a swim on Sunday. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

" oh crumbs"makes me think of "I've had the biscuit"! Do you know that one Beth? I find myself saying the same things my parents did. I bet you do too.

Sure glad, Ken didn't have to have a time out in the laundry room! LOL.
I aam so happy he came for a visit. That is a long way to come. You are so fortunate to have such caring adult children.

That sound, deep inside you, reminds me of the story of the AFrican tribe who give each newborn baby their very own song...when they are in trouble, they sing it to them. If they have a happy event in their life...they sing it to them. I thought what a unique idea that is and a very comforting one too.

I wonder if Ron will make it for the supper. It is so nice that you stay in touch with him. We don't know him well, because he moved away from VB when he was quite young. But I still remember him and his younger brother and sister playing outside the log cabing they lived in. Do say hello for us if you see him.

We had a lovely walk in a blustery wind...that came roaring across the lake, making white caps. It was 15C,but I still wore my light toque as the wind was cool.

Have a good night, Beth,
Love, Nancy