Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Thanks Ken for walking with me and helping me to improve.

We are following your aircraft on our computer.

Dad and I want to tell you that we are very proud of you and so grateful for your visit.  The time went by so fast.  The house seems so quiet when we came home.  Then Kim came home and put on a funny video called 30 Rock.  It is funnier watching it with Kim, especially, and Carol.

Dad and I want to express how thankful we are for all our family and that we accept and love you just as you are!  ! 
 It is easy to forget to say the important things!


Sandra said...

Thanks Mom, I love us all too! And good to hear Carol is alive and well. Did she just change her mind about coming over? Went to practice last night, and taking a week off was enough to make me forget my steps. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Ken got the last eat on the flight to Melbourne and it was economy and it is an 8 and one half hour trip.

Must be exhausted.

love mom

beth bennett said...

Ken is at home and sounds pretty good. I am home from Bible study and dad is home from his bike ride.