Saturday, October 4, 2014


We are celebrating Carol’s finding a new home and Sandra completing her accounting exam. 

Ken all dressed up in his new shirt.  Feeling much better today.  He and Carol drove to Fort Langley where they are having a zombie parade and the Thriller dance will put on a surprise appearance.

We were thrilled to see Simone on Skype today.  She looks like she is recovering well but still clingy.
Also cried easily when she bumped her head.  The family will all be giving her lots of love and attention.  It is so amazing to be able not only to talk but to Skype and see your loved ones.  Ken has not made contact with his family except to talk on the phone.
Today there will be many busy bees making casseroles, salads, pies, appetizers. turkey and all the trimmings.  There will be 24 of us at last count, if Oliver and Rick make it.  Pretty good for our dysfunctional family!  I think it does our hearts good to be a little crazy at times.

Quoting from Gibran's  poem the Prophet, he talks about not being able to follow your children or even understand them because they belong to the future that you can never visit.  He says to parents to bend like the archer's bow and let the arrows (your children) fly with joy.

At the end of the day I like to think we have laid a good foundation that prepares them to follow their dreams and pass on what they value to their families.


Sandra said...

Yesterday was suppose to be my clean the house and get ready for the party day. BUT, Randy was home. So after we went to Super Store and came home and unpacked that all he said lets go to value village. I never say no to that! So went there and then Sears clearance centre and now we have a dresser for Kimberly and a hutch thing for the dining room. I am much more excited about the dresser than the hutch. I hope Kimberly likes it, we really really appreciate her watching our house and animals for us and I want to do something nice for her. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Busy Bees you all are! What a wonderful Thanksgiving supper you will have together today! There is so much to celebrate isn't there? I

I was a busy bee too yesterday...teaching art and music and having guests for supper. A lovely day...with our dear friends, Bob and Gina. I love Gibran and his wisdom. Your quote about children is one of my favourites and I often use it when my friends children are struggling.
Or, my own, for that is good to be reminded that they must find their own way...especially then they are struggling. Hard to do though...for me...but I can do it!

The other famous quote that most people know, although they might now know that is came from Gibran is, 'ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'.

Wishing the Bennett clan a joyous Thanksgiving supper today...

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike! I bought a really col hutch-thing from the Thrift store for $45, and I want to put it in my man-cave in the new house, but Carol doesn't like it, plus she is already trying to stake out turf in my man-cave. We may need a family intervention! xo Panteli

Shandel said...

happy early thanksgiving to you all! i hope you have a wonderful day with the bustling house of family. SO much fun. We are having two thanksgiving dinners next weekend with my family. So look forward to long weekends.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, what happened to little Simone? Was she sick? I sure hope she didn't get that cold virus that is making the kids so sick.

Love, Nancy