Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This picture was taken from the car on the way to Morgan's soccer game.  I watch for this spot and every time we are quickly passing it by before I can even aim the camera.  One day we will stop when we are not in a hurry.

I find the older I get the faster time seems to fly.
Of course I'm  not slowing down.

Today dad and I attended the service for Howard and it truly was a celebration.  All the stories by his family where hilarious and we heard about another side of Howard, well not exactly we have always known he had a great sense of humor.

They bought a farm and lots of different animals and hearing the stories made even the animals come alive.  They were all named and loved. 

Leah had to leave early to attend a training session on medicine at U.B.C. and she would have a rainy drive all the way out there.  We were happy to have her come as were Howard's family as she has become like one of the family since she was there so much of the time.

People from the Nursing Home had come on a bus and were all a happy group too.  Aches and pains forgotten as they laughed along with us all. 

Dad had his visit with the cancer doctor a very nice young man (these doctors are all getting so young) and he advised dad to take a hormone shot because his P.S.A. had taken a big jump up.  At least this time dad knows what to expect and hopefully he will find it easier.  He has been doing so well riding his bike which will really be a good help.

Carol came in after work and said to Kim as she does every Tues.  I really am too tired to go to the
class to learn defense moves to-night.  Kim does not take no for an answer so they have gone out into the chilly rainy night.

Both the service and going to the cancer clinic helped me to remember to celebrate life with humor and thankfulness.  I am thankful that everyone in our family has a sense of humor and laugh a lot!

I read the funnies and dad did his Sudoku puzzle and another day has flown by!

Thankful for the gift of life!


Sandra said...

No kittens for me. When they actually got them at the sheltie they found they were in need of medical attention and too flea infested to send out to foster. So maybe by the end of the week. Sounds like a wonderful service for Howard. I came to to a fire all laid for me, so just a quick strike of the match and I was able to study with my feet all toasty warm with the cats snuggled up beside me. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Wow lots to be grateful for and I bet your studying went well.
New boots for my walk in the rain this morning.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that a pretty spot...nice pic from the car!

I really like the idea of family stories and personal music choices at funerals....or as they like to say now a celebration of life. Years ago you didn't hear was more formal, with lots of prayers and religious things.There were few chuckles and laughs. What a wonderful goodbye for your friend Howard.

Sorry to hear about Larry's P.S.A.levels going up. I hope the shot helps and doesn't have side effects.
Good for you, Larry riding you bike! I sure would like to get one of those too! Maybe in the springtime. It would be so nice for Carl to ride would get him out of the house, but he is past that now. He has a difficult time getting in and out of the car...his mobility is really going downhill.

That Kim, is a ball of energy...she will keep you young with all the activities she is into.

You have a great sense of humour often make me laugh.

I haven't heard the term " the funnies " for a long time.....

We had a long day in Winnipeg, running errands. Just going to take it easy tonight.

It was another great day, wasn't it?

Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

||Yes it turned out to be a great day here too, good day for dad to have a big bike ride.

love beth