Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I have been getting dressed in the dark closet every morning and coming out with things on  inside out.  Dad never notices but Ken always does.

Monday I was awake very early as usual trying to be extra quiet as everyone had stayed out later the night before.  Oliver is sleeping in the living room so we will have a better visit with him in the morning before he leaves on the ferry.  Kim wakes up first and I look out the window to see her yawning as she takes Haiti for her walk.  Haiti prances along in front so happy and proud to be going out with her.  The orange cat next door will be hiding and actually jump out and hiss at Haiti.  Poor Haiti is very cautious walking by.

Kim is surprised with her beautiful dresser that Sandra and Randy got for her in appreciation of her looking after their home and the dogs.
Rick arrives right on time.  Looking forward to seeing his little brother.  We like to hear about how work is going for them both as they chat together.

Randy takes time for a visit on a busy day for him and Sandra.  They have moved the first furniture for the day.

Looking good!

PA050314The day is so warm it is a delight to sit outside by the pool.  Both Oliver and Ben bravely jump in to a very cold pool.

A busy day enjoying the last bit of time with Ken.  We all went to a movie with Kim.  It was a suspense and had a surprise  ending.

Today Carol will come early to have breakfast and a last visit.  We have to be prepared for changing plans.  Carol could not make it but Sandra did.  Carol felt bad about not being able to come.


Sandra said...

What time does Kenny leave today? I want to go to that movie too, so don't tell me the ending. I was calling as I was going to stop by after work but I guess that is where you were. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You are so funny Beth....clothes inside out...well my father in law used to say...if your clothes were inside out, you were going to meet a bear....so look out on those walks!
Sounds like me...clothes are immaterial to me. I am not a fancy lady! Jean and a hoody suit me to a T!
Well I am glad you came out of the closet!

Love, Nancy