Friday, October 24, 2014


Going to Kim's pottery sale first thing this morning and then to Carol's Thriller dance.  I would love to fit in Morgan's soccer if possible but it is in Chilliwack.

Our neighborhood is changing and I must admit I like the happy faces the best.  The children had a day off school so across from us they were busy putting up decorations that light up and since it is getting darker now it is good to have extra color.  It is also an East Indian holiday so there were a lot of fire crackers going off, which really scare Haiti. 

I took her over to the park and dad drove over and she was so happy when he arrived she left all the other dogs and went running to meet him.  When he went to leave in the car she decided she would have  a ride home too.  She loves going in the car.

I was thinking about how a good speaker should not be too brainy or cerebral but have an openness and transparency that listeners can relate to. 

Me and the pumpkins during a break at our talk.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember how scared aiti would get during fireworks, she would climb right up into my lap!

Looks like the weather isn't cooperating for Carol's Thriller dance and for Morgan's soccer game, but at least Kim's pottery sale is indoors! I might go into campus today to do some printing and if I do, I'll drop by Kim's sale. About 50/50 chance! xo Panteli

Sandra said...

I think Haiti always hopes a car ride means she is going to see Kimberly. Not sure what I will get out to see today. Will be studying and painting. Sandra

beth bennett said...

So that is why you took the pictures off the wall. You are a good painter so you will feel a deep satisfaction when the job is done. Good for your brain.

I think we may drop into pottery and go to Morgan's game as we have been promising her and it is in the afternoon.

It is suppose to be raining but I hope not. Kim is busy up early and preparing for her day selling pottery. I am off for my morning walk. No cane and No Haiti but I will take my phone and turn it on.

Talk to you about Sunday later. Kim is willing to cook and we could order extra from the green lettuce. When would you like to come overÉ Why does that happen

Carol says they will come.

love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Reminds me of Benbur the dog that liked riding beside Dad.



nancy-Lou said...

Aren't those lovely pottery pieces? The colours are so pretty. I hope it is a good sale for Kim. She does very nice work.

Those pumpkins are hilarious...all layered together. I guess we need to stock up for the Hallowe'en kids. A lot of people here, take their stuff up to our local community club and hand it out is fun to see the kids and visit with the neighbours.It is like a big party and much safer for the kids.

Haiti really has won you and Larry over, hasn't she? Dogs are such good companion...

We finished off the outside work today...raked leaves, put away pots and cleaned the shop of all flamable stuff...left over fromm when Carl was working. We still have a dump truck and it comes in handy at times like this. It was a cool wind but sunny.

Love, Nancy