Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The three of us arrived home at the same time.  For Ken it had been a long trip on the plane to Hong Kong and then after a few hours wait on to Melbourne.  Dad had gone out for his bike ride and I had been to the church.  We were just coming in the door when the phone rang and it was Ken letting us know he was safe at home and happy to be with his family.

 Soon Kim came bouncing in the door exciting about her shirt she had created.  A shirt with a message which she lives by and she had created at school.

Our study group was interesting as we all view things so differently but in the end we agree we want to stay open to the Spirit while we continue to seek after the truth that Jesus taught,  We compared worldly wisdom with spirituality and Christianity.  The words of scripture encourage us to seek for what can be hidden until I am willing to trust and believe that God desires to give us good gifts.  We already have been given minds and hearts and souls to absorb wisdom that takes us deeper into a spiritual reality.

I will be visiting Jim back at the Seniors Home today which I find unbelievable because he really was near death the last I saw him.  He was been fed by an intravenous with antibiotics and I guess that did the trick and maybe my prayer helped a little.  You never know! !

Jim was glad to be back home.


Sandra said...

And dad answered the phone when I called. Or was that the day before? Randy is home today, getting an early start on the long weekend and hopefully getting the grass cut before it starts to rain.
But, did Jim want to live?

Steady-as-rain said...

Haiti is helping Kim vacuum something?

Good thing Ken is home safe and sound.



Anonymous said...

Its HAITI'S rug bed.

I do not know about Jim.

I will see what he says today

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Creative T shirt with a message...well done KIM! I bet she is really enjoying her classes.

You are one busy gal, Beth..lots of things to do, keeps us young! Glad Ken arrived home safely.

That Jim, must be one tough cookie to rally and go back to the nursing home. I am sure he will be waiting for your visit and the milk shake.

It looks as though we will miss our walk again today. The weather has been absolutely miserable for a full week...very strong gusty winds and rain rain and more rain with some sleet. The temperatures have been way below normal. It is 4C right now and with the wind chill would likely be -15. BRRRRR
Sure hope we don``t have an early winter but it looks and feels like it.


larry bennett said...

It is Haiti's big rug she sleeps on.

Jim says he wants to die but not in hospital.

Yes we are glad

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me. Yes a long flight home. Hong Kong airport is fantastic. Still have my sore throat.