Saturday, April 30, 2016


We met Jane and Geof in Cloverdale always a  
fun time visiting with them and also remembering a close
friend who passed away the night before.
Pearle lived an amazing life being a teacher
a nurse and also in the army.  She live next
to Jane for many years and it is always sad
even though she was 95.  She was always
thinking of others and visited as a lay chaplain
and used her listening and caring skills so well.

Just being there brought back a lot of memories
There was a little café where they made fresh cinnamon buns which were delicious.  One of the things I missed after I was diagnosed with Celiac.  We looked for homes to move into and drove around a lot.  We also looked in antique stores and bought a few things for ourselves and the children.

Now there are about five or more places to eat.  We ate at the Vault which was built around an old bank vault.  You could actually go and sit around a table inside it.  Not my idea of fun.  We sat in the front by a window with lots of sunshine.

Jane and I continue to have lots in common even though our lives are changing.  Our men looked very handsome indeed!  So many memories!  Also catching up on their move to West. Van.  Nice for them to be closer to family.

We have been blessed to experience the love of a good man, wonderful children and grand and great grandchildren.  It has also been a challenge at times because we are all so very human.  Knowing the healing love of God has also been helpful.

"I believe that all of us
have the capacity for one good adventure inside us,but great adventure is facing responsibility \
day after day.
-William Gordon

Friday, April 29, 2016


Sandra called to invite us to come to
River Road and have lunch with her.

We took a picture to check our heights,
I cannot believe that we are the same now.

Good picture of her and no I have not started dying my hair red.

Good to have a one on one visit.

When she phones I started searching for my wallet that I had removed out of my purse.

My search started in my purse and then in my pockets, then the laundry hamper, the close closet, under the bed and on top of it and in every room in the house.  My searching was fruitless and my anxiety rising.  I have been losing things all my life so you would think I would be used to it.

I took a breath and stopped and then remembered I had picked up some D.V.D's to take back
to the library after lunch and sure enough my wallet had been in my hand and was safe in the middle of them.  I had been considering visiting but had a rest instead and dad rode his bike over.

An article I was reading said most of us are in awe and wonder that Jesus calmed the storm after the disciples woke him up sleeping in the boat.  The amazing thing is that Jesus was able to sleep through the rough waves and frightening wind.

Worry is useless.  Worry saps our strength and confuses our mind.

Sometimes answers come to us after we stop searching and let Jesus still our storms!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


A busy morning.

Ben arrived very early looking very sleepy.

He went back to bed.  His dad had completed the first part of his journey to another soccer try out game.  Kim would then take him to the soccer field.  He is very happy and excited but I have a few mixed feelings about him leaving home next Sept. if he is chosen.  He will be living with another family and it will be a disciplined way of life that includes education as well as physical and mental abilities.  My friend Cathy asked me when we were having tea what my prayer for him and I just wish for the best for him

People coming and going.

Kim's friend Brittany has stayed over night and first Kim has to drive her to the ferry.

They spent the weekend in the States at Edmonds with mutual friends. 

After they all went their separate ways dad drove me to church to join our Bible study group.  Then he went for a bike ride.

We discussed the voice of God and how important it was to be a listener to receive divine inspiration that some call intuition.

Each one of us feel a desire to fulfill the purpose that God has for us as we try to do our best to do what is right.

Life will always be like a puzzle with it's ebb and flow and we will never figure it out until the last piece has been added!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Raindrops on beautiful dark tulips.

Today was windy and cold when dad drove me to have my halter removed.  Not a minute to soon.  I gave it a good work out with a long walk, gardening and even vacuuming. Dad was furious and I do not blame him but my heart is strong and did it's best to keep beating.  It is not everyday my heart can show off!

I rested up in the afternoon having tea and watching half a D.V.D. with Joanne.  I petered out and she drove me home.  She is a good friend and laughs a lot. 

Dad was invited too but wanted to do things in the yard.

Ben is arriving Wed. morning at about 6 and Kim will take him to his soccer practice in Richmond at noon.

I have my Bible study friends meeting at 12 and then meeting Cathy for tea at the little tea shop next door.  Tavia and her husband and baby have moved into the basement so I will hear all about their family.  Hard to believe how things have changed.

Meeting Jane and Geof on Friday when they come out this way.  They seem busy and happy settling in to their new apartment.

My blog disappeared on me which is very discouraging.  It was a much better than this one.

Some things disappear and then may or may not return but our memories are our greatest treasure
and retelling stories helps us to remember too.

"Inner peace and love are the greatest gifts."  - T Sioux

Gifts we can give to each other no matter what age.
-  Tenton Sioux


I looked like some one out of a spy novel.

Actually I was much dirtier than this shows with my bum and shoes covered in dirt
I went to the laundry room to get out of all my dirty things.
I was just about to run up the stairs when there was a knock on the front door which meant my escape route was blocked.  I waited for a while and could hear dad talking to some girl and finally got curious.  I put on a black trench coat and marched to the front door.  My nose and face all black too.
It was our closest neighbor and she did not recognize me at first.  I felt like a spy ready to go out spying on the rest of the neighborhood.

Yesterday I met my first miserable dog walker a boy about 11 with a huge massive bull dog on a leash.  I walk quickly by and away afraid of Haiti's reaction.  One minute later the dog pulling the boy came up from behind us wanting to sniff Haiti.  I could see that she was very unhappy and ready to bite.  I tried to separate them and some how got the young boy trapped in our leash.  He then gave me a nasty angry look and I thought how like his dog he looked.  His dog was one mean looking animal.

Good I did not have my halter on yet that was put on at twelve thirty.  It feels like I can hardly breath but I will tough it out.  I have to write down all I am doing and wish I could make it more interesting.
I had a big rest waiting for dad to come home after his long bike ride through the water shed, where coming around the corner on his path a big tree had fallen and blocked his way.  He had to find a new route.  I was pleased to see him riding his bike because it has been about 6 days.  Some where wet and cold.

I really must go to the store or else it will be breakfast out again in the morning.

I was thinking on my walk how the first part of life is discovering our strengths and weaknesses and our true selves with all our passions and dreams for life. 

Our last half of life is reliving our lives through our stories.  Even with the tall tales of yesterday no one really knows what it is like to be me.  My beliefs are a part of what makes me Me.  No one knows how it feels to live in this body of mine.

"I would be a sad man if it were not got the hope I see in my grandfather's eyes."
-  Dan George.

"Our children are us in the to-morrow of life
          In them we remain here,
and so it will be with their children's children
          If the world survives."
-  Crow

Monday, April 25, 2016


Every beat of my heart will be monitored from 12:30 today until 12:30 Tuesday 
My greatest fear is that it will make me more clumsy.

I drop every knife or fork that is on a plate when I pick it up and it lands on my toe.  I will soon run out of dishes if I keep breaking the odd old one but strangely enough that would make dad happen because he wants to buy more dishes.  I am not big on making things match I leave that to Sandra and Carol.  I used to be able to walk around Haiti if she was lying in my path but now she automatically gets out of the way,  Smart dog!  Try to walk in the yard is a disaster especially the front yard which is a balancing act between the rocks and hard places.  I step on the rake and it flies up and bonks me on the head.  So far I have not run my toes over with the lawn mower which I am thankful for.

I am still amazed at how a monitor can hear babies heart beating  inside the womb.
What a welcome sound that is and always will be.

Dad and I had a quiet day on Sunday not going to church or going with Carol and Panteli to take care of details with her new car purchase.  Dad's energy was low and his eye was painful.

I did muck around in the dirt by myself and planted a few flowers.
Today I want to move things around which is normal for me.

"Your heart communicate to you the meaning in your life and of your life.
It connects you to a greater source of knowing to which the mind cannot gain access."
-  Paulo Coelho

"The heart has its reasons that reason does not know."
-Blaise Pascal

There is an invisible cord that feeds us spiritually just like the baby is nourish through the placenta to the heart.  All it takes is listening and in the quiet new ideas and new thoughts will pour from within.

'The intuitive mind I a sacred gift
the rational mind a faithful servant."
-  Albert Einstein

Sunday, April 24, 2016


We appreciated Ben phoning to tell us about his soccer game which was in Richmond.  We have been to that field and the parking is difficult although at times you get a lucky break

I really wanted to go.

It would have been great to be there and watch.  Also good to visit with Morgan she is very creative and always so happy to see us.  Theresa has had a busy week driving Ben to Burnaby after her work at school and his classes and returning at 11 at night.

Kim cleaned inside the house while dad and I worked on the garden.  A new experience as usually it is just me.  A lot more needs doing.

I came in hot and tired to read my book "Leaving Time"  It is about a young girl trying to find her missing mother who disappeared when she was about three.  Her mother worked with elephants and I found the stories about elephants very interesting,

The characters that help her in her search are all very flawed and in need of answers in their own lives.  The writer's purpose was to draw attention to the sad plight of elephants and how they need protection.

To be honest I skipped a few chapters and have a few more to go.

Church will be on the agenda for this morning and then the trip to pick up Carol's new car and barbecue.

"May your life be like a wild flower
growing freely in the beauty
and joy of each day." - unknown

If I look at all we did not get done I feel sad
so I need to look at what we did do.


Saturday, April 23, 2016


                                A dull dreary day started with a good walk with Haiti.

I came home to walk around my acreage to see if any seeds are growing yet.

Dad poke his head out the door and felt one tiny little rain drop and decided it was too wet to dig the hole to plant flowers.  Later it cleared up to cut a little of the back lawn.  So three of us cut our small pieces of lawn!

I was cleaning up in the hall and lost my balance and crashed into the wall and the mirror came smashing to the floor and broke into a million pieces.  It scared Haiti and I but dad remained calm until he could not find the broom and the big dust pan which would have been perfect for this clean up.  In our house we can never find what we need when we need it.

The old saying is 7 years of bad luck so I guess that means I will live for seven more years!

I would agree that the mind is the most restless, unruly part of my being with a lot of different voices fighting for my attention.  I am striving to bring calm and peaceful thoughts that take control of the noisy bunch of intruders in my brain!

Prayer helps me to allow the spirit to calm my heart as well as my mind.

The Spirit of Jesus says: "I am training you to set your mind more and more on Me, tuning out distractions."   -from "Jesus Callin"  by   Sarah Young

Spirit be in my understanding
Spirit be in my mind and heart
Spirit be in my seeing and believing
Spirit be in my thinking and my speaking
Calm my restless soul with the breath of peace
As morning dawns in the quietness of my new day.

Fell asleep watching hockey.

Friday, April 22, 2016


The green of early spring has turned our world into a place of promise.

It gives me the urge to plant some seeds.  Easy ones that are sure to grow.

Meanwhile dad is inside doing the Income Tax.  Always good to have that done.

After lunch outside dad drove me to the Seniors Home to do my visiting.  Some days I feel confident but not today.  I met a new lady today and I am always surprised how much people will tell you about their lives. 

After we went to Value Village and I picked up summer things and dad picked out some warm sweaters.  He seems to feel the cold more than I do.  They sure have a lot of tags on these clothes so I must be sure and cut them all off.

The day ends with a feeling of thankfulness especially for the love that surrounds us in all our activity!

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Yes I missed out a day.

A crazy day arriving 4 hours early with my
family doctor in White Rock to get the results
from the neurologist.  I thought I had the time right but dad was going to check just to make

Yes I have a pre-mature aging brain that
is hidden in my glorious grey hair and my
fabulous body.

I felt like I had a good check-up and so I can now let go of any worries about the future.

Yes, I am getting a halter monitor to test my heart but I do not expect it to show any thing.

If we had hurried right home we would have been there when Craig and Leah dropped by.  Instead we stopped by Home Depot for some flowers.  Dad is more keen on this than I am so he will have to be helpful especially with the digging.

Dad finished his project and gave Leah a call to invite her over yesterday.

Are you confused I am.

Leah came over on Wed.  She is looking good but tired and still nauseated.  She is starting work as a home care nurse on Monday.  Right now the apartment is full of boxes ready to move on  the end of April.

A busy day for me cleaning out window boxes and putting dirt and flowers in.  Geraniums.

I started cutting the lawn but Kim came and finished it very quickly.

A very enjoyable afternoon visiting with Leah.
She brought her two dogs so Haiti was jealous and snapped at them and had to go to her room for a time out.

"The earth is Holy
The feet that walk upon it are blessed."
-Chief Dan George.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


One thing I did was walk over to the Boundary Park Lake.

It is the farthest I have walk in a while.  It is such a quiet place and there are benches for me to catch my breath.  Then dad and I drove to the library to take some books back before dad started working on his project in the back yard.  He has to do that when it warms up but before it gets too hot.  Our house is hot upstairs.  I lay down with a sinus headache after doing a bit of work in the yard.

Yes I do love to read.
I can travel to far away places or even back in time.
I solve mysteries.
I explore the spiritual reality of the experiences of others.
I make friends.
There are moments when you feel like the writer is just like you and has experienced similar feelings.

"Among other things you will find that you are not the first person who was ever confused, frightened or even sickened by human behavior.. . . .Many, many others have been troubled morally and spiritually just as you are.  Happily some of them kept records of their troubles.  You will learn from them-if you want to.  Just as some day, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you.  It's reciprocal, it's history, it's poetry (and best of all it is life)".
-Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye.

Reading scripture I feel God talking to me.

Reading a new book I feel God had me pick that book for a reason as there is a message for me in the pages!

I am so thankful for our library where I can meet new authors and I am often amazed at what I discover time after time. 

I am starting to read "Leaving Time"  by Jodi Picoult an excellent writer

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I am amazed at the kindness of strangers.

As I walk early in the morning I meet a few strangers and we usually smile and nod at each other.
Sometimes these strangers have become friends like Joanne and Pat.  Others stop and talk but I do not know there names.

This morning when I stopped to take a picture this man came up behind me to tell me to be careful
He warned me not to go too far because he would not like to see me hurt myself.  He also warned me to be careful of the traffic.

When our eyes made contact he was smiling. 

"Suck every drop of living out of this life.
Sieve out every grain of happiness, grief, excitement stillness or anger,
that a fully lived life can offer."
-Cami Ostman

My morning affirmation
"I are a extraordinary gift to the world

There is no one in the world like me.

I am needed

I will try to  serve others with love,  and more patience.
This is the area dad is working on.

This is Randy hard at work as usual.

Sandra is starting a new flower bed.

Monday, April 18, 2016


            Happiest living life prayerfully.

I am happiest when I am helping others.  Listening to their stories.

I am thankful we live in a world where here is a possibility of kindness and of caring.

I am happiest when I am with family and friends.

"There is a longing among all people and creatures
     to have a sense of purpose and worth.
To satisfy that common longing in all of us we must respect each other."
-     Chief Dan George.

Singing along with a familiar song, in tune or not, is a joy.

I am happy when I come across a saying or a prayer that I can share on my blog
happiest when I read the comments.

"Every little thing is sent for something,
and in that thing there should be happiness
     and the power to make me happy.
Like the grasses showing tender faces to each other
     thus we should do, for this was the wish
of the grandfathers of the world."
     -Black Elk

Happy to receive lots of hugs and smiles at church
then off to Sandra and Randy's for a enjoyable lunch and a visit
around their home to see all they are doing and have done.

New garden areas and a home for the bats!
The addition to make the fence higher and for more flowers to grow upon.

Sandra was picked up after we left to go to Theresa's and Mickie's
by Carol  and Morgan.  Randy was off to work.
to enjoy their big, huge new deck with great outdoor furniture.

Time for dad and I to rest and be happy! !

"Tough choices face the book lovers at every step of the way,
the choosing between reading and rating,
between buying new clothes or new books.

Between living a reasonable lifestyle and one of prnurions but masochistic happiness
lived out in excess."

Tom Raabe   -  The literary Addiction

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Walked with my friend Joanne yesterday.
 Later she dropped off some bones for Haiti but she is not allowed to have bones.

Carol dropped in to pick up Morgan who had been busy coloring and doing a word puzzle.
One of my favorite things to do was color and now there are so many different shades to choose.
We were invited for supper but decided to stay home to eat my stew that had been cooking
all day.  Good to have enough for a day or two!

In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully joyful birds

On a trail marked with pollen may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk
Walk with laughter and a song in your heart.

With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walk.

In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty may I walk
living and remembering  good times family and friends.

May the sunlight fall upon us all day long
restoring beauty and peace within.

Native Blessings

I am thankful for all those who have walked with me physically and prayed for me and my family.
So many have lifted us up in prayer and ease daily burdens and concern.
We have walked together in faith and love!

Jesus thank you for interceding for us this day with love and grace.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


I love the affirming words of scripture.

I know my soul will be restored as He leads me gently beside still waters.  I feel the joy of being in His unconditional love.

I feel affirmed in the early morning quiet.  Yes there will be worries that cross my path this day but worry and happiness can live together in me.

I know that as a child I worried just like my dad.  He was a good loving father but very strict and my mom and I would do all we could to keep him calm. 

Looking back I realize that there have been scars that we all experience in childhood.
They can be healed with understanding and forgiveness.

The truth is not to fight a battle in your mind but to be restored within the soul of who we really are.

The power to understand that in our humanity there is divinity.

Every day will have it's frustrations and for me wrong choices that thankfully can be made right
I fall  spiritual and emotionally as well as physically.  But yes I do get up1

Take a deep breath and let your imagination take you into a safe place of warmth and welcome.

"Be strong and do not fear
your God will come
to strengthen the feeble hands
and steady the knees that give way
to speak to those with fearful hearts
There is hope and there is a way
walk in it."  Isaiah.

Let faith and prayer and thankfulness be a light to my paith
and help me overcome worry and be happy.

Friday, April 15, 2016


Every day I am confronted with making choices.  Every choice matters.

More and more I realize that I need to focus on my health
and make wise choices.
This not always so easy when I feel extra tired like today I crave sweet things.
I can relax  now because I have eaten all the cookies in the house that are GF

Dad was also craving chocolate so the Easter Bunny has now lost it's head!.

I did also eat some salad and some turkey. We have lots of good things to eat I just have to be motivated to cook.  Dad  did some work outside and also went shopping.  I got mad at the vacuum while using it so Kim agreed with me it was ready to go out in the garbage.

.  The choices I make about what I eat or say or do or think are important.  Looking back at the interview with Dr. Teal I think I could have done better but I did the best I could and carry on the best I can.

  Replace fear with love. 

Today the most important thing I can do is take care of myself first!

Today I choose faith and will replace worry with happiness!

Listen and act on my own advice. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Dad knew exactly where we were going and
how to get there.  Only one problem on the
computer he had walked there but when we
drove around Laurel Street there seemed to
be no way we could get to it in the middle
of the hospital area.

It was not a sunny day but neither was it a rainy day.  The night before we had been caught coming home  from our friend's house,  in a heavy rain storm with lightening and thunder. 

We were up early and the drive was pleasant and no major traffic problems.  I am finding I do not like it when dad's changes lanes for some reason it makes me feel a little sick.  I guess that is my brain again?

Dad was very frustrated when we could not find the doctor's office as he had it all figured out so we would be there in good time.  The answer was to park in the parking lot and cross a bridge and then into the hospital.  Hurrying along the first thing we had to do was find a washroom and then from there ask for directions to Laurel Street.

No problem about the time as we where kept waiting anyway.  Dr. Teal is very efficient and through but I had written things down but my only question was how to prevent a stroke.  I appear to be doing the right things and the only thing left was to check my heart with a heart monitor. I do not expect this to show anything.  My balance is not good but my strength is.  I am slow in speaking and walking and thinking.  I feel a little frustrated and will continue to try to find some source of energy and also emotional contentment.

Came home to find Dr.  Nolte's  nurse had phone to request I make an appointment.  Going to White Rock means I can stop in at Choices although I do not buy much there any more but I like to have a few goodies on hand.

I was glad we went and he will look at any reports I have in the future regarding a T.I.A.

We enjoyed a lunch at our old stamping grounds the Sylvia'
It pored rain while we were there and I tried to get a picture of an umbrella or two but no luck.

"Let go of old truths
and replace fear with love
love that comes with connecting to the divine power"
--Debbie Ford

Wednesday, April 13, 2016



Thank you Jasmine for my lovely
Easter Egg.  My first Easter card!

I have it on my mantel piece for now
and later will go on the frig.
Very beautiful and very thoughtful!

I am amazed at your good printing,
well done.

I love you!

We had a crazy day yesterday because dad had
thought he had lost his phone and felt lost with
out it.  Looked all day under the bed and in all the chairs, in and out of the garage and all around in the garden.

Later we returned home from taking my wheel chair to Margaret who is getting very weak and will need it as she goes for kemo treatment for the cancer in her shoulder.

Walked in the kitchen and it was there on the table.  A mystery!

While we were out Kim heard the voice message from the library that no phone had been turned in.
She phoned the phone and could hear it down in the couch.  She turned it upside down and there it was.

Yes, dad and I are going a bit deal!

Two mysteries solved.  My card arrives and our phone is found.

Off to Van. General and happy to have our phone again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


A big gust of wind blew most of the cherry blossoms off our big cherry tree.  Looking out the glass doors it looked like a blizzard.  Sad to see them going so fast.
This is the creek at the end of Carol and Pantili's complex.  I got a nasty look when I took pictures of the trees there this spring.  I ignored it!  Nature should be shared.  I love it when people take pictures of my front garden.

It is not the first dirty look that has been sent my way and will not be the last!

Progress on our junk pile outside on the front lawn seems to be frozen as dad is not being helpful.  I took out an ironing board that I have no place to shore and falls on me in my clothes cupboard; and then I brought it back in.  Yes the answer is to put it in another cupboard.  The only time it is used is when Kenny comes for a visit.  I have three purses now that Simone gave me one so I was thinking I could  give one away but then I found money in it and I will keep it for awhile.

Pennies are good luck right.

Kim's last day at school and she has a bit of a cough but says she is okay and does not need to go to the doctor.

To-morrow Dad and I will be all the specialist in Van.  The time is not so good as it is at 9:30 so we will be in the midst of traffic and I hope and pray it will be a helpful visit.

Not getting much reading done,

"Many people, not only the authors, contribute to the making of a book.  From the first person who had the bright idea of alphabetic writing to the lumberjacks who felled the trees that were pulped for writing.

It is not customary to acknowledge the trees themselves,
though their commitment  is total.

Richard Forsyth

I hope to rekindle it.  I certainly will be taking a book to read at the doctor's

Ibelieve Carol and Panteli are planning to go to Australia next year.

Both Sandra and her are amazing grandmothers as well as good gardeners and great cooks!

Dad and all the children and grandchildren are supportive to me.  Also my sons-in-law!

Dad and I have the same goals of trying to keep active and healthy with our limitations.

Monday, April 11, 2016


From the garden at Carol and Panteli's.  Looking good.

Falls shake you up and even I felt scattered and unfocused.

We were a very hungry group.

The kids had a busy day running around the track and skate boarding and I think visited their community garden.

Time to come home and prepare supper with the fruits of their labour
and also make a chocolate cake.

Ben will have a three day trial
and will get the news this week
if he is successful.

A long day driving into Burnaby after school and arriving home late in the evening.  I think Carol is going to help.

Kim will finished school this week I believe.

Church was delightful with the younger children hoping and running around and so full of life.  Reminds me of when we too our grandchildren.  Lots of fun,

The talk was about the problems that came after Jesus' death.  Jesus had told them not to let their hearts be troubled.  Instead of staying together a lot scattered and some took off to the mountains to become a separate community that lived by the words of Jesus but did not reach out to others who needed to have lives transformed and salvation shared with those in far away places.

His message was to live from the heart and to live for others.  This givers life meaning and purpose.
This allows healing to be a flowing energy that restores hope and life!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Soccer players do it so frequently and so easily.
Getting ready for action.

Dad's falls always come as a great surprise.  One minute you are sitting on the edge of the bed in the middle of the night and the next minute he was on the floor looking up at me.  It is a shock for both of us!  The tricky part is getting up which he managed to do by crawling and reaching out for the bed.  I am not any help.  Next putting a bandage on his elbow where it is bleeding.  Yes it could have been worse and we are both thankful it was not.
Dad falls back to sleep and I fall into a world of worry; so easy to do at night.
Dad would agree with Bishop Fulton Sheen that worry is a form of atheism for it betrays a lack of faith and trust in God.  Their is a book that is called I think and I have a headache with me it is I breath and I have a worry.  O.K. a slight exaggeration

Dad has a comfortable chair at the game and it actually bounces but again it is getting up and out.


A true blue soccer mom so proud of her children!

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Yes we all have potential some even unused,
Dad and arrived at Sandra and Randy's home and once again are greeted by her dear hubby and her beautiful garden.  They both have skills and potential as they are willing to work hard and take on new projects.  Sandra was not at home but receiving an award for achievement.

My goal right now is to maximize my brain's potential.  Yes, even this rusty and dusty brain can improve.  I hope improvement will lead to prevention. 

The physical: am I taking care of my body.

The mental: am I actively engaged in learning

The emotional: am I working for balance

The spiritual" am I connected to something outside myself greater than I can understand.

Did you know tennis is very good for your brain?
Even throwing a ball back and forth is good to help concentration.
I am reading some of my old brain books.
I am hopeful of renewing my energy which might mean not overdoing activities.
Dr. Nolte was surprised I cut our lawn.  Get some help girl! 

Anyway today I will cut the front and side lawn.

Then we do the in and out giving away junk.  I put it out and dad who sees great potential in every little thing will bring it all back in.

Have fun!  Jump off the wrong train before you go too far!

"Let yourself relax into the moment
Let yourself be held without any need to hold yourself up
Let yourself be prepared to meet the unknown
With inner strength and courage that is a gift to You!

What if there are angels all around you
What is there is love so vast that you can never be apart from it.
You enter the beauty that is not far from your heart (in nature, in song, in creativity, in love)

Michael Stillwater.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Nancy I love your title :
"the Nature Nut of the East Beaches.|"
I have not found it yet but will
get Larry on the search.

Kept the doctor's appointment light
hearted but standing firm on what
I wanted.

He is from South Africa and  with pictures of elephants and tigers etc.  I comment those did not frighten me put  up a mouse and I would be out of there.

He was in totally agreement with getting the blood work done before the appointment. 

He also was okay with getting another shoulder x-ray.

I went to the blood clinic first thing because there are always line ups.  I was 45 minutes early so was first in line.   My legs were shaking and I was feeling faint standing outside for so long.

Home again now and will have some coffee and toast.

"Too bad all the people how know how to run this country
are too busy driving taxi cabs or cutting hair."
-George Burns

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Today I feel like I am moving out of my comfort zone; as I get very nervous going to the doctor.
Once I get there I can forget why I came. 
I had two thoughts for my blog, one was chicken which is what worrying makes me feel and the other was unfolding which means I am doing the right thing.

I am going to the doctor for a pre doctor appointment.  Next week I go to the neurologist at the Vancouver hospital who I am hoping may be able to help me understand why I am having trouble walking and speaking.  I am also frustrated feeling extra tired.  Also still having bladder problems.

So I want my doctor to do a complete blood test so that I can take the results with me.  I have the results of the last brain scan which I can take.

My shoulders and my body feels stiff so I am worried about arthritis and also diabeties.  Spell check refusing to work so I will check it later.

If others in my family are willing to try new things I should make an effort.

When the doctor says how am I.  I could say fine and just thought I would drop by for coffee. 
or I could just say I would like to feel better than I do. 

I was reading about some one wanting to go on a brain vacation.  I worry too much so I think this may help.  Meditation that puts your brain on pause.  Just sit back free of worry and guilt.

"Don't you wish there was a knob on the T.V. to turn up intelligence?
There is one called brightness but it does not work."

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I would not be able to
do my visiting without
my partner who drives
me places.

I pop into the home by myself while
dad programs the GPS to take us where
we already know where we are going.

It is a great help except it thinks we are
in New York or California.  Evidently
they have similar streets there.

Joyce my first visit is gradually slowing down and she tells me the same stories so the main thing besides compassion is patience.  I offer to read to her just a simple prayer or poem.  She loves dogs so I can listen to her dog stories.

From there we go to visit Margaret who has cancer in her arm which has weakened it and it is broken and painful.  She will be having cancer therapy.  She tries to tell us what happened and how it was finally diagnosed with great difficulty.  Dad comes in to add his humor by telling a few stories.  Joan her care giver really appreciates our presence and is able to take a break and go to the store while we are there.

Today I am going to the ladies meeting at the church.  I drive there myself.

They are a great group who also work as a team.  Some have ideas and others have energy and some have   different opinions.  Jane and I have been faithful members for years and everyone will miss her energy and bright sense of humor.  She has settle into a new apartment and is happy with the view and the many things within walking space.

Oh the water is wide, I can't cross over
   Neither have I wings to fly.
Build me a boat that will carry two
   And both shall row, my love and I."
-Scottish folk song

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Seems odd to see all the snow they are having down East.  I am quite happy for it to stay there.

We have had two nights of rain which was not odd for it to happen just after I have watered.

People are wearing an odd variety of cool or warm clothes.  Some are already in summer gear and others like me still have my warm clothes on, as the wind can feel chilly.  Layered is the answer.  What my spell checker really worked and that is extremely odd.

I washed windows yesterday and after doing laundry and walking Haiti did not have the energy to go visiting but I will try today by taking it easy in the morning.  I am sorting books.  Dad too is taking it  easy too after all the hard work he has been doing but did some shopping for food.  I do not know where all the food seems to go but we always seem to be out of something.

Odd that when I ate the right thing at the wrong time I felt sick all night.  Another lesson learned.

I think it is very odd when a doctor asks how you are when you are sitting there waiting to see him or her!

Too bad the Canadian girls lost but a very exciting game.  I did not stay up for over-time as I had already stayed up past my bed time.

Learning about opening a book store I find that odd things can be found in old books.  Anything from dead bugs in the spine, dead spiders in the pages along with mold and dog chewed corners.  There can also be old stamps and the odd bit of money along with old letters etc.

Human nature is certainly odd and sometimes I just shake my head and wonder about dad?

"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other".
--George Ellot

Monday, April 4, 2016


A  memory maker!  A great visit with Rick on his way home back to Kamloops.  Hopefully  his energy returns when he gets that nasty infection from his tooth is cleared up.  His work is a challenge but then it is a government job.  He is neither top or bottom but his work with the natives is important!

Kim and Carol saved the day by going over to get some extra food.  I panned on a few sandwiches
and fruit and cheese.  They added an excellent salad and pickled beets and more fruit and fancy cheese!
I will correct the spelling later as my spell checker has left me. My dad would be very annoyed when I misspelt words  in my letters back home.  He had perfect writing and expected the best from my brother and I. We talked about the memories that Rick especially had with his great grannie.  Some things we just took for granted that they remembered.

Panteli discovered a million flies trying to escape our garage window.  More excitement at that window but with another escape being needed
dad opened the window and set them free.

Meanwhile Sandra has had a memory making trip from Ontario which we will hear about later.

I have had a lazy week but this week has some activities planned.  There always has been things to do in the garden, pulling weeds, watering, trimming etc. which keeps me humble and on my knees.  I am always amazed when new life returns to dead branches.  I also have been surprised to see many heart shapes in the plants and flowers.  A memory maker to awaken an awareness that I am loved and my Creator is loving too!

I did a tiny bit of gardening and some reading on prayer.  Living prayerfully is living hopefully!
It does not matter where or when we pray or the words we say it is the attitude.

Dad watched the girls World Cup Hockey play a memory making game as they won a close exciting game and will be playing U.S. later today.  We will be watching that for sure.

I may go visiting.

"The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed;
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed."
--Charlotte Bronte,  -Evening Solitude.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Spring has arrived with a big burst of greenery.
The trees are proudly dis[playing not only the
magnificence flowers   that delight the soul and mind.  Our back yard is full of cherry blossoms  as well as camillias.

Sunday has arrived with it's promise of blessings.

Church depends on the arrival of Rick on his way back to Kamloops after a family visit and a conference in Town.  Too bad there was no room at the Sylvia but others have been greeted with no room also.

Yesterday was busy and a happy.  Had some neighborly visits with our friends.  Now grass cutting is in full swing and also car washing. The funny thing the fellow with the newest cleanest car is polishing and shining to his heart's delight.

Our departure to Ben's soccer game was late because we had not heard the message on the answering machine.  Dad and I were so pleased to get a handicapped parking right between to fields.  We heard Ben's voice coaching the team on and were delighted with being so close.  The goalie was good and he looked like Ben but as they came off the field for half-time we realized it was not our favorite goalie after all.  I left day his feet to sore to walk and took off to check fields.  I am thinking if something appears too good it is probably not as good as you would like.  Came back to look at the field higher above the one where we were and sure enough it was the voice of Ben all along and so chose  to walk up the little hill but we were not with the other parents and grandparents.

We were especially proud of Ben when an opposing player was hurt he went over to see if he was okay!

This is Ben in action saving a potential goal.  The score was 2 -l for Ben's team.
I went over to have a visit with Theresa and Morgan who was doing the hula-hoop.
She is so loving she ran around to the far side to give Grandpa a hug.

I had time for a short nap before dad and I drove to Carol and Panteli's for supper.

Sandra will be departing for home and I know how sad that can be although she is also happy to be with Randy too.

"Hope is some extraordinary grace that God gives us to control our fears but not to oust them."
--Vincent Mcabb

Saturday, April 2, 2016


I remember the days when you could
only take out three books and renew them
only once.

Now you can take out as many as you want
and renew them three times.  It will take me a week at least to read a book.  If I read when I rest I fall asleep.

My day did not start that great when the garbage man refused to take all my garbage as they are so fussy now with recycling.  I do admire these
hard working young man and often smile and wave at them as they go by.  That was when I was going for early morning walks.

It felt like dad and I were being chased out of town as we sped to the eye appointment.  Behind us on the freeway where a bunch of maniac drivers with that goal in mind.  We get slowed down as soon as we turn off and hit road work.  Believe it not or not we do get their in time.

The eye doctor did not keep us waiting for over an hour so that was good.  Dad's one eye is a wee bit better but the other is not good at all.  One good thing about getting old and your body slows down the aging process with the bad stuff hopefully slows down too.

Dad comes home and gets busy varnishing the fence.  After a while he feels dizzy but at least O am fine.

I do a little gardening the grass is growing like a weed.  I like to try and keep it short as it is a bit easier to cut.  The lawn mower can get heavy but that is good for making my arms strong.  I do not need a gym pass right now.

I finally get hold of Leah.  The blood work shows the baby is very healthy which is good news.  She is still very nauseate which is so miserable.  She is not back to work yet.  They do not know if the little one is a boy or a girl.  Sandra you could always send the girl clothes as in our family it would not be the first child that wore pink and we would wonder why others thought he was a girl.

Another beautiful day and lunch and supper will be out on the back patio.

"This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice in it by giving thanks!"