Sunday, April 17, 2016


Walked with my friend Joanne yesterday.
 Later she dropped off some bones for Haiti but she is not allowed to have bones.

Carol dropped in to pick up Morgan who had been busy coloring and doing a word puzzle.
One of my favorite things to do was color and now there are so many different shades to choose.
We were invited for supper but decided to stay home to eat my stew that had been cooking
all day.  Good to have enough for a day or two!

In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully joyful birds

On a trail marked with pollen may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk
Walk with laughter and a song in your heart.

With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walk.

In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty may I walk
living and remembering  good times family and friends.

May the sunlight fall upon us all day long
restoring beauty and peace within.

Native Blessings

I am thankful for all those who have walked with me physically and prayed for me and my family.
So many have lifted us up in prayer and ease daily burdens and concern.
We have walked together in faith and love!

Jesus thank you for interceding for us this day with love and grace.


nancy-Lou said...

Your photo looks like you have received a lot of rain....very green grasses and lots of water.

The poem about walking is especially nice. May I borrow it for my nature nut blog? walking is an undiscovered pleasure for some folks and it would be nice to encourage them to get out in nature and enjoy things...such as birds and fresh air.

This is day 4 of pretty constant rain...I checked the rain gauge and there is 2 inches of rain so far and it is still raining. Quite unusual for us to have so many days of rain. It will bring on the buds on the trees and green grasses, and it washes all the winter's grime away.
It makes Carl sleepy and he has spent a lot of each day sleeping. He isn't resting well at night because of his broken ribs.

Tomorrow we are off to the city, in our rental van, for an unltrasound of Carl's aneurysm. Then we will see the surgeon a week or so later. I don't think we will get our van back for another week, which is OK with me because our insurance is paying for the rental and it is a brand new Toyota Sienna van...has all the bells and whistles.

I wish you both a Sunday filled with family, food food and rest,


beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy I would be delighted if you used the poem.
Sometimes I pick up a book and find just the right words.
Have a safe journey to-morrow.
Pain does keep you awake at night.
Good luck with your appointment.
love Beth