Saturday, April 16, 2016


I love the affirming words of scripture.

I know my soul will be restored as He leads me gently beside still waters.  I feel the joy of being in His unconditional love.

I feel affirmed in the early morning quiet.  Yes there will be worries that cross my path this day but worry and happiness can live together in me.

I know that as a child I worried just like my dad.  He was a good loving father but very strict and my mom and I would do all we could to keep him calm. 

Looking back I realize that there have been scars that we all experience in childhood.
They can be healed with understanding and forgiveness.

The truth is not to fight a battle in your mind but to be restored within the soul of who we really are.

The power to understand that in our humanity there is divinity.

Every day will have it's frustrations and for me wrong choices that thankfully can be made right
I fall  spiritual and emotionally as well as physically.  But yes I do get up1

Take a deep breath and let your imagination take you into a safe place of warmth and welcome.

"Be strong and do not fear
your God will come
to strengthen the feeble hands
and steady the knees that give way
to speak to those with fearful hearts
There is hope and there is a way
walk in it."  Isaiah.

Let faith and prayer and thankfulness be a light to my paith
and help me overcome worry and be happy.


Sandra said...

More digging in the garden for me today. And we are even planning on going to the grocery store. I think it has been over a month since we have done a real shop, not just running in for this or that.

The dogs are grumbling, telling me we have to walk first.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the affirmations l particularly like the one about the divinity within our humanity. love Jane.