Friday, April 15, 2016


Every day I am confronted with making choices.  Every choice matters.

More and more I realize that I need to focus on my health
and make wise choices.
This not always so easy when I feel extra tired like today I crave sweet things.
I can relax  now because I have eaten all the cookies in the house that are GF

Dad was also craving chocolate so the Easter Bunny has now lost it's head!.

I did also eat some salad and some turkey. We have lots of good things to eat I just have to be motivated to cook.  Dad  did some work outside and also went shopping.  I got mad at the vacuum while using it so Kim agreed with me it was ready to go out in the garbage.

.  The choices I make about what I eat or say or do or think are important.  Looking back at the interview with Dr. Teal I think I could have done better but I did the best I could and carry on the best I can.

  Replace fear with love. 

Today the most important thing I can do is take care of myself first!

Today I choose faith and will replace worry with happiness!

Listen and act on my own advice. 


Sandra said...

I always say how I could run other people lifes for them, if they would just listen to me. But, truth be told I do not really listen to my self either. Mom, I think all of us would agree you should relax and stop worrying. The confession of your lips may be your trust in God but your fear in your minds contradicts that. Dont worry, be happy, today is a great day to be alive and plague on the brain be damned!

You may wibble, you may wabble and time to time fall down, but you get back up.


larry bennett said...

I afree with Sandra - also listen to your good husband - now and then !!

beth bennett said...

I have to do all I can to prevent a stroke like my mom had.

nancy-Lou said...

So well put, Sandra! Live for today...the worries of yesterday are gone and the things tomorrow brings are in the future! Enjoy life today, Beth....a stroke can happen to every one of us at any is written in the wind and we really cannot do much about it. I guess take blood pressure pills if one has high BP. Otherwise, just sit back and do what you want to do and enjoy each day as it comes. Otherwise, we live in fear. I think it is called Acceptance!

Those darned cravings win out sometimes, don't they? Chocolate is one of my cravings and sometimes it gets out of control...but it sure tastes good! I can understand all the GF cookies disappearing! And the bunny lost his head! We have to be good to ourself, without feeling guilt.
Everywhere one turns these days we are hearing...don't eat this, don't eat that...good grief, how did our parents survive eating all those unsaturated fats and sugars?
My mother cooked using bacon fat...probably yours did too! my parents smoked a package of cigarettes a day and it wasn't what finally did them in. Not that I advocate smoking! We need to enjoy life without guilt or worry. I think moderation is the key!

Today is music and art lessons...a wonderful day spent with my students. I love them all...they are so eager to learn. I will be teaching my painting of the children on the beach today...a watercolour. My piano student is an advanced student and requires an hour long lesson. She is learning some ragtime and blues music that is inspiring and lots of fun.

Wishing you both a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, and once you have done all that you can to prevent a stroke, THEN stop worrying!!!!!