Thursday, April 7, 2016


Today I feel like I am moving out of my comfort zone; as I get very nervous going to the doctor.
Once I get there I can forget why I came. 
I had two thoughts for my blog, one was chicken which is what worrying makes me feel and the other was unfolding which means I am doing the right thing.

I am going to the doctor for a pre doctor appointment.  Next week I go to the neurologist at the Vancouver hospital who I am hoping may be able to help me understand why I am having trouble walking and speaking.  I am also frustrated feeling extra tired.  Also still having bladder problems.

So I want my doctor to do a complete blood test so that I can take the results with me.  I have the results of the last brain scan which I can take.

My shoulders and my body feels stiff so I am worried about arthritis and also diabeties.  Spell check refusing to work so I will check it later.

If others in my family are willing to try new things I should make an effort.

When the doctor says how am I.  I could say fine and just thought I would drop by for coffee. 
or I could just say I would like to feel better than I do. 

I was reading about some one wanting to go on a brain vacation.  I worry too much so I think this may help.  Meditation that puts your brain on pause.  Just sit back free of worry and guilt.

"Don't you wish there was a knob on the T.V. to turn up intelligence?
There is one called brightness but it does not work."


Sandra said...

So did you call back that doctor that you said you did not want to see and then hung up on?

Looking forward to this weekend and hopefully getting out in the garden.


nancy-Lou said...

oh-oh...Beth, I can tell you do not like doctors! Hanging up on one! You are making me chuckle! I think we may all feel like that sometime and you actually did it!

You must be feeling very frustrated with the medical problems you have. Especially when you aren't receiving help with them. I send you big hugs and big prayers that this next visit to the neurologist will bring you answers and relief. Hang in there, my friend....I will be thinking of you every day.

I see my doctor next week...the family physician and when he asks me, 'how are you'? I am going to use your retort....haha...feeling fine, just thought I would drop in for coffee! I can hear him laughing already! He has a super good sense of humour. I LOVE your sense of humour too!
Love your writings too, Beth....always look forward to reading them each day!

I started writing a blog on Word the East Beaches Nature Nut. So far the feedback has been pretty good! I love nature and love writing....

Today is still wintry and it is going to be cold the next few days. The wind has swung to the north and is blowing the snow off the trees in puffs of white. We have been staying home and watching the World's Curling, staying off the icy highways.

How is Kim doing? Will this be her final year in fine arts and she will be looking for work now? Does she graduate this June?

That was a neat quote about the brightness on the tv etc.....

Well off to go for a walk. We will walk to the post office and see if the dogs new pet tags came in.

Have a great Thursday, a good doctor's appointent and don't doesn't help one bit!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No I did not hang up without saying goodbye!

Kim finishes school about the 13. She has two more years to go.

She is moving in with Carol and Panteli for the summer to be close to
her work with children in Richmond for the summer.

I think she needs a break form us although we have got along fine.

I just want to be sure that everything is ticking along as it should be and
maybe I have to accept changes with grace!

I do not look at many other blogs because my back and neck get sore after about
i5 minutes,

love Beth