Saturday, April 30, 2016


We met Jane and Geof in Cloverdale always a  
fun time visiting with them and also remembering a close
friend who passed away the night before.
Pearle lived an amazing life being a teacher
a nurse and also in the army.  She live next
to Jane for many years and it is always sad
even though she was 95.  She was always
thinking of others and visited as a lay chaplain
and used her listening and caring skills so well.

Just being there brought back a lot of memories
There was a little café where they made fresh cinnamon buns which were delicious.  One of the things I missed after I was diagnosed with Celiac.  We looked for homes to move into and drove around a lot.  We also looked in antique stores and bought a few things for ourselves and the children.

Now there are about five or more places to eat.  We ate at the Vault which was built around an old bank vault.  You could actually go and sit around a table inside it.  Not my idea of fun.  We sat in the front by a window with lots of sunshine.

Jane and I continue to have lots in common even though our lives are changing.  Our men looked very handsome indeed!  So many memories!  Also catching up on their move to West. Van.  Nice for them to be closer to family.

We have been blessed to experience the love of a good man, wonderful children and grand and great grandchildren.  It has also been a challenge at times because we are all so very human.  Knowing the healing love of God has also been helpful.

"I believe that all of us
have the capacity for one good adventure inside us,but great adventure is facing responsibility \
day after day.
-William Gordon


Sandra said...

I stopped by yesterday after meeting the girls and Humphrey at Browns by your house,but no one was home and the door was actually locked. My class was cancelled last night so I dragged my self off of the couch and went for a big walk around the neighbourhood. There were lots of people out walking and even a mens soccer game going on over by the school. I wish I could take my dogs, but they can not walk that far any more.


beth bennett said...

Sorry to have missed you.

Did you have any thoughts about the garden.

We did not hear dad's phone ring. Strange.

We can give you the number for our door.

Haiti would have loved to see you.

Good for you I had to make an effort to take Haiti out when I got home.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Reading about your lovely luncheon meeting in Cloverdale with your friends made me think of CLoverdale in the 1950's when it was mostly farms. It sure didn't look like it does these days, all built up.
My Godmother and her husband lived in Cloverdale on their dairy farm and we always visted them when we were at the coast for our annual visit.She used to pick us up in New WEst at my great aunts and drive us out to the farm,because we always took the train and had no vehicle, plus my mom didn't drive.
Were you looking at senior's residences? They have such nice places for seniors these days...but most don't allow pets. I think that is not long as we have our pets we will stay here.
Too bad you missed Sandra's visit...isn't she doing well with her yoga?

I went through all my daughter in laws clothes has been 3 1/2 years since she passed away and my son is finally ready to part with them. He had packed them I sorted through everything and she had a lot of good clothes for work....chose a few things for myself and a few for her best friend and the rest will go to the Mennonite thrift store......where all proceeds go to help the poor...not like VV where a small percentage goes to the poor. It is good our son is moving on. It was hard for me...I could smell my daughter in law still and could envision her in the clothes...but it had to be done. miss her greatly.

We are dog sitting, Dora, our son's elderly dog. She is a large dog, deaf like a post! She is 14. i know she really misses Melodie...she was Mel's dog.

Are you and Larry watching the hockey play offs? Carl isn't much interested since there isn't any Canadian teams We watch the Blue Jays.

Have a great evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes, Nancy we are watching hockey and I pray every night it will not go into over-time.
It is a little more exciting than it was but disappointing no Canadian teams.

A quiet day today. A little gardening and a little reading.

Love beth