Sunday, May 1, 2016


Dad has a list of things he does not want me to do.

Don't lift heavy stones.

Don't walk to far and get over tired.

Don't climb on ladders.

Don't carry to many books up and down the stairs.

Don't even think about helping the movers because you will just be in the way,

Etc.  etc.

I think it is too bad religion seems to concentrate on the don'ts.

Take the Sabbath which was meant to be a time of being restful.
I time of beauty with candles and a special meal with the family.
A  time to make an effort for the soul to relate to God
Read a devotional or a hymn or a Bible verse.

"On Friday nights we echo God who looked at His creations and said it was good.
We gather around the table to give thanks and share our week."
--David Gregory

Yes there are things that I may choose not to do so I can be refreshed .

For the beauty of the earth
For the beauty of the skies
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies
Lord, of all to Thee we raise\This our hymn of grateful praise!

Happy Sunday!


Sandra said...

We did not get over to help with the move, it was our day to go into the city to see Mandi. She says that her and James have been seeing more of each other and talking, so fingers crossed they may still get back together. With them being separated Randy feels like we have to support her and go out more, which is not a bad thing but it always seems to fall on days when there are other things going on.

Went to a plant sale over at a church on the street Ken's dad lived on. His house still looks exactly the same, I wonder if his widow still lives there. I guess she would be about your age, or maybe a little younger, 70?


Client Strengths said...

Well today will be a better day for helping with the move. Maybe you could come over today Mom.

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful to see how your family care for you, Beth! If they didn't care they wouldn't give you all these, don'ts. They would just turn a "blind eye" like some parents do with their kids...take the easy way out. So these little reminders are just a way of saying how they love you... and don't want anything bad to happen to you. Carl gets frustrated with the don't and reminders too!

yes, I think the don'ts in religion... along with the "if you do, hell and brim fire" have turned quite a few people away from the church.

Recently I have heard three different people say that Jesus was just an ordinary man who did good things...they don't believe all that was written in the bible.

Times are changing and I sure don't know what to believe....the blind faith of my youth... many of the teachings of the church is gone... questions take the place. Faith is there...but different, without religion. Very strange and somewhere I never thought I would be in my old age.

Having another day filled with memories of Melodie, out daughter-in-law. Some of her clothes hang on my clothes line and remind me each time I look out. Good times and the sad times too, when she was preparing to leave this life and was so ill.

Are you going over to help the kids in their move? Sounds like there are lots of aunts etc going to families are the best!

Have a wonderful Sunday,

Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

No I am not.

Glad they have such good helpers.

Love beth