Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Life can be made up of little annoyances.
It seems like the days are going by too fast.

I have been finding it annoying that dad does not want me to drive to the seniors home as I might want to go but he is busy doing something else.  Right now that means trimming off the big cedar hedges that surround one side of our yard.  A very big job.

Anyway he took the afternoon off to drive me over.  The thing is that while he has been waiting out in the parking lot instead of sitting in his car he has been sitting in a small area for the residents to sit and smoke if they wish.  The last two times I walk out to find him visiting some of the old guys who drive their own scooters.  I think this wonderful because he is a good visitor and then I do not need to worry so much because I do not like to keep him waiting.

He is a parking lot visitor!  Great stuff.

No I could not open the article Rick put on face book.  I have trouble with it but I did see Sandra has arrived.  Kim has left with the key to Sandra and Randy s but will be back to pack up some of her favorite food.

So it does not annoy me that atheists have a church and probably could tell us a few things we are doing wrong.  Do they have upbeat music or choirs or robes.  What do they talk about.  Not about heaven or God or the Spirit or the afterlife or even the words of Jesus that really tell us to love one another and care for the poor and fight for justice and be generous and kind to everyone.  Yes, not easy lessons when it means love your enemies and change your attitude.

Love your neighbor as yourself.  Practice what you believe and what you preach.

Most of us put on a friendly smile and for me it is okay to greet others because I know most of them but what about some one visiting who may not feel like being greeted or greeting others.

Do the atheists do this.

Are our smiles phony

Our rituals strange

Our behavior, our words, our prayers annoying.


nancy-Lou said...

Great comments and questions about the atheists, Beth. They remind me why I am a Christian.
One has to wonder if atheists do visit people in nursing homes and turn the other cheek when it comes to conflict. hmmmm? I know people who are atheists and they don't seem to have any spirituality or faith in anything. One has to wonder what they do at an atheist church. hmmmmmm. What do they talk about and the just wouldn't be the same!

It is hard to lose the ability to drive. Carl only drives around here and although he realizes I must drive on the highway and in Winnipeg he gets sulky ...I know he feels badly about it and I try my best to be especially nice.

His aneurysm has grown quite a bit and is considered quite large now...we got the news today at our doctor's. He could read the results on the computer. We see the surgeon tomorrow and it looks like Carl will be having surgery if he so chooses. It will probably be soon too, due to the size. If the aneurysm bursts at home he doesn't have a chance. So, although it is risky surgery, I hope Carl chooses to have it...but I am not influencing him one way or the other.

I guess Kim is pet sitting at Sandra's. Does Haiti get along with all the pets there?

It is a lovely evening and I wish I wasnt so tired and could take the dogs for a walk.

Have a great evening Beth,

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Praying for Carl to make the right decision.

Risky choices eh!

Haiti will stay with us as she gets jealous of the other dogs.

Just took Haiti for a walk even though I did not feel too frisky!

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you, Beth. You are such a dear glad I found you on your blog.

I hope you feel friskier today! You gave me a chuckle!

Love, Nancy