Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Some things age very well
which gives me hope.

Look how tall this bush has grown
I think I can stop giving it fertilizer now!

I like to think we can bloom at any age just by
being ourselves.

Somethings even get better when they have aged, like wine.
or old books, or old cheese.

I like all these but books most of all as they help a little at
keeping my brain working and my mind thinking.  I even laugh at times and shed a tear or two.  Sometimes I regret when a good story comes to an end because I have made friends and enjoyed good times too.

Age is not a disease but something that happens to all of us
if we live long enough.  Are we less important or worth less.

Yes I have wrinkles and age spots too which show I have smiled lots and enjoyed many happy times.

The reason you and I have been born is to learn not only to age well but learn to love well.

I am having a lazy day after doing some early morning gardening.
Right now I have decided to let my garden just go wild.


Sandra said...

I will have to drop by and see if any of your wild plants would like to be adopted and come home with me. I need to get my own garden weeded before we leave for Edmonton. We will be creating Lincoln's big boy room, getting him ready to move out of the crib so his brother can move in.

Right now I am finding age spots bug me. Not the ones on my hands so much, but I dont like them on my chest.


nancy-Lou said...

Beth, that is one enormous beautiful shrub. Is it a rhododendron? How old would it be? Is that Kim standing next to it? Living on the prairies our growing season is too short for many things to grow large and also too cold for things to survive the winter.

My gardens have been taken over by wild raspberry plants, which is just fine with me and the deer leave those plants alone.
I just have to be vigilant as to when they berries are ripe or the birds get to them first.

My son has a lot of wild strawberries growing around his yard and I always go down and pick them with the intention of making jam, but they never seem to end up in my bowl...hahah. Have you ever tasted them? They are the very best ever!

Wild blueberries grow in my yard too...lots of them. We have the high bush ( which are darker in colour and sweeter ) and the low bush, which are more numerous.

We are blessed to live on the south side of a hill and many edible shrubs and plants grow here, Including the elusive sand cherries. Lots of chokecherries and pin cherries as well. AS a result, there is fruit eating birds who nest here. Catbirds, brown thrashers, robins.

In my Mother in laws time, all the women made preserves with the wild fruit...jams, jellies etc. Nowadays we are lazy and just go to the store to buy it. I used to help her pick and make her preserves. I learned so much from her. Forever indebted to her..a lovely lady she was.

How is your reading coming along Beth? Have have you tried anymore of Jodi Picoults books? I am currently reading the The Songs of the Humpback Whale....I picked up a large tome yesterday at VV. The title is Into the Wilderness about an English lady who moves to a remote village in New York state in the year 1792.

Wishing you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy