Monday, May 2, 2016


Yes no pain no gain is certainly true
when it comes to moving.  I am sure there was a sigh of relief when the last box was unloaded.
Time for a good soak in the tub.

All the help certainly was appreciated by
Leah and Craig.  Now the exciting time
will come when they can set up the baby

Sandra and Carol went the next day to help unpack and organize  They now have room to walk and a few dishes. 

We were pleased that Rick came to church with us and had time to visit over lunch.  I thought of lots of questions later.  He was very proud of the hard work that Chris did and it was a long day for them both.

The church looked very beautiful with the sun streaming in the stained glass windows.  It was a guest minister who talked about visiting Christians in China.  A nice young man but I found him hard to hear.  They certainly have gone through painful times but it has drawn them closer to each other.

To be honest I felt a little empty as it was very intellectual and informal but lacking in emotion that stirs the heart and soul.

I am reminded of the importance of bringing the spiritual into every day living.

"To greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains,
even in the doing of little things
with the ultimate purpose of enjoying laughter with friends,
love in my heart, to be gentler and kinder in all things,
to approach the night with a well earned weariness
and new hope for the dawn of the new day"
-  Thomas Deeker


Sandra said...

Oh, that is nice that Rick stayed over. I helped Leah and Craig get a good start on the unpacking, but what we really need is Mary. Despite her Facebook posts, she is the queen of getting things put away.

Randy finished putting up all the cross pieces on the pergola, just has to stain and then he is free to work on his car, oh, and he has the doors to paint.


nancy-Lou said...

What a busy family the Bennett's are! You must have been very happy to have a good visit with Rick. So nice that he accompanied you and Larry to church.
I bet Leah and Craig were very happy too, to be all moved in. Always a big job!When is she expecting? In the fall?

So, your church is going through a lot of changes too? Ours is losing our longtime minister, Judy, to retirement.
It is a community church, used all year by the Anglicans, who pay rent.
Otherwise it is only used in the summer by the cottagers. The numbers are dwindling, yet they are planning for an addition, to replace an addition that was poorly done years ago.
It is a historic church in our community and I hope to see it continue....but wonder at the wisdom of spending money on it. The main problem is the plumbing freezes up in the wintertime.

I walked over to our son's house yesterday and saw a ruffed grouse about three feet away from me. It was only when it moved that I saw it. They are so cleverly camouflaged. So nice to see nature.
Our son said there are quite a few around there this spring and he hears them drumming in the morning and evening. Nature is in "full swing", the woods are an orchestra of sounds, early in the morning. The insect eating birds are not here yet....and that will be a loud chorus when they come. Have to get the wren houses ready and up!

Today is a prep day for the colonoscopy tomorrow. I expect everything to go well...there were no problems the last time. I talked to my friend, the pharmacist from Jordan and he recommended Pedialyte which has Carl will run over and pick it up for me.

Do you have some pictures of your garden beth? Is you front yard all garden? I have seen small bits in other photos you have posted and it looks so nice...very interesting plants.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Leah and Craig are always willing to help others they have built up lots of Karma..
Where is the house ? Did they buy or rent?
I am in the middle of 5 early shifts, the last 4 are 3am starts . Melina working PM shifts tues-Thursday. Matthew was sick today. Jasmine stayed home in solidarity.