Sunday, May 8, 2016


A day for mothers.

Mother daughter and granddaughter at Sandra and Randy s for lunch.

There was Carol me and Sandra and Leah and Tasha and down below Kim and Susan.

I spent the morning in bed sleeping.  One funny thing was that during the night I was praying out loud asking for help from God.  Dad asked me what I was sating and evidently I told him I was not talking to him but to God.  Later when I felt better I told him I would talk to him now.

Rick phoned to wish me a happy day.
Later when I arrived home I found a beautiful basket on the front steps.  Thank you Ken and Melina and kids.

Each one f my children has been a great gift that has enriched my life and continues to do so. 
My best legacy!

We are a happy energetic group.
Tasha told some funny stories about being a bus driver.
Leah and Craig wanted ideas about naming their new little one.
We also talked about cars but I do not think we helped Carol very much.

Justice is busy playing basket ball and Ben is his soccer.

Dad shared some of his experiences as a controller with an unbelievable story or two.

I came home feeling tired but happy and read over my cards and then took Haiti for a short walk.

For years I have been busy doing but now I am thankful for times spent with family and just listening! 


Sandra said...

Hmm, I thought I commented this morning. Yes, we were a nice small group yesterday and able to talk a bit more. It will be exciting to soon have a baby joining us! I brought home a big suitcase of baby toys from Mary's house, so there will be lots of entertainment for her.


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy your basket. We are finally getting some good rain. Roads were flooded on the way to work yesterday.

nancy-Lou said...

You guys have so many fun filled family parties! I am envious! I know, I should 't be envious , but just cannot help it!
Great photos of wonderful to celebrate Mother's Day with all those Mom's and almost Mom....Leah looks radiant and I can tell you all are looking forward to a new baby in the family...the suitcase filled with toys is a dead giveaway!

Love your sense of humour, Beth! Telling Larry you weren't going to talk to him you were talking to God. Well I guess he was glad you were in a talking mood later on! I do hope you feel better soon...have more energy and less pain.

I think I have sciatica...whatever it sure is painful and will send me to the doctor tomorrow if it is still there.

Carl lost another tooth today. it broke off a while ago and the dentist had to dig it out...poor guy...but he is chipper tonight and says it isn't painful. He also saw the doctor who does the scopes....his will be in a couple of months..better him than me!

We are suffering through terrible smoke from the forest fires to the east. They really aren't that far away and the strong wind today made them double in size. We are in no danger...just the uncomfortable burning of eyes and throat.

I went to the greenhouse in Beausejour today while Carl had his appointments and it is the lovliest greenhouse ever. It is run by Hutterites and they have the strongest and cleanest plants but they are not cheap! I only bought two geraniums...the deep red colours and two coleus that complement them in colour and they are suitable for sunny spots too. The location is so pretty..along the Brokenhead River, where there is a curve and you can sit outside and enjoy the view. The Hutterite ladies are so neat with their pretty dresses and black caps on their hair.

How thoughtful of Ken and Melina to send you the will have fun going through it all!

Well I must play my scrabble games before I go to bed

have a good nights sleep Beth,

Love. Nancy