Saturday, September 30, 2017


Was it predestination that dad bumped into me at the skating rink and we got to know each others name as we sat on the bench where he apologized and checked to see if I was okay.  Afterwards he and his friend drove me and my friend home.  I think we do not like to think that our lives our predetermined by some great master plan.  Yet there was a destiny into which we were born but this did not take away our free will to make choices.  We were born with a personality and a purpose that came with the gift of life.  We can choose to search for the purpose and meaning of our lives.  We are predetermined in terms of our biology and when the path is smooth we feel like we have discovered our destiny.  We have choices to choose between right and wrong or to choose to love or hate.  Our freedom is our destiny.  We have the key to unlock mysteries hidden by a locked door.  We are free to continue to live and breath and to grow physically and spiritually.  We are free to accept change even when we do not understand the reason why.
We are free to believe in God or totally ignore His existence.
We are free choose our own path and create our own destiny.
When we know we have the capacity to feel the pain of others 
we also know the value of forgiveness. 

" We experience true freedom when we are able to recognize that empathy equals destiny."
-Dr. Jay Lombard

Friday, September 29, 2017


1Anniversaries mark the duration of years spent together
Another anniversary celebration to remember the awesome love that drew us together.
A time to reflect on all the good memories and the good qualities that attracted us to each other.

  Not quite an epic but like the scripture says "deep love covers a multitude of sins." 
No we are not perfect and neither was our marriage.
It is not easy to be forgiving but this is what keeps love alive.

My first airplane ride was out to Vancouver from Regina.  Dad had finished his course in Winnipeg and drove from Winnipeg to Regina the day before our wedding.  He was accompanied by several cars of would be controllers following like a motorcade behind.  We were young and I know for my part I anticipated a wonderful future.

We were poor and young and had no idea that there would be many struggles ahead for us.

Dad made breakfast while I went for a short fast walk.  I thought it was fast but several people young and older passed me. We had a lazy morning and then went out for a late lunch to one of our favorite restaurants.  We love the view and the quiet music and being greeted warmly by the servers. 
The morning had started out with the sound of rain hitting the window panes.  The day did turn out a bit sunny and the combination of the water and the sky was magical.
Dad takes picture proving he is a pretty good photographer!

Friends phoned and emailed us congratulations.
It is good to feel loved.

Dad wanted to take me out shopping for something special as in the past he has bought me some very lovely outfits.  We both were ready just to come home and relax having experienced the fact that plans sometimes get changed and put aside for another day.

God never stops loving us and I hope and pray that through our love for each other we pass this message on to our family and to others.

Happy Anniversary Honey! 

Thursday, September 28, 2017


A beautiful day for a drive.
 Rain is expected to-morrow, which is our 61 anniversary, yes unbelievable, so we decided to have a quiet drive in the country.  The views were lovely with the sun shining through the trees and farmers preparing for the fall.  Horses and sheep too.

We were driving to Abbotsford not on the freeway.  There was more traffic than we expected.  We missed the first turn off but carried on to the airport where there used to be a nice restaurant called the Baron.  We walked into a big baron room with only one person there but bravely carried on to the patio.  It was in the blaring sun with the two shady sports taken.  We stood around for awhile and no one appeared to help and the whole atmosphere was unappealing.

We drove into the main street where everything has changed so very much we felt lost.  We stopped for hamburgers, mine wrapped in lettuce.  It was far to loud although after changing seats several time we found a quieter little booth.  I was starving by then and the service was very good.

We were ready to head home so decided to go on the freeway were stopped short first by one accident then another..  Turned off to go back the country road and were stopped by a detour all around the area.  A long line of traffic, trucks and more trucks awaiting us.    The stop and go driving is very, very bad for dad's feet.  He was in a lot of pain when we arrived home and I  put his feet in a soaking tub right away.

Another learning experience to add to our many years of mayhem.  Every year has been different and we are now facing new challenges.

In some ways it seems like I am still that young girl that left home to start a new life in a new province and start our family.   I will always love the prairies and the journeys I have made back home.  We have had several homes and are very happy in our home and neighborhood now.

We were both glad to be home and sit in our back yard listening to the water fall and enjoying the breeze.  There are times when you just feel like relaxing and feeling safe.

Home Sweet Home! !

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


                                             All life has value and purpose and meaning.

Each morning as I pray I value those who I am praying for,
and my thoughts may move me to actions later in the day.

"Values become your destiny"  -Ghandi

I value the time dad and I spend together,  whether it is shopping or visiting or watching T.V. or going to the library, or doctor's appointments and even sleeping together.  We value the memories we hold dear and the love of our family.  This does not mean that we do not also annoy one another because we do at times.

Dad was going to wash the car but instead washed our windows after I pointed out how dirty they had become.

I left him to join my friends at Bible study.  We value the friendship we have and we value the Bible and prayer.  Whether we are talking about family or faith  or community or compassion we find there is a soul satisfaction being together.  Sharing our values gives us strength and courage and unity.

It helps to have good values when it seems that so much of the world is in chaos.

We value the relationship we are finding in God's love.

I value your comments!!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


                              Faith is about movement just like the day moves from darkness to light!

I had plans for us maybe to look for rugs but dad did not have a good sleep and had stomach problems all morning.  One reason we are slow doing things is we both have to be feeling up to it.
We have ended up having a quiet day at home.  Dad vacuumed out the car and cleaned his garage.  I went for an early walk and then another shorter walk to the park with Haiti.

Welcome to anyone reading this to my life, my family and friends, and my faith and my fears.
It is about sharing laughter and tears,  wonder and mystery, that keeps us connected and always grateful!

"The simple act of living, and living well, in itself a prayer."  Emanual Bergman

We share our concerns and empathy for many who are suffering earthquakes, fire and violence and injustice.

I find as I age that my movements are slower and there is a loss of vitality and strength but I am moved by the stories of courage and determination I hear about every day.

All our lives are interrelated and woven together and what we do matters even when it does not seem like much in the grand scheme of things.  All life has purpose and meaning!

Monday, September 25, 2017


                                                          My garden.
Another button is missing off my blue jeans.

I think it is telling me my waistline is growing.

What a nuisance to have to get out needles and thread,

I had a small panic attack when dad's very expensive box of eye drops went missing.

I had picked up and thrown out a small Safeway bag but I was sure it was empty.

I know that dad is thinking I had thrown away the eye drops too.

I am positive I did not but I searched all through the garbage and through all the drawers and even under the bed and every where but no success.  I meditate because my worry is now turning to anxiety.  Not good.  I know dad picked them up from the store so I go and search the car.  It was then I discovered them on the work bench in the garage.

I am trying to remember what I am doing because that is not the time to be mindless.

I am having a difficult time with my hearing aids and I am afraid they are going to go missing.

Anyway our mission for the day was to buy a toy baby stroller for Ophelia.  We headed to Toys Or Us a store dad hates.  We walked around in circles and could not find any.  Dad's knee started hurting as well as his feet.  We saw a mom walk by with two in her hands so we ran after her to find out where she had found them.  She was in a hurry because her little girl already had one and was running away from her with it.

                                                       Yes we bought one.

Our day continued with a short visit to see Vera and then o the library.  I again picked out books for dad.  This one is about a cat who solves mysteries!

So at the end of the day the feelings  of gratitude that I had been missing returned.


Dad and I are enjoying our new minister and are off to church with a new sense of anticipation  His sense of humor and dog stories made listening to the seriousness of day to day  reality easier to absorb.  Anticipate and pay attention to the goodness that surrounds us and wants to live within us.  Recognizing that within our souls is a hunger for the spiritual.  Dad and I since we have our new hearing aids are better able to enjoy the sounds of nature,

Going to have supper with Sandra filled us with anticipation of good food, a little information and laughter!

She was busy making desert, ruhbarb when we arrived.

Peanut was very glad to see us and was anticipating a walk.  He kept walking around the table and putting his nose of dad's knee.  She was the first one out when the front door opened.  We are so blessed with our wonderful family.

Sandra told us about a christening she had attended and the funny way there dancing was like a shuffle just like dad and I are staring to do.  We could join right in which for me would be great fun.  I have no confidence when it comes to dancing, certainly not like Sandra and others do.

I am looking at reading the Scriptures with more openness and anticipation.

Evidently the earliest recorder writings by the Hebrew and Pholnician were written from the left to the right.   Reflecting a strong dependence on the right brain.  Concepts of faith and belief are easier to comprehend using the right side of the brain.  So of course they could talk to and hear God.

Later the Greek civilization changed the direction and also the words focused on rational and logical.

I do not read scripture from a literal bias but try to be open to the wonder that it can stir within me.
Just like a song can stir us I believe words of faith can help us appreciate and see the goodness around us and within us.

I think I am repeating myself but this is good enough for an early morning writing!

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Yes, we could hear clearly every word that Kim expressed and Hamlet as we enjoyed supper out on our back deck.  It was extremely thoughtful for them to make supper and bring it over for us.  
Kim dug out some of our photo albums and dad shared a few more stories.
It helps us to feel younger when we are with young special people like these two.

Dad and I share a common purpose as we put our hearing aides on first thing in the morning.

They really are amazing and I can even hear my bones creaking.
Nice to hear the birds singing but scary to hear the bees buzzing around me in the garden!

The funny thing was that with Kim and Hamlet they have good strong voices which are easy to hear even without hearing aids!  Great fun!  Our test will be with Sandra for sure.

We have many purposes to fulfill in life and they are different in each one of our lives.  Our main purpose is to bring love and joy into the lives of others which gives happiness to both.  It is to learn to grow even through adversity and share our experiences with each other.  To have compassion for others which includes all creatures.  To find an ethical code to live and to love and to be happy! 

Random acts of kindness are the little acts we do for others each day!

Friday, September 22, 2017


I had no idea how noisy the world is.  There was sound all around me.  I could hear leaves falling and people walking up behind me and the rattle of paper etc.  Dad and I went to get our new hearing aids put in today.  Dad seems to have his adjusted to his satisfaction and finds it too quiet when he takes them out.  I am still learning.  We go back in two weeks.  She is a lovely young lady who seems to really care.

We are in fact retraining the brain.  Boy I need that.  We can hear each other better and the T.V. is turned way down.  It will be a test for our Net Flicks viewing.

How wonderful to be able to hear and to make sense of what we are hearing.  We all have our stories to tell. 

It is sad to hear those in power abusing language to stir up hate and violence.

In stead their is a potential to use our word so alter our existence and the existence of those around us.
It is important to be able to give and take and learn the language to communicate with others.

I think that we can hear God speak and direct our thoughts toward others.

Part of our story is learning the language of love, the language of God!

Dad and I are both hearing new sounds and saying "did you hear that?"

Thursday, September 21, 2017


My camera will not download the pictures.

I have the cutest pictures of Ophelia walking.

Yes it is so cute to watch her.

I have been doing a lot of stupid things lately.

I used the wrong camera.

I used the wrong yogurt the one with gluten.

I may be using something I am allergic too and everything is getting worse.

Life that should be simple is now complicated and I wonder is my brain working?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Ant illusion that summer is still here has gone.  The first day of fall feels like fall.
Time for warmer clothes.

Haiti comes in the morning while I am at the store to pick up a prescription.  There was a mix up with the eye prescription and fortunately dad has enough for to-night.

Sandra dropped in before and after her dentist's appointment.  Evidently it was painful even with freezing.  She walked Haiti with me and gave me a break from cleaning out junk drawers.  Maybe other people have just one but we have lots.  Dad and I do not always agree on what is junk and what we should save just in case we may need it.

I am not doing well in reading my mystery books as I stop about three quarters of the way through.

I will do a little spiritual reading.

The belief in the soul is the very heart of religion.

"Neuroscience  shows  that the belief of whether we have a soul is essential to our well being.
 So where is the soul and what use is it.?
Are we born with it? 

Our brains and our minds need both the heart and the soul to connect to others.

Yes we are born with a soul but it can lie dormant until it is stimulated through experience.

I cannot believe that I am such a poor walker now.

Dad cannot believe riding his bike was not as easy as it used to be.

To-morrow we will visit an elderly man in a home in White Rock.
I know that loneliness can be extremely painful so I am sure we will cheer him up.
It will be good for us too.

To the Greeks the soul is the breath of life or as Newton said it is the life force which enables us to have a relationship with that which is beyond itself.

Thomas Moore describes it "as the paradoxical Mystery that blends light and darkness into the grandeur of what human life can be."

I think it is where our inner courage and strength comes from!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


                                    Haiti is letting Kim know she is not leaving without her!
Another even colder morning.  I did go for a quick walk.  Then had to clean up to get ready for a visit from John and Pat.  They came bearing vegetables from their garden.  We had a lot to catch up since we saw them last.  They are very busy trying to say green space in Surrey. 

My thoughts and my actions prove my existence.

I have found the existence of God to be a firm belief that started as a child and has continued to help me make good choices.  I am thankful we can each one of us choose what to believe and what to trust. We share our beliefs with others who think differently and continue to challenge our beliefs.

We have our own stories about the existence of a sacred energy but it is important to listen to the stories of others.  Peace will never come if we are not willing to co-operate and share, our resources and our strengths.

Faith can be said to be defined as trusting what you have good reason to believe to be true.
A thread that has been woven into my life through experiences both good and difficult.

Life gives us the opportunity to accumulate evidence to encourage our faith to mature.

Seekers and searchers will be rewarded if they keep an open mind and heart.

Monday, September 18, 2017


A cold and dreary day.
                                             Haiti is restless waiting for me to get ready for our walk.

It would have been a dull day for me if Haiti had not joined me for several walks.
A little boy about 4 wanted to pet Haiti but I told him she was afraid of children.
He replied he was not afraid of dogs but he ran away anyway.

It helped that our neighbor Todd dropped in for a visit too.

Then the wasps that are very restless kept flying in our door.
I was able to help them find the way out.

Kim also dropped in to look up something on our computer.
She is restless because she cannot take her pottery class as they are putting in new equipment and making them lose precious time waiting.  The students if they had known would have taken another course.

Saint Augustine believed that God has created us to be in a relationship with Him and we are restless until we find rest in Him.  Although there is truth in this some days we just do not feel a sense of peace.

I think our brains require the stimulation of being with others and finding our way during times of dissatisfaction and restlessness.

"The brain tries to find order in a complex and often chaotic universe."  -Dr. Jay Lombard.


The minister acknowledges that our church is built on sacred ground that was once First Nations Territory.    We pause a moment to reflect on their wisdom, their stories, their grief and their joys,

Their are many stories that give our life inspiration and hope.  We sing an old hymn "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah"..  God is with us in our struggles and in our victories.  The voice of Jesus has been spoken through the lives of many great people.  Today,  as in the stories of people searching for freedom, we see that justice and freedom are bought with a price and often it is the innocent that suffer.  The passage of time has not delivered us from evil.

"The brain's drive toward certainty and balance- to find order in a complex often chaotic universe - is what leads us to search for values and beliefs.

As we reflect on our know;edge and our experiences we know that relationships are important to keep our brains alive and also our spirits.  

We live in a world where there are many energy waves that keep us in touch with each other and in touch with the news of the day.  Our belief is beyond our understanding but if I believe I can turn on the radio and hear voices speaking from near and far; there also is a belief in the spiritual energy waves that bring God's voice and His love into our lives.

Sunday was a day enjoying family and also later in the day to reflect on the minister's sermon on the  the blessings of life. lived with the awareness of God's presence. I want to know what I believe is real and just as light is connected to a source our souls in tune with the existence of creation will find the source of light that is spiritual.

"Each soul can be regarded as integral fragments of divine light."
-  The Mind of God.  -  Dr. Jay Lombard

I am waiting for the arrival of Haiti so we can go for a walk together.

Rick is back at work.

Dad is writing on his blog!

Sunday, September 17, 2017


                                                She loved eating her cake

Kim and Sandra
She liked her present with the sparkles on
Grama Susan has fun too

There were even decorations hanging around.
A lighter had to be borrowed to light her candle.
I thought I took a picture of her cake but I guess I did not.
Too bad it was a beautiful cake and even some gluten free cake for me.

It was a cold and windy day at Bear Creek Park.  Ophelia did not mind but enjoyed her day.  It would start to rain just as we where the first to leave.
Craig wins the Best Daddy of the day award!
Dad and I dropped into the wrong party first but they invited us to stay.

It was a cold and chilly day and Sandra had warned me to wear warm clothes.

We had fun in spite of the chilly day.
We could see the rain clouds coming our way
and it looks like the rain will be here for a while.

Thankfully we had our love for each other to keep us warm.

Love is what gives life meaning!  !

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Ophelia has now advanced to where she can climb up and down the stairs.

She enjoys crawling and exploring the world around her.
She stands by herself and takes the odd step.
She already has a mind of her own.

Brandy, Leah's best friend and her daughter arrived bringing Ophelia for a visit.  It was a busy day out shopping for Leah as she buys food for our picnic on Sunday.
They have driven down from Merit.

Advances in the study of the brain have found that it is more than a computer and that the awareness that we indeed have a soul that is capable of bringing out the best in us.  I like to believe in the power of prayer and that power is greater and more advanced than my human brain can understand.
Sorry I missed your comment Ken
Pentali is flying to the Grand Cayman where he will do his teaching on line.
One of the advances that are being made in teaching.
He will return to grade his students in Nov.  I believe.


It was not my imagination when I heard a loud crashing noise coming from our fire place first thing in the morning.  I could not find out what had caused it.  I was very curious.
The Golden years!
Did I miss them or are they still ahead?
I still want to be useful.

Curiosity keeps our brains alive.
Determination fuels our curiosity.
Children are very curious
and Jesus said become like a little child.
Be curious ask questions.
We have been given a mind for a reason.
The ability to create and coexist.

Even Jesus as a young boy was curious and asked questions of his elders.

"Concepts such as faith and belief are easier to comprehend when the right side of the brain is engaged."  -Dr. Jay Lombard

I have read lots of books and heard lots of sermons but I still have a curiosity about the spiritual!

Friday, September 15, 2017


I don't know which one was most surprised dad or the wasp.  The wasp had landed on his spoon and dad was just about to put it into his mouth.  Just in time they both eyed each other.  Yes the wasps are bad invading our space when we try to eat outside.

Yes I am reading about the brain, a mysterious and fascinating organ.  This time it is because Dr. Jay Lombard a leading neurologist is studying the brain to look for evidence of God.

"Neuroscience is the study of the brain-it is the portal through which we can discover, in the brain's formerly fathomless code, the true nature of our being."

"We are much more than mere intellect, more than human computers who make decisions."

Neuroscience is a tool to allow the invisible to become visible and discover more about the nature of faith, belief and hope.  We all have experienced life differently and this makes each one of us unique and special.  Both science and faith have contributions to help us process and understand the meaning of our lives.  

"A faith invigorated and enlightened by science rather than being at odds with it."

"An active faith entails seeing beyond our differences and embracing the truth of connectivity, that our actions impact others."

Sandra was not able to drop by as she had a date with Randy instead but Mantel did pop in to say good-bye.  Everyone is coming and going at their place.  The renter has moved in and Panteli leaves Sat. at 6.  to be with Carol in the Caymans. 

 Ben is in Seattle  playing soccer and Hamlet arrives Sat. about 6 for a visit with Kim.

Ophelia's party is on Sunday.

It is amazing how this has all worked out.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


I discovered that in being flexible life continues to have even deeper meaning and freedom.
So there is a freedom that comes  when we are willing to be flexible~

I was feeling sad about not going to Kamloops as I felt like getting away and seeing  how Rick was doing, but I realized it was more important to get my final eye test.  It may be too late anyway but I will send the letter away and see what happens.  Rick coped fine and just wanted to rest and heal.

Feeling inwardly overwhelmed

Dad's friend Larry phoned from Saskatoon where he was having supper with another friend Don.  It would have been nice to be there too.  So we decided to make the best of a lovely day and go out to lunch!

We drove to the North View Golf  course where the beauty that surrounds you is comforting.  We ate outside and watch the golfers slowly making their way to the end of the course.  I think of dad's mom who loved to golf and did so every day after she retired.

When we arrived home our neighbor Todd came to borrow some tools so we were happy to lend him what we had.  He was the one who helped fix the back door.

Learning to be flexible does not come easy but things always work out for the best in the end.
Eventually it may teach us the joy of loving and serving others.
Faith needs to be flexible too!


Rick had his surgery at midnight and sent a text message all is well.  We are very thankful.

The unknown is very scary especially surgeries.
He was released this morning and drove himself home.  He is still feeling crappy.

He would prefer that we do not come at this time.
He will pick up his pills and a few groceries.

He wants me to go to my eye exam.
I may need to use him as my lawyer for ICBC so I will reschedule my appointment

Challenges are to be expected as we travel through each day and especially every year.

There is an open road before us  to our lives and I know I need to pack courage and wisdom and love even for when we are staying home.

Prayers for a swift recovery for Rick are appreciated.  And for his safe trips.

Hopefully the puzzle of the missing kidney will be solved.  It is important to take care of the one he has.

"It is astonishing in this world how things turn out the way you least expect it."  Agatha Cgristie

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Rick is in hospital in Kamloops for it appears day surgery.  He has a large kidney stone.

We are getting ready to leave.  Cannot find the car keys.  Rick sends a message not to come.

We search everywhere.  Some how in my hurry I packed the car keys I PACKED THE KEYS and it was the last place to look and there they where.  Dad has now gone to get gas.  We may drive in the morning.  Some one from Rick's work will pick him up from the hospital as he will not be able to drive.

Canceled the hearing aid lady and the extra eye exam lady.

Hard to get any news from him but he said he will phone tonight.

Latest news Rick is still in hospital will have surgery tonight.

Ken phoned on his way home from the doctor and has to decide whether to buy the breathing machine.  Larry Olson has one and he really is happy with it.  Our sleep is so important.  Ken, I hope your weather improves soon and everyone gets over that nasty flu.

People at the church are praying.

We will be up early and leave for Kamloops in the morning.  Yes, it will be a long drive for us.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I  am grateful for my morning walk.

Each new day is a gift to be received with gratitude.  The gratitude for the gift of life is what I want to carry with me through the day.  We can learn to view life with a sense of gratitude and to hold on to the hope that each day promises to fulfill.

Life has to be worth living even through the difficult times.  There are gifts that can only be revealed through suffering and sometimes sorrow.  There are times when we can allow ourselves to be nourished and sustained by the goodness and faith of others.

Discovering what really matters!

Dad has reprogrammed our computers with help on the phone with a nice young man from East Link so that it should now start to work more efficiently.

I went over to see the eye doctor and now have to do more tests on Thursday.  
I am not sure if I am legal or not.  Dad drove me over to visit at the Seniors Home and my visit went well.

I am grateful for my book "Radical Gratitude" by Mary Jo Leddy.  It we a gift for me to read.

"In times of economic and political distress combined with hurricanes and floods her words descend upon us as healing water, thirst quenching, insight and drenching joy."   Joy Kogawa

I appreciated her honesty and courage as she admits she also struggles to be grateful just like the rest of us.  Sometimes it means looking for beauty among the ashes of despair and hopelessness.

As this day nears its end we are moving closer to finding out what is going on with Rick.

"When beginnings strike us as grace, as realities we should never take for granted,
then we may begin to acknowledge the mystery of God as the Creator of the Universe
but also as the Creator of our lives."  Mary Jo Leddy

Monday, September 11, 2017


Every day we put our trust in many things.
I trust the pills that I am taking to make me better.
I trust the car to start and to keep running.
Trusting that my computer will turn on right so I can edit etc.
Dad and I worked on them both for a long time on Sunday.

Today I got a letter from the licensing department saying I had not met the requirements to renew my license.  I had gone to the doctor to get my check up and to the eye doctor to see if I needed to wear glasses.  The eye doctor promised to send the results to the doctor who would send it in to the licensing department.  

I trusted that this was being done.  To-morrow I will be phoning to see what went wrong.

Today dad and I went to the hearing aid lady.  She was very nice and encouraging reassuring us that she could fix our problems.  It may take a while and especially take time to adjust.  We will be hearing too much.

Sometimes life hands us small problems but then there are the bigger problems that we have to learn to adjust to.  Within each one of us is a life force that we can trust to respond in a positive way.

Sunday, September 10, 2017


When people ask me how I am I have decided to answer just fine.  Most people do not really care as everyone has there own problems.  I feel if you are coping and keeping your head above water just fine is a good answer.

It may seem strange to say we can take refuge in our suffering, or in our incompleteness with a open heart and mind.  This allows us to learn lessons of wisdom and compassion.

"Everyone and everything is in the process of manifesting its soul."

My only hope is that gradually we can become more of a blessing to those around us even though they may not understand us.  It is an effort worthy of our patience and our attention.

I did drive to church but on the road cars were racing all around me and passing me.  Not going to church.  Dad's eye looks ugly with a growth protruding right in the corner.  His eye is also painful along with his feet.

God according to the message I heard is calling to dance spiritually embracing both the joys and sorrow of life.

Communion for me was a time of receiving a blessing that continually flows from Jesus as we celebrate his life and his death!  Jesus will always be on the side of the oppressed and abused and he calls us to be one with him in this ministry.

Yes so I left church knowing I am just fine!

Saturday, September 9, 2017


The human spirit is amazing how it can survive disaster after disaster.

Every family has had difficult times and looking back we wonder how we survived.

We always find the strength and the courage we need from our encouragement of each other.

Experiences bring with them lessons that can be taught  in nor other way than through the darkness of the unknown.  Waiting is hard but the light will shine through.  We are survivors!

"When one door closes another opens
but we often look so long and regretfully
at the closed door
that we do not see the one that is opened for us"     - Alexander Graham Bell

A door of healing!

Friday, September 8, 2017


                            I like to think that there are greater truths to be wondered at and discovered.

Wonder opens the door to gratitude. 

I sit waiting to hear the garbage men come and take away all my junk.  I am grateful.
Confession does the same thing as I let my negative thoughts fly away.

Dad tried to fix the gas burners on the stove but it looks like a new part is needed.

When the computer guy came he did not connect us to the inter-net and today we discovered this.
Dad phoned and connected to a girl who was able to fix our problem.  It is annoying when a job is not done right.

I am grateful for quiet places like Boundary Park where the wonder of nature restores my soul!

Thursday, September 7, 2017


There are times in life when one feels so very helpless.

I think also we take so much for granted without thinking about our blessings.

Our heart keeps beating and our lungs keep breathing and our eyes keep seeing etc. etc.

Yet we are helpless over nature which has the power to destroy all we have gained.

I feel the most helpless when my children or grand children are sick or unhappy.

I think that everyone should have two kidney's but the news that Rick got from the doctor was that he only has one.  He was shaken by the news as dad and I also were.  How can this be?  Surely it was not from birth?  Was it destroyed by a serious illness years ago?  We do not know.  The blood test he had today should help find out if the one kidney is working.  He will have to have more tests and see an urologist, hopefully in the near future.

His health has been very poor or the last few months.

This is unbelievable!

I usually am comforted by the fact that others have been through this too, unless it is one for Ripley's Believe it or Not, so Rick will also come through this.

I believe that the power of prayer will give us all strength and courage.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


I want to be able to look at life as a celebration of what I can do not what limits me.  I decide it is time to do my walking again and going early is essential.  My walks can again become a spiritual practice as I pray for others in the quiet of the early morning.

Life is again celebrated as the ladies of the church U.C.W. meet for lunch at Ev's house.  She has a lovely back yard with grape branches covering the side o the back porch.  We had a good turn out which in the end meant some had to sit inside but right near the door.  There was lots of good food and some that I was able to enjoy.

It was a time to catch up on our busy life activities.  Even the couple in their 90's were active.

We are a group that meets to help others and also to bring spiritual life to each other by the gift of our presence.

Jewish ethical wisdom was built on the importance of being a good neighbor and loving one another.  Every relationship in my life is important to me.  Those who agree with me or those who do not are valued.  It is good to meet with friends who are like minded because we encourage and support one another.

One of the needs in our world today is to convert hostility into hospitality says Henry Nouwen.

A good reminder that our lives matter and my life will and does effect others.

The day ended with dad and I visiting Vera and bring life into her place with stories and laughter.

"All life is an experiment
The more experiments the better.......
What if you do fail and get fairly rolled in the dirt
once or twice."   -Ralph W. Emerson

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


                                                                                         The moon from our porch. 
 Waiting got the hot air to cool down.
Waiting in the morning for the slightest breeze but the air just felt warm and heavy.
Meanwhile in Melbourne it is cold and windy and may even snow.

I am waiting and hoping and praying that things will be worked out peacefully with Korea.

Dad and I spent Monday evening waiting at the emergency.  The bladder infection was getting worse and dad did not want me to wait until the next day to contact the doctor.

Waiting and watching others who are waiting, weary and sick.  An older man with scruffy dark clothes came in and I could smell the liquor on his breath.  Another old man was leaving the waiting area and could not get his back pack tired on.  The scruffy guy volunteered to help.  It was touching.

What a contrast between the sick man with his back pack and the young children so happy and excited to go to school.  

Waiting for people to understand me and to live by the golden rule.  
It does not always happen and all I can do is try to change my attitude.
I want to feel loved and accepted and understood.

The greatest gift we can bring to our relationships is one of forgiveness and unconditional love.

Hurt people hurt others.
Careless words from caring hearts can be c=very painful.

A wise man reminds us of the injunction to live by grace.

Of course I can never really feel what another feels when my own emotions and attitudes get in the way.

I want to be healthy and it annoys me when I feel stressed and unwell.

Where does the energy go and how do I get it back.
Waiting for others to change is not helpful.
I will try to live with a more gentle spirit as I rest up and get better.


Monday, September 4, 2017


Mandy also had a birthday!

Bring it on babe!
Yes after a day in the sun by he pool, a day of fun and laughter it was good to sit on the front porch with Rick.  Thankful for cool mornings.

Dad took us out for breakfast he would have made eggs but there were no eggs.  

We  enjoyed sitting out in the back getting caught up with his health and his work.

Too hot now except to download a few pictures.