Friday, September 1, 2017


A young teen-age boy came to our door wanting to power wash the house and drive way.  Yes, it does need to be down.  He then continued to offer to do any odd chores that we would like.  He was so confident I was tempted to hire him.

Dad has finished the deck but putting away all his tools was a big job.  He had bags of tools in the living room not wanting anything to be left out and get stolen.  They all had to be re-organized and put away.

The Wild Animal Control Truck was here again today.  It is the squirrels that are causing the problems trying to make a home in side their house.  The entrances are now sealed off.

Today for me was a day to rest and enjoy.  Thankful to have a good book to read.  "Peace Like A River" is the book Sandra gave me to read about a Christian family whose faith is a natural part of their lives.

The dad is confident that God that God still works miracles!  So am I!


Sandra said...

Happy giving birth to me day!

Did you go/get an appointment to go get checked to see if you have another bladder infection.

In the meantime drink lots of water.

I will give you a call when Randy is up, if we go out for lunch maybe you can join us. He is working tonight so can not make me my birthday supper.


beth bennett said...

Yes we were so happy and proud to have a beautiful baby girl.
I had a good stay in hospital.
You were a very happy baby and Rick and Carol entertained you.

I went to the clinic and am drinking lots.

Tavia is dropping by with Oliver about noon.
She rarely has the car so it is kind of her to come all this way from Langley.
Waiting to hear from
Enjoy your lunch.
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Happy Birthday to Sandra....may the coming year be the best one yet!

Sorry to hear you have a bladder infection, Beth. I heard the medication isn't easy to take. Quite a few people have side effects don't they? I know they can be pretty darned uncomfortable...Carl has had a few of them.

How nice to have another little baby come and visit to brighten up your day. You sure lead a full life with lots of family and friends who care about you and Larry. it testifies to the good life you have given them in return. Good folks,

My poor cat, Gilbert is failing and the vet is coming to the house tomorrow to euthanize him. He is so sick and very frail. He has been losing weight now for about 5 months...poor fellow and I am so sad to think of him gone. We are fortunate that there is a vet who has a cottage here and she was out this weekend.

My son, Bob is moving all his furniture etc to his apartment in Selkirk today. My other son is helping him, that is Mark and a good friend too, pete, the Italian fellow. Pete gave me some seedling peppers for my garden this spring and it turns out they aren't sweet peppers, but Jalepeno peppers and they do not agree with us. Of course there is a bumper crop, so I will sell them. Each plant has about 15 and I have four plants.

Did you read about Joel Osteen and his fancy church in Texas that didn't open their doors to the flood victims? the church holds 16,000 people. It sure give Christianity a bad rap.
I know they are far right Evangalists....but really? What are they thinking anyway?
As our minister said....if in doubt "what would Jesus do"?
The hurricane was a terrible disaster wasn't it? I feel so badly for those who lost their homes, lives and possessions.
AND they say there is another hurricane on the way.
We may have wild weather swings here with a cold and sometimes stormy winter, but I choose that over living anywhere else. In fact I like winter. I like the solitude and the beauty.

Well I sure hope you feel better soon Beth. Do you drink Cranberry jiuce? It is supposed to be great for bladder infections.

wishing you both a great day,

Love, Nancy