Saturday, September 30, 2017


Was it predestination that dad bumped into me at the skating rink and we got to know each others name as we sat on the bench where he apologized and checked to see if I was okay.  Afterwards he and his friend drove me and my friend home.  I think we do not like to think that our lives our predetermined by some great master plan.  Yet there was a destiny into which we were born but this did not take away our free will to make choices.  We were born with a personality and a purpose that came with the gift of life.  We can choose to search for the purpose and meaning of our lives.  We are predetermined in terms of our biology and when the path is smooth we feel like we have discovered our destiny.  We have choices to choose between right and wrong or to choose to love or hate.  Our freedom is our destiny.  We have the key to unlock mysteries hidden by a locked door.  We are free to continue to live and breath and to grow physically and spiritually.  We are free to accept change even when we do not understand the reason why.
We are free to believe in God or totally ignore His existence.
We are free choose our own path and create our own destiny.
When we know we have the capacity to feel the pain of others 
we also know the value of forgiveness. 

" We experience true freedom when we are able to recognize that empathy equals destiny."
-Dr. Jay Lombard


Carol said...

Hi Mom. This is so lovely. I'm going to share it on Facebook. I hope that's ok. funny to think of you meeting dad at the skating rink so many years ago...

beth bennett said...

Carol that would be so kind of you to share on facebook.

Hope you have a good day today.

Miss you.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I always understood the story to be that some of Dad's buddies shoved him into you because they knew he thought you were pretty, but he couldn't actually think of how to talk to you.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick that was the true story.

I suppose that is an important detail.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

What a cute story and even better with Rick's addition to it!

Beautiful words Beth regarding destiny and free choices and words that are very true.

Some people get locked into the fated type of thinking and don't realize that they can change their life....and that is sad. When it comes down to to it...'life is what we make of it'!

I met my husband, Carl when he delivered ice to our cottage in the days when we didn't have hydro here at the beach. We were 6 and 12, so I have known him a long long time!

Love. nancy

Anonymous said...

I thought Granpa hit mom with a ball playing broomball?