Monday, September 25, 2017


Dad and I are enjoying our new minister and are off to church with a new sense of anticipation  His sense of humor and dog stories made listening to the seriousness of day to day  reality easier to absorb.  Anticipate and pay attention to the goodness that surrounds us and wants to live within us.  Recognizing that within our souls is a hunger for the spiritual.  Dad and I since we have our new hearing aids are better able to enjoy the sounds of nature,

Going to have supper with Sandra filled us with anticipation of good food, a little information and laughter!

She was busy making desert, ruhbarb when we arrived.

Peanut was very glad to see us and was anticipating a walk.  He kept walking around the table and putting his nose of dad's knee.  She was the first one out when the front door opened.  We are so blessed with our wonderful family.

Sandra told us about a christening she had attended and the funny way there dancing was like a shuffle just like dad and I are staring to do.  We could join right in which for me would be great fun.  I have no confidence when it comes to dancing, certainly not like Sandra and others do.

I am looking at reading the Scriptures with more openness and anticipation.

Evidently the earliest recorder writings by the Hebrew and Pholnician were written from the left to the right.   Reflecting a strong dependence on the right brain.  Concepts of faith and belief are easier to comprehend using the right side of the brain.  So of course they could talk to and hear God.

Later the Greek civilization changed the direction and also the words focused on rational and logical.

I do not read scripture from a literal bias but try to be open to the wonder that it can stir within me.
Just like a song can stir us I believe words of faith can help us appreciate and see the goodness around us and within us.

I think I am repeating myself but this is good enough for an early morning writing!


Sandra said...

Did you notice I have already started to clear out the annuals out of my garden. I am always itching to start on next years layout by this time of the year and want to clear things out so I can move around the perennials.

Thank you for coming over for supper, with Randy gone so much it is often just a bowl of cereal or toast I have for supper.


beth bennett said...

Thanks for supper.

Yes I noticed. I am not there yet.

Rick stayed home from work after a painful weekend.

Advice was go to Emerg.

Drink lots of water.

Love mom
Going to Toys or Us. now.


beth bennett said...

I forgot to mention Rick did go to the doctor
first thing in the morning.
He did another blood test.
I wonder when he will get results?
I believe they can be mailed out.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

By golly you are so lucky to have your daughter make you supper! I wish I had a daughter, especially now that I am older. We have a granddaughter but she is very busy with her work and studies at university.

So sorry to hear that Rick is having troubles. Our health is so important isn't it and we often take it for granted until we get sick. Carl is not well either and he likely has a kidney or bladder infection. He has had that before. he doesn't drink enough fluids and has bladder cancer as well so he needs to be careful.

He has an appointment to see the doctor at our local hospital ( if one can call it that) it is 25 minutes away. but they will forward the info along to our doctor in Winnipeg, who carl called first. He is going to call him again tomorrow to see how he is. what a wonderful man he is. We are so blessed to have him as our doctor. His name is Dr. Chakraborty. Not many doctors will call you at home these days.

Sandra has such a good sense of colour and design. It shows in her home and her garden. I am beginning to tear out the vegetables from the boxes now. The tomatoes are pretty much done except for one plant that has tomatoes that are larger than my hand.

I taught my two new piano students today and am so blessed to have them.....what good kids they are. I did a little test and they are very musical. Good sense of rhythm and good ear.
I can always tell at the first lesson how well they will do.

How nice to hear about all the good things you and Larry are hearing Larry won't have an excuse for selective hearing! Just teasing Larry! I think a lot of our men are like that though! I know Carl can hear a pin drop if he wants to. When he wants to...hahaha

Well I am off to prepare for tomorrow. We have to be at the clinic early in the morning.

I wish you a lovely evening....

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy
Larry is doing well with his hearing aids.
but he still dose not always seem to hear.

Sorry to hear about Carl.
Glad you like the doctor but what a name!

Love Beth