Tuesday, September 19, 2017


                                    Haiti is letting Kim know she is not leaving without her!
Another even colder morning.  I did go for a quick walk.  Then had to clean up to get ready for a visit from John and Pat.  They came bearing vegetables from their garden.  We had a lot to catch up since we saw them last.  They are very busy trying to say green space in Surrey. 

My thoughts and my actions prove my existence.

I have found the existence of God to be a firm belief that started as a child and has continued to help me make good choices.  I am thankful we can each one of us choose what to believe and what to trust. We share our beliefs with others who think differently and continue to challenge our beliefs.

We have our own stories about the existence of a sacred energy but it is important to listen to the stories of others.  Peace will never come if we are not willing to co-operate and share, our resources and our strengths.

Faith can be said to be defined as trusting what you have good reason to believe to be true.
A thread that has been woven into my life through experiences both good and difficult.

Life gives us the opportunity to accumulate evidence to encourage our faith to mature.

Seekers and searchers will be rewarded if they keep an open mind and heart.


nancy-Lou said...

Existence....I think we all wonder at some time, why we are here. What is life all about? Sometimes I think we are like a zillion ants, we come and we go and we are destroying the earth as we exist. Really, one lifetime is nothing compared to all the millions of years the earth as been in existence. It is like a drop in the bucket.

When I saw what Lake Winnipeg looked like this summer, when I was teaching art classes at the summer clubhouse which is along the lakeshore, i was shocked...totally shocked to see the waves of murky green pea soup washing into the shore and covering the beaches with a stink...yes I have to use that word stink to describe how vile it was.
I admit I haven't been to the beach in years..not in the summer season. I go in the spring and fall when there aren't many people here and I can drive in and park at a friends cottage.

So now I just read that there are so many hog farms in Manitoba that they produce 13 million tons of poop...which is used on the grain fields which eventually works its way into the water system and Lake Winnipeg....the nitrogen it produces feeds the algae....which attracts the zebra mussels...and on it goes.
There is a new group led by a well known environmental activist that is trying to get this stopped. I hope they are successful.

I hope Haiti comes for a visit soon again. I am sure you enjoy having her for the day. Good to see you are getting out for walks Beth!

My poor max is limping on his back leg. He has problems with his knee and the muscles in his leg are atrophying. I give him meds from the vet and they seem to help him somewhat.

I sure miss our Son, Bob who moved into Selkirk recently. it is a good move for him...his girlfriend lives there and there is lots of work too.

I wish you a good day, Beth,


beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy that is tragic what is happening to your lake.

Haiti was here again.

Kim worries about the new tenant and Haiti getting used to one another.

We enjoy having her but she still wants to dig so we have to keep an eye on her
in the back yard. It looked like she was going to dig up one of the new tiles.

Love beth