Sunday, September 24, 2017


Yes, we could hear clearly every word that Kim expressed and Hamlet as we enjoyed supper out on our back deck.  It was extremely thoughtful for them to make supper and bring it over for us.  
Kim dug out some of our photo albums and dad shared a few more stories.
It helps us to feel younger when we are with young special people like these two.

Dad and I share a common purpose as we put our hearing aides on first thing in the morning.

They really are amazing and I can even hear my bones creaking.
Nice to hear the birds singing but scary to hear the bees buzzing around me in the garden!

The funny thing was that with Kim and Hamlet they have good strong voices which are easy to hear even without hearing aids!  Great fun!  Our test will be with Sandra for sure.

We have many purposes to fulfill in life and they are different in each one of our lives.  Our main purpose is to bring love and joy into the lives of others which gives happiness to both.  It is to learn to grow even through adversity and share our experiences with each other.  To have compassion for others which includes all creatures.  To find an ethical code to live and to love and to be happy! 

Random acts of kindness are the little acts we do for others each day!


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful to hear how much you are enjoying hearing well now, Beth! they can do amazing things these days with the small little hearing aids that fit in your ear. Very happy for you both to be able to hear well again.

Aren't those cute photos of Kim and Hamlet? We were just doing the same thing, when our Granddaughter was here the other day. Looking through old photos. I am downsizing ( at least trying to ) and asked her if she wanted anything from the china cabinet and she said she would take it all! Well how about that? Most young folks these days don't want any of that old stuff! So we will pack it up soon when she comes to visit again. So glad it doesn't have to go to V V.

Today was a west coast day with an all day rain. I was out in it having a fight with the squirrel. that little devil has been able to outfox me every time i come up with a new idea so he cannot get to the bird feeder. But I finally think I got him! I strung a wire across the yard from the house and hung the tube feeder on it...well the little devil jumped from the ground and got on it. so I got a long pole and propped up the wire like clotheslines when wwe were it is high now.
I await his next tricks....and will be ready with some new ideas! he had better watch out.

It was the last baseball game at home for the Blue Jays...just 6 more games and they are done for the season. We will miss them, but hockey has started and so has curling so that will keep us busy. Carl watches all football games as well.

I am glad to hear that Rick is back to work and is feeling better.

I am wondering if Ken's children will soon be out of school for summer holidays? How old are they now and what grades are they in? I would think that they would have two months off in the summer wouldn't they? some of the kids in the USA have three months off. One of my watercolour students from the states told me that this summer. Now that is a long time isn't it?

Well I am going to watch a couple of episodes of the Game of thrones and then go to bed with my book. It is a mystery by David Baldachi but I find it very similar to another book I read of his. It is suspenseful....but I think I know the ending...hope he surprises me!

Have a good evening,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Do you or dad rush home and grab the bible to see what King David did or didn't do? I watched a decorating show and on commercial breaks did some tydying up.
