Tuesday, September 26, 2017


                              Faith is about movement just like the day moves from darkness to light!

I had plans for us maybe to look for rugs but dad did not have a good sleep and had stomach problems all morning.  One reason we are slow doing things is we both have to be feeling up to it.
We have ended up having a quiet day at home.  Dad vacuumed out the car and cleaned his garage.  I went for an early walk and then another shorter walk to the park with Haiti.

Welcome to anyone reading this to my life, my family and friends, and my faith and my fears.
It is about sharing laughter and tears,  wonder and mystery, that keeps us connected and always grateful!

"The simple act of living, and living well, in itself a prayer."  Emanual Bergman

We share our concerns and empathy for many who are suffering earthquakes, fire and violence and injustice.

I find as I age that my movements are slower and there is a loss of vitality and strength but I am moved by the stories of courage and determination I hear about every day.

All our lives are interrelated and woven together and what we do matters even when it does not seem like much in the grand scheme of things.  All life has purpose and meaning!


Sandra said...

Well, maybe today. The carpet will still be there. I find I have to make something the first thing I do in the day if I want to be sure it gets done.

Had great plans to come home after work and get the grass cut, but I was so hungry I did not have the energy. Made my version of an omelette and crashed on the couch instead. Maybe today will be better.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, we too are finding we lose movement and vitality as we age. it does take us longer to do things. Especially Carl. Just getting into the car in an effort for him. Mornings take me quite a while to "get going:"whereas I used to be up so early and working in the kitchen by 8am. That was when Carl had his business and it was based out of our house. Very busy times for almost 40 years.

The tests came back with good results but he still has the back pain, nausea and dizziness. Waiting to see what our Winnipeg doctor will do. he will call again tonight. Well that is good that Carl doesn't have a kidney infection anyway!

My budgies are so cute! I am surprised I like them as much as i do! I never really thought about having budgies. all three are out of the cage and singing up a storm sitting on my lamp and windowsill. I am going to give their cage a good scrubbing now. I have had a few canaries over the years...but not for a long time. They are getting to be pretty good fliers now.

How nice to have Haiti again. I am glad she took you to the park and let you run loose with the other people there! My two are waiting to go out on their leads and look for chipmunks. I have a pet chipmunk who knows the minute I open the shop door and he is there waiting for his peanuts. He is really tame. I am going to offer him some peanuts from my hand and train him. Just hope the neighbours many cats don't kill him. They have done away with quite a few of them.
I miss my cat very much. He was such a gentle soul. I still expect to see him in "his spots" but he isn't there. Just his spirit hangs around and I feel he is here. sometimes I catch a glimpse of a fleeting figure, like a cat....the ghost of a cat.

I hope Larry feels better, it sure is no fun when you feel ill. Have a good walk with Haiti Beth.

does it look and feel like Autumn out at the coast?

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Good news about Carl and his kidneys.

We are waiting to hear more results from Rick.

He is exhausted.

Carol phoned today when we were both out
hope she phones back soon.

Haiti loves to chase squirrels and she always sees them before I do,

We are now having very warm weather so too early to put summer clothes away.

It is very sad when you lose an animal as they are just like family.

Time to make supper.

Love beth