Monday, September 25, 2017


                                                          My garden.
Another button is missing off my blue jeans.

I think it is telling me my waistline is growing.

What a nuisance to have to get out needles and thread,

I had a small panic attack when dad's very expensive box of eye drops went missing.

I had picked up and thrown out a small Safeway bag but I was sure it was empty.

I know that dad is thinking I had thrown away the eye drops too.

I am positive I did not but I searched all through the garbage and through all the drawers and even under the bed and every where but no success.  I meditate because my worry is now turning to anxiety.  Not good.  I know dad picked them up from the store so I go and search the car.  It was then I discovered them on the work bench in the garage.

I am trying to remember what I am doing because that is not the time to be mindless.

I am having a difficult time with my hearing aids and I am afraid they are going to go missing.

Anyway our mission for the day was to buy a toy baby stroller for Ophelia.  We headed to Toys Or Us a store dad hates.  We walked around in circles and could not find any.  Dad's knee started hurting as well as his feet.  We saw a mom walk by with two in her hands so we ran after her to find out where she had found them.  She was in a hurry because her little girl already had one and was running away from her with it.

                                                       Yes we bought one.

Our day continued with a short visit to see Vera and then o the library.  I again picked out books for dad.  This one is about a cat who solves mysteries!

So at the end of the day the feelings  of gratitude that I had been missing returned.


Sandra said...

Since yesterday was spent taking care of the interests of others do not forget to do the same for your self today.

Randy still not home. Hoping it would be Wednesday but may not be till Thursday now. Lots of other men are already over hours and so the work all falls to those who remain, Randy being one of them.

I am continuing with my scary netflix, but then read my book before bed to neutralize it.

I know it is a bit late in the game to be training a husband, but did you ever think of just saying " they are your pills, your responsibility, you find them" ?


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra,
Dad has to get out of the habit of thinking I have touched or moved his things.

I have to get out of the habit of moving, even if it see,s like I am putting things away, habit.

I think we are both retraining!

Too bad Randy is still working and not coming home.

We have Haiti today.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, I am sorry to hear that you had all that worry over the lost pills, Beth. It is upsetting to look so long for do get into a panic. I am thinking that if they were left in the garage it must have been, 'you know who" who left them there! oh oh!
Things like that happen in our house too! I guess when you have been married as long as we both have...we get over these things quickly!

That is a cute little stroller...for a doll or teddy bear I guess. I am sure Ophelia will love it. what is her nick name or do they call her by her full name?

We had to go to the doctors clinic in Pine Falls today for Carl.
it look like he has a kidney infection and bladder too. We haven't heard back about the test results yet.

What a beautiful new clinic it is! It is fashioned as a native healing centre and has a sweat lodge right in the building as well as a native healer. They have sweet grass growing in a garden near the main doors. Inside the patient waiting room there are computers for people to use...there is a quiet room for those wanting quiet, there is a childrens centre..where they have a tv a lots of toys and a table with a road map on the top with all the different building in Pine Falls. Out the main waiting room windows ( which are huge ) is a large about 30 feet long, that is left over from the ice glaciers....there are wild flowers growing all around it...just as nature intended. What a lovely place it is. Must have cost a bundle.

The doctor we met with is Egyptian and even has a phd. he notice the emblem on Carl's shirt right away...ATeah in they got along like a house on fire. Carl is a lot like his Arabic anscestors and this doctor said they may even be cousins....Carl had a great uncle who was a doctor in Lebanon (Ateah) and he moved to Egypt to marry an Egyptian woman.
This doctor just started working at the hospital.

Dr. Chakraborty is our doctor in winnipeg and he is East Indian.

Wasn't that nice to have Haiti again. did you get out for some good walks? I hope you had time for yourself as relax and read after looking after everyone else yesterday.

Have a good evening...we are watching the blue Jays...just a few more games to go.

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy what a beautiful clinic with the native touch!

Pray Carl gets results and treatment soon.

I have Haiti again today who makes my walks more fun.

I let her run around the park and she needs exercise too.

Another beautiful warm day!

Love Beth