Wednesday, September 27, 2017


                                             All life has value and purpose and meaning.

Each morning as I pray I value those who I am praying for,
and my thoughts may move me to actions later in the day.

"Values become your destiny"  -Ghandi

I value the time dad and I spend together,  whether it is shopping or visiting or watching T.V. or going to the library, or doctor's appointments and even sleeping together.  We value the memories we hold dear and the love of our family.  This does not mean that we do not also annoy one another because we do at times.

Dad was going to wash the car but instead washed our windows after I pointed out how dirty they had become.

I left him to join my friends at Bible study.  We value the friendship we have and we value the Bible and prayer.  Whether we are talking about family or faith  or community or compassion we find there is a soul satisfaction being together.  Sharing our values gives us strength and courage and unity.

It helps to have good values when it seems that so much of the world is in chaos.

We value the relationship we are finding in God's love.

I value your comments!!!!


Sandra said...

Right now it is the weather that I am valuing. Randy is home finally and I told home dinner outside is mandatory as it will probably be the last time for the year.

He will take a few days off now and get caught up on sleep.


Carol said...

Wow! Randy works so hard. We are all good here. I'm happy to have Panteli here that's for sure. We had a games night where a lady back visiting the island brought her dominoes. that was fun but this morning I'm tired and it's raining and so I dont' feel like walking. Maybe do yoga indoors. I value my family.

Anonymous said...

Finished my run of early shifts yesterday. Three days off then back to PM shifts. Very busy at work with the kids on school holidays and and a long weekend this weekend. We have our Super Bowl ( afl grand final j on Saturday in Melbourne and NRL grand final in Sydney on Sunday. Melbourne storm are playing in the rugby grand final on Sunday. Melina working today and Sunday. I returned my CPAP machine yesterday. I plan to buy a second hand one online.

nancy-Lou said...

Values.....well I value your blog Beth and look forward to reading it every day! It is always inspiring and I like to hear of the family news as well.

I feel so badly for Rick, not being well. It is so scary when one is really sick. tests and doctors and not being able to work. I do hope he feels better soon. It is a worry for us parents when our "kids" are ill, even though they are our adult kids. My sons are in their fifties and I see them having aches and pains now. One of my sons smokes too and that is a worry for sure. I wish he would quit! But don't hound him about is up to him. I keep Rick on my prayer list....feel better soon Rick!
I have a close friend who is going through a breast cancer scare....she is seeing a specialist soon and I pray for good results for her too.

I value my life too, after driving past a terrible auto accident today. It sure makes one think,"but for the grace of God." A tradesman driving a newer half ton truck hit a moose and his tools were scattered across the highway...his truck unfortunately rolled in the ditch and there wasn't much left of it. I don't think someone could survive that. It was about 20 minutes from home. Lots of RCMP and emergency trucks there as well as the highways trucks trying to clean the litter off the highway. the highway had been closed and I was just lucky that it had re-opened. I pray for the passengers and driver.

Moose are quite common here. I have a moose story I will tell you one day is why I was late for teaching school. that is when I was on staff at our local school. Loved those days. They laughed at my story and didn't believe it! But it was true.

I was in Winnipeg and had a long day of running errands. Sure tired tonight. Some good friends dropped in just as I was unloading the car so they helped and Bonnie put away a lot of the groceries too. They are really true friends and so hard working. Salt of the earth people. Ken her husband took all our garbage and re cycling too. He worked for Carl until Carl retired. We are blessed. Doubly blessed.

Nice to hear that Carol and Panteli are all settled in the Cayman's. it must be a beautiful place to live. I think i would miss the change of seasons though! I like winter....yes I am a rare duck! By March I am ready to say goodbye to winter!
Doesn't it get dark early Beth? My goodness we are into the darkness now at 7pm and earlier until sometime in March. It gets dark about 4:30 just before Christmas. YIKES.

What does Randy do for a living? Work on the docks? He seems to have such long and odd working hours. shift work is hard and you and Larry would know all about that as we do too after all the years Carl was on the Winnipeg Police Force.

Well I wish a good day tomorrow, looking forward to your blog again Beth,

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your last day of summer😎