Friday, September 8, 2017


                            I like to think that there are greater truths to be wondered at and discovered.

Wonder opens the door to gratitude. 

I sit waiting to hear the garbage men come and take away all my junk.  I am grateful.
Confession does the same thing as I let my negative thoughts fly away.

Dad tried to fix the gas burners on the stove but it looks like a new part is needed.

When the computer guy came he did not connect us to the inter-net and today we discovered this.
Dad phoned and connected to a girl who was able to fix our problem.  It is annoying when a job is not done right.

I am grateful for quiet places like Boundary Park where the wonder of nature restores my soul!


Carol said...

I like the boundary subdivision too and the meditation for negative thoughts and people fixing things right the first time.

beth bennett said...

Just what dad said too about doing it right at the start!

Love mom

Sandra said...

Had my mammogram yesterday and then shopping at Superstore. Both usually unpleasant events went very fast with no waiting. The check out lady even packed the groceries for the elderly lady behind me, not something I have seen happen there before.

We are off to the animal shelter for the volunteer appreciation barbecue today, hope there is shelter as it looks like it will be raining.


beth bennett said...

Good you are keeping up to date on your tests.

Enjoy your barbecue

Having q quiet day.