Sunday, September 30, 2018


I wake up to the gentle sound of raindrops on the window.  I am happy we went to the peace garden on a sunny day.

Yesterday was our 62nd wedding anniversary.  We were married in Regina where I was living at the time on a lovely sunny day.  We left that evening to fly to rainy B.C.  It was a big adjustment for me to get used to foggy rainy days.

Yesterday we felt a little sad as neither one of us felt like going out.  We had planned to buy each other presents and dad very much wanted to buy me something new.

Our love has weathered many storms and disappointments and disagreements but is now stronger than ever.  Love is the energy that heals all wounds when we forgive and forget! 

One of the best gift is the words we speak to one another and dad's words on my blog touched me deeply.  Yes words spoke from the heart have great meaning and help us to embrace all of life.

Raindrops and sunshine are both to be embraced with thankfulness.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


It was a beautiful fall day and wonderful to be able to share a visit to the peace garden with
Ben and Carol.  I was really looking forward to seeing them and Ben asked if we had a extra cell phone and I wanted us to take it in.  Dad was not too happy but it did us good.  We could not stay for supper as I was starting o cough and felt very weak. 

We had been to the doctor and he told us what he told us before this is according to Sandra.  I do not remember.  I had put off going to the clinic because I knew this visit was coming up and I thought I could wait till then.

Yes our visit with Dr. Nolte went well and I have an additional puffer to take on a regular basis even when I may not feel I need.  Dad explained the problem of trying to contact him, which finally worked out.  He reminded us to just tell the nurse when we phone it is an emergency and he will see us.  After all I am one of his favorite patients after Randy who thinks he is the favorite.

I have cancelled my walks with Aneta and cancelled lunch with our old neighbor Cathy for today.

Sandra will stop by on her way home from lunch out.

I have this message which keeps going through my head, know your limits and keep within it.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


                                               Every day all we can do is do our best.

                                                    One little mushroom in or lawn.
                                                      Reminds me one day at a time.

I had a good sleep last night and I am so thankful.  I used the puffer and it really helped.  My appointment is for today and it was good we hecked as I thought it was yesterday.  I have been waiting two weeks.  I could have gone to the emergency but I didn't feel like coughing and coughing around other people, 

Both dad and I felt very weak so no walk and no bike ride.  He tried to put his ride on facebook so I hope it went on

The best thing I can do now is to rest and get better.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018


It is so disappointing when you think you are better and you start getting worse.  Dad has been over to the Safeway to try to get word to the doctor to refill the puffer.  Right now I have been able to stop coughing.  We will wait and hope for the best.  I could have gone to the clinic but I did not think it was necessary at that time.

It was a beautiful fall day and we even had lunch outside.  Dad had a good bike ride and things looked good.  Things can change so quickly but thankfully they seem to have changed again.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so that is good.

The problem is that I have been too healthy over the last few years and have not needed a puffer so it cannot be reordered.

I believe in the resilience of the human heart and spirit. We will get through this as we have done in many times in the past.

I am thankful for all that dad is doing.  It is good to have some one fight your battles for you.

At the end of the day dad has gone over to pick up the puffer and I should be able to sleep to-night.

Monday, September 24, 2018


Sending some happy thoughts and feel better vibes through the Universe so you will be back to your old self again.
It was not addressed to anyone nor was it signed.

It made me feel good that some one was putting this little note out for some one. 

 Yes I am doing my walking and we did go to church and then had a quiet day.

Today I went again and I am feeling much better.

I went visiting to see my friend Joan at the Seniors Home which was a way to send happy vibes by spending time with her.  

Came home and dad was all excited as he put a camera on his bike and took pictures.

Just looking at the pictures of the forest path you can feel the good energy there.

So sending you all who read this good vibes from my heart to you.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Yes it is good to know that there are people who are cheering you on through sickness and health.

Dad wants to get a camera to tape on his head to show how he is able to fly down the path in the forest with all its twists and turns.  He finds it exciting and fun.  It helps him to feel young.

I am happy to know that there are unseen forces cheering me on,  that surround me and reassure me that I am not alone.  We are in fact all connected by our humanness and our need to share our journeys.

I was determined to go on my walk and also go to church.  There was a young student minister there who gave a good message from the Psalms.  These are poems that express all the experiences of life.

Suffering can cause us to feel an emptiness and an a feeling of being lost that questions where is God?

Instead of trying to see where we went wrong we can discover God is working in a new way in our hearts.  The emptiness can be filled by his presence.

A presence that cheers us on!
A energy that causes the grass to grow, the flowers to bloom, the birds to sing, the children to laugh
the sun and the moon and the stars to return to shine every day and every night.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


It is hard to fall asleep when someone is laughing beside you.  This is the book I brought home from the library for dad about a very funny dog and it's funny owner. She has never owned a dog before and she tries to understand why it behaves as it does.  Together they are on a learning journey.

I am now also fighting asthma which is also making it hard to sleep.  Is it because we have just turned the heat on or is it something from outside?  I know his happens every year about this time.

Last night I was feeling very miserable but afraid to go to bed.  As soon as I lay down I start to cough.  We find a funny show on Net Flicks and it actually made me feel a little better.

Laughter is good medicine.

Today Carol asked us over but talking is not good either.

Dad may get me a inhaler from the drugstore.  He talked to Tasha and she says you can ask for an emergency one.  Evidently she is  another one who has asthma.

I always feel very sad when I miss any family get together.

We will watch our funny and heartbeat.  We will laughter together so that is all good!

Friday, September 21, 2018


The leaves are full of color and very beautiful but every day on my walk there are more and more under my feet.  By Nov. the trees will be barren branches but there is still beauty to be seen.  I some times feel this is one of the challenges of life is to see and appreciate the changes.

The morning is dull and wet as I walk by the barren garden which has lost its vitality and energy but promises to bloom again even more beautiful because like life that is transformed by grace beauty is one of the mysteries that await us.

Dad thought I was late returning so he drove around to look for me, but I walk through several walkways and he could not find me.
He is very thoughtful.

I return home in a much better frame of mind meeting many strangers who smile and say good morning.

It is so important to be kind and appreciate the many blessings we have been given.

I go in the house and take off my wet jacket and take off those negative thoughts.

Our lives are being shaped by our attitude.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


I was very happy when a friend from church who has a beautiful garden  offered to come and trim down a little in my over grown garden.

Dad and I left for his appointment in White Rock.    On the way home I was thinking what a nice surprise it be waiting for me.  I was devastated when I saw how ugly  it looked.  She did a good job and cleaned up all the mess.  I know it will come back looking even more beautiful.

Fortunately she ran out of brown bags and it started to rain.  I phoned and told she certainly had worked very hard and I thanked her for that.  I tried to be enthusiastic but my heart was not really in it.

I still have the other side of the garden she is willing to come and finish but I think I will do it myself.
Dad likes it.

Dad and I had not had a good night.  I was sleeping on a mountain of pillows trying not to cough and dad started to get pain in his back.  He was worried about kidney stones as I was too.  It started to pray for him and found that I was feeling more peaceful.  In the morning he was feeling better and I was very relieved.

When you look into ancient religions of spirituality the one common theme is to surrender and in the process of letting go find transformation.  I am trying.

Yes new growth will come as surely as there is a transforming power working deep within us all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


             The beauty of the landscape welcomes us when we visit the North View Gold Course.
I am thankful for the days we feel like getting out and being a part of the world.

Yesterday we were on our way out and had to stop for the red light at 64th when Sandra is turning to come to our place right in front of us.  That was good timing.

Today was not one of them although we did drive over to the Safeway where they are repaving the parking lot.  What a mess of cars deriving around and around.  Our normal spots were all taken.  I ran in quickly and grabbed what I wanted.  After we got home dad decided to go for his bike ride which he had not felt like it earlier.  He does like his adventurous rides on the trails of the Water Shed Park.
A beautiful time of the year when every moment of sunshine is like a gift from heaven!

                      To-morrow dad goes to the eye doctor in White Rock for his eye tests.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


We cannot change other people but we can allow life to change them to be the color and shape they were meant to be.  New problems come our way and answers are not easy to find.

Many voices have spoken into my life with words I need to hear.

My parents stressed cleanliness and hard work and honesty and faithfulness.

Dad is teaching me to speak out against injustice and it is okay to think critically.

My children have taught me it is good to keep learning.

My grandchildren and great grandchildren remind to to have fun playing.

At school you learn the value of friendship.

Joann and Aneta have taught me it is okay to walk slow as long as you keep moving.

Jane taught me to talk about mental health and to accept the need for medication if necessary.

Panteli reminds us that there are always newlessons to be taught.

We are all so different.  This is one reason different religions or spiritual truth speak to our hearts.

Dad and I went to three different libraries and at each one a different book jumped out at me.

I love to read and I love to write.

The change in the weather has brought on a painful asthma attack which had both dad and I awake looking for the inhaler. 

Monday, September 17, 2018


I wish I could fix this  picture which is good of Carol and the pineapples but Kim is hidden in the back ground.

The girls are busy fixing supper for dad and I who are always hungry.

Dad fixed the electrical plugs so they should be safer now. 

The power was turned off while this was being done leaving Kim and Panteli in the dark too.  Kim decided she might as well start making supper even in the dim light of the kitchen.

Things often go wrong in our daily lives and they are not always fixable.  We carry on.

Dad and I went to the library to try and find the right librarian to fix his problems of searching for old news.  The first door to the Achieves was locked so things were not looking good.  As we entered and walked into the library next door the lady who asked if she could help looked very grumpy and unhelpful, but in the end the task was done and we left very happy.

We got home to listen to Craig on C.K.N.W. talking about why people should take an interest in politics and vote.  He spoke very well and I am sure some listeners would start to think about the up coming elections.

There are many problems in this world so we need fixer willing to help.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


A good reason to go to church is that it is raining when you arrived and enter and it has stopped when you come out.  Also the sun came out the day before for the community market where people bring items from the garden to sell.  It was outside in the sunshine.

Often people in the past have told me not to worry, even when I had good reason to do so, but Jesus tells us not to be anxious and not to worry because it foes not help.  Life continues on around us no matter what we do.

I was looking around at church and we have all aged so there are many gray hairs giving beauty to our place.  It is not easy to stop worrying as it seems to be a natural thing to do.

We hear of disaster after disaster in the news each day.  It is a good reason for us to worry.

Instead of worry we are encouraged to take responsibility and do our part, and to be creative in the way that only we can be.

If we worry there will be a worm in every apple that would be a good reason not to eat apples.

There is a message that may seem simplistic and means working through our worries and our own inner woundedness.

A good reason to believe in the impossible.

dad and I have a good reason to visit Carol and Panteli to fix a electrical problem and to visit with Sandra, and Hamlet and Kim.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


It was a good group of family members all toked into together in Lean and Craig's apartment.

I had the time wrong so plans did not go according to plan.  Also dad had a stomach upset so he drove me there but had to leave right away.

Ophelia seemed a little shy but had fun opening her presents.  She loved each one.

The cup cakes were alight with sparklers when it was time for her birthday cake,

She enjoyed tasting more than one.

She wandered around playing with her new toys.

It is amazing to think she is 2 years old now.

Too bad Rick was not feeling well enough to attend.

I found it hard to hear but had a visit with Wendy and her grand daughter.

When Astrid woke up everyone wanted to hold her

Too bad dad missed the party as he was certainly missed.  Rick too!

I was driven home with Carol and Panteli.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Dad has left for a bike ride in the Water Shed Park.  The sun is peeking out but it still seems cold.
I do a bit of pulling out dead growth in the garden but have to be very careful.
We have been trying to figure out what our plans should be for today.  Dad wants to go to the library to look up news paper information.

I went for my early morning walk and was shocked  when I met an acquaintance who I had talked to when he would walk with Jeff.  Jeff is Cathy's husband and is also a friend of his.  He seems to have forgotten them and it was strange.  Some times friends abandon you when a marriage breaks up but I was really surprise that he would do this.

On the other hand on Wed. I had a good visit with my neighbor Amy, the girl across the street from us.  She had invited me to the Baptist Church to attend a Bible Study.  She is Chinese but is attending an English speaking class.

It is on the same day as the study at Colebrook and I could not go to both of them,  I seem to need to rest before going out to go to the library, or shopping, or visiting or to a meeting.  Our will to live keeps us wanting to do our best.

Like the fall flowers I know that are time to shine has finished.  I am encouraged by the late blooming flowers that are just staring to show life.

Evidently we can change the lives of others just by being present.

Every season has a message and a plan.

Every life a story about making plans that did not work out.

Every day a plan that we try our best to carry out.

Yes Ophelia's birthday to-morrow.  I am really looking forward to celebrating with her.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


I am thankful for the clouds that bring the rain that has been needed to freshen the air and the gardens.  It is dark when I get up in the morning and dark on our drive home our visit with Carol and Panteli, Ben and Kim.  Good food is such a blessing along with good conversation.

After I had my early morning walk I did some gardening that really needed to be done.

Dad and I had a good visit with our old friend Vera who is in her nineties and as delightful as ever..
We have all changed on the outside but thankfully inside we are still beautiful.  We enjoy laughing and remembering together.

Vera told us about a trip to Richmond to see the Titanic museum.  An hour and a half worth seeing
and she could have even taken longer.  It was amazing.

Glsd to be home and ready for bed.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


There is no place like home, no matter if it is small or large.  I feel so badly for those people who have to leave their homes in the States because the Hurricane is coming.  They must be terrified.

I was thinking back to the years when dad and I were dating.  We spent a lot of time sitting around at his house talking to his mom at the kitchen table.  We went to the odd movie and had the  double dates and spent time at  the local teen-age hamburger place.  Dad's favorite was the hot hamburger sandwich.  I would steal a few chips from his plate.

We did not go to dances or to places where liquor was served instead Saturday night would find us home at his place to talk and watch the hockey game and Jackie Gleason.  My parents did not worry about me,

Sunday dad would have Sunday dinner with us with roast beef  and Yorkshire pudding and pie!

I think we were real home bodies.

As a teenager I would love to go and cheer at out high school football games and at the junior hockey games.  I was impressed when I met dad that he was a hockey player,  but that was not the main reason I fell in love with him.  .  He was good looking and  talkative and fun  to be with and kind and considerate to my parents.

Dad would often be away playing hockey out of town and he remembers these trips with great enthusiasm. I would have liked to been there.  Hockey has always been an important part of his life. Later on I would see him play in his middle years and senior years.  He was an exciting player  even then. and scored many goals.

It was fun double dating in the car with the rumble seat and my girlfriend and I sat out in the back.

Good memories of what was important to me then and still is now of spending time together and also being with family.

I will join dad as we watch the Humboldt Bronco's play their first game after the bus crash.
A very emotional game remembering the boys who died.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


                                             Raining in the early morning

What a surprise that in what seemed no time at all the sun started to shine.  Dad was able to go for his usual bike ride and had a lady going ahead of him clearing off all the cobwebs.  The path in the woods is full of cobwebs that feel so annoying when you come across them.

It is certainly cobweb time and even a few coming inside.

Time is a funny thing, it flows in it's own way.  Sometimes when I look at the clock it seems to have jumped ahead and at other times it can move so slowly.  Time changes as we get older I think because we move slower.  But the important thing is to keep moving.

Every morning I gather up my worries and talk to the Timeless One and ask for his help and guidance.  Sometimes there is not much I can do but pray.

Nature continues to give us signs that there is time for everything.
The sun to shine or the rain to fall.
Time to wake up to a new day and start a  new task. 
Time to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries!

I realize that time lies outside of our control in many ways.
The future is uncertain but right now is the time to enjoy life!
I want to embrace the goodness of each moment
even when it is not the happiest.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Here am I in my doctor's waiting room looking up at wild animals starting down at me.  Yes, he is from South Africa.

As I wait there I think about all the time we spend waiting.  Waiting for the doctor to come in, waiting for the light to change, waiting in a line at the store, waiting in a restaurant and most important waiting for life to get better.

I know that the doctor cannot cure all my aches and pains but I know he can help by doing tests to diagnose me.

I have a good visit and we discuss a lot of things and I leave with a form for the blood clinic.

Waiting is not always easy but I am thankful to be able to go to a doctor and know I have been listened to.

Every moment in life should count as a teachable moment.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


Sunday morning finds us getting ready for church.  Today they are having a lunch after church.  Our church is good at two things and they are feeding people with lots of food and also praying for each other.  Also giving to the poor food and clothing.

The sermon was about the woman who came to Jesus begging for her child to be healed.  She was confident he would do this.  I know as a mother I have often prayed for my children to be healed.  Sometimes life seems to take us to the very end of ourselves.

Life is hard when your mind and heart is so full of worry.

Each one of us has been called to endure some suffering either in our bodies or in our souls or in both.  I am drawn to the cross because it is a symbol of love and strength and hope and healing.

There us blue sky in the back ground.

I believe that there is a spirit within us that searches for the light.

The light shines when we turn our hearts to prayer.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


                                I appreciate  the fall colors. I did not plant these sunflowers but will next year.

                   Dad and I certainly appreciate all the wonderful things are family does for us both.

Today we appreciated Carol dropping in for a visit and an offer to take us shopping.  We did not really need anything but I know you often see things you like.  Very kind.  Meanwhile Sandra was out golfing.  A hole in one maybe?  Randy is with to keep her in line/

Dad drove me to the Seniors Home yesterday where Natalie the activity worker greeted me at the door with words of appreciation.  I felt bad because it had been several weeks but she said come when I can as like does not always allow us to do what we planned.

Dad and I have done a lot of visit together over the past years.  Each person you visit calls forth a new way to see life and to appreciate how another person may be feeling.  We have seen a lot of sadness.

I know how lonely it can be in hospital and how sad and fragile I feel.  I visit with Joan who has many complaints and I feel I am there to just listen and share some of my experiences.  She appreciates my listening.

I also have a talk with Marian whose legs are wrapped in bandages but she keeps busy doing puzzles and knitting.  She also volunteers at their little thrift store.  I must ask her what is her secret.

I am able to get them laughing before I leave so it makes it worthwhile.

Our connections with each other are so important.

Friday, September 7, 2018


The rising sun will soon bring warmth to our day.  When I leave for my first walk the earth is being kissed by a light rain but not enough to really bring the moisture that is needed.  The elderly East Indian gentleman is being picked up by a bus to go work out in the fields.  The street is quiet now but the school children will be skipping along the path soon.

Yesterday we welcomed yet another day to help Carol and Panteli finish up leftovers.  This time Panteli has made stuffed peppers, looked beautiful and tasted delicious.,and Carol secret chocolate and peanut butter cookies.

Both were delicious.

 Sandra also was invited and arrived at the same time as us.from work.
We start the evening out on their sundeck to
enjoy the freshness of the evening air.

Carol provides us with blankets to keep us warm as the evening progresses into a fall feeling,

Ben has had a long day with school and soccer practice and gym as well as his school work.

He has a rest before coming to join us.

Kim arrives last after a long trip home by bus and car
.Both face challenges this year.

Ben is playing a game on Saturday but it is down on Sacramento.

There will be three goalies wanting to play

We are joined as we move inside by Ben and Kim finishing up the little bit we left.

Dad and I had had a good day.  Dad had his new teeth put in and now has a big smile.

I cut out two little patches of lawn.  The flowers in the front are attacking  a lot of bees, even people walking by have commented on this.  The humming bird is a joy to watch with it's little wings going a mile a minute.

All in all it is  so good to be together with our family and experience the warmth of their love along with good food and good stories and lots of laughter.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


                         Walking along the path in the Water shed Park is very calming and quiet.

It was a quiet morning, not even a gentle breeze blowing the leaves on the trees.  The water on our little pond reflected the beauty of nature that surrounded it.

I was walking alone with acalm heart when I turned the corner and saw Donna watering her lawn by hand.  She was moving very slowly.  I felt something was wrong.  I had not seen her or her husband Ron all summer.  As I walked up to her I could see the sadness in her eyes.  I told her I had missed them sitting out in the front yard always being so friendly and kind.  They would be having a glass of wine and tell me of a new grandchild just being born.

When I ask her how she is she tells me that her husband Ron has died suddenly.  I am speechless.  She then tells me how good her elderly parents have been coming to stay with her.  She tells me she is happy to be seeing me walking again.

I am reminded of the fact that what affects one person affects us all.  I return home to pray for her.

I begin my day with prayer and taking a deep breath to find the calmness of spirit I want to be a part of my day.  I believe it will give me spiritual strength.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Yes we went down to the beach at White Rock as we want to live like there is not to-morrow while we can.  The trouble was dad could not walk very far and an hour ticket does not last that long.

I had a salad and dad had a salmon burger. and both were excellent.

Yes, do what you can while you can.  I am thinking old age is a miracle because I have survived many mistakes to get this far.  I am learning to live with my wrinkles, my slow walking which even when I walk fast every one passes me, my poor memory and my tiredness.but none of this is enough to make me want to stop enjoying life.

I was living it up later today when I was invited to tea with my friend Joann.  She was a new friend of Joann's who wanted to meet some other new people in the neighborhood.  She prepare a lovely lunch for us but unfortunately I could not eat the sandwiches and special food she had prepared.  All of it had lots of gluten and I had to decline.  Instead I was given some fruit which would be better for me anyway.

Our dining out continued as we were invited to Carol and Panteli's for supper.  They had an abundance of peppers they were using up so we were glad to help.  

"As you pass through the years
you will find much calmness in your heart.
It is the gift of age ,
like the colors of the fall
deep and rich
if you just let it happen."
-Chief Dan George.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Here we are at Carol and Panteli's house waiting to be served.

 My camera has been confiscated and set to take pictures.

Time to eat together and share together.
Carol had been busy before supper picking black berries to make a pie loaded with blueberries and black berries.  It is that time of year for these berries to come our in abundance.  The prickles on the blackberries really are painful,

Time for the berries to be picked and turned into a pie..

Time for us to serve and for us to be served.

Time for us to help one another.

Time to listen and time to talk.

Time to believe or time to doubt.

Time to laugh and tell stories and jokes
and another time to cry and grieve.

Time to shout or a time to whisper
knowing we want to be heard.

Time for the body to complain by aching and being tired from illness or from overwork.

Time for finding answers and making changes.

Time to rest and recover and heal.
Healing is a process that never ends.

Time to be transformed with a new purpose in life!
Time to be hopeful and compassionate.
Time to experience the grace and love of God.

Time to be in harmony with yourself first and then with all things.

Time to pray and give thanks and listen with your heart!

Monday, September 3, 2018


               Be grateful for your journey,
as it is yours alone.

All of a sudden everyone is leaving and I feel sad but thankful for the joy of the moments we spent together.  Hope every one arrives home safely.  It would have been nice to have one last visit.

Dad and I went for a walk together in the Watershed Park.  So lovely and calm and beautiful in there
Each one of us is  beautifully and wonderfully made.
Everyone has a story,  share yours and you will help some one else find their own..
One's destination is never a place it is a new way of seeing things.
Life can be so difficult at times but we can become stronger for it..
It is better to feel emotions that not to feel at all.  Do not ignore your pain.

The way to wholeness can often be through brokenness.

There are so many beautiful talented souls in the world and you are one.
Do not let anything  or anyone block your potential.
When we show our love the world opens it's arms to us.
A dream is a wish your heart makes.

To be heard you often have to say things three times.
Once for each ear and once for the heart.

I am disappointed that there were no comments which is stupid of me.

We can experience God in the midst of our disappointments as a light shining through the trees and as a presence that will always be there.

"God can be under the porch as well as on the mountain top."  Mark Nepo


Yes we are still partying.  Dad and I are out wining and dining with Randy and Sandra and Mary.
It was Sandra's birthday.  It follows Tasha's and is before Ophelia and Lincoln.  We certainly wined and dined well!

Being born as human beings is a sacred trust as we share our lives with each other
 and enjoy the beauty of being a part of a family.

I am up early which is good as I have many things to do.  Starting with my prayers for my family.

It has been fun to walk Haiti over the last few days.
Yes I have to be very, very careful.
She loves going to the park and we do meet a few other dogs.

Today I will be walking with Aneta after my first walk with myself.
Then Sandra and Mary will come knocking at our door and we will plan to do something fun.

I know that I have learn ed a lot from those close to me who have loved me.  This includes my parents and my brother and children.

I admit I am a worrier so sometimes I do not sleep well
but I am always happy to get up and pray
and wine and dine even if it is coffee and toast!
Trying to face the day with cheerfulness and patience and courage and kindness.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


                             The happy couple sharing their lives and their hearts of love with us
                                       The heart can hold what it loves for a life time!

Ophelia looks out at all the people.
It is amazing how it was organized to fit so many people.
Tables were put outside in the driveway, tables on the back patio and tables up on the roof top of the clubhouse.

This on the roof top where we sat and others joined us.
Ophelia writes a birthday card for mom.
So many birthdays right now.  Tasha and Sandra, Ophelia and Leah to name a few.

It was a wonderful day to see old friends.
Wonderful to have Mary here for a short visit.

I have  had a busy morning walking Haiti and also going to the store and having a visit with Mary and  Sandra.  We will be going out to supper with them to celebrate Sandra's birthday later.
Time for a nap!
