Tuesday, September 11, 2018


                                             Raining in the early morning

What a surprise that in what seemed no time at all the sun started to shine.  Dad was able to go for his usual bike ride and had a lady going ahead of him clearing off all the cobwebs.  The path in the woods is full of cobwebs that feel so annoying when you come across them.

It is certainly cobweb time and even a few coming inside.

Time is a funny thing, it flows in it's own way.  Sometimes when I look at the clock it seems to have jumped ahead and at other times it can move so slowly.  Time changes as we get older I think because we move slower.  But the important thing is to keep moving.

Every morning I gather up my worries and talk to the Timeless One and ask for his help and guidance.  Sometimes there is not much I can do but pray.

Nature continues to give us signs that there is time for everything.
The sun to shine or the rain to fall.
Time to wake up to a new day and start a  new task. 
Time to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries!

I realize that time lies outside of our control in many ways.
The future is uncertain but right now is the time to enjoy life!
I want to embrace the goodness of each moment
even when it is not the happiest.


Sandra said...

Yes, we certainly are getting our share of wacky weather these days. I hear it was pouring rain and thunder storms in vancouver and abbotsford yesterday but it was so nice at our house Randy got the grass cut.

Yes, I am not too impressed how time slows down when I just want to get home, and then speeds up when I am visiting the kids.

I have been giving Mary so much advice on worrying and what not lately I am trying to follow my own advice. A lady at a talk I was at yesterday said her secret was when all the negative thoughts come flooding in she says "cancel that" Obviously it is something you have to practice and get better at. What ever works so we can go about our lives enjoying all the wonderful moments and not live inside our own heads.

Hope you are not so tired today. I slept on the day bed with the kitten last night as she was not supposed to be jumping right after her surgery and our bed is higher. She was pretty good and we all (the other 3 and Missy) slept till almost 5 I think.


Steady-as-rain said...

It's raining here too. Had to run out and roll-up the windows on the car.



beth bennett said...

We had to run out and put our lawn cushions away.

The sun came out this afternoon.
Dad had a bike ride and a visit to Canada Tire.

I visited with my neighbor Amie from China.

Love mom