Sunday, September 23, 2018


Yes it is good to know that there are people who are cheering you on through sickness and health.

Dad wants to get a camera to tape on his head to show how he is able to fly down the path in the forest with all its twists and turns.  He finds it exciting and fun.  It helps him to feel young.

I am happy to know that there are unseen forces cheering me on,  that surround me and reassure me that I am not alone.  We are in fact all connected by our humanness and our need to share our journeys.

I was determined to go on my walk and also go to church.  There was a young student minister there who gave a good message from the Psalms.  These are poems that express all the experiences of life.

Suffering can cause us to feel an emptiness and an a feeling of being lost that questions where is God?

Instead of trying to see where we went wrong we can discover God is working in a new way in our hearts.  The emptiness can be filled by his presence.

A presence that cheers us on!
A energy that causes the grass to grow, the flowers to bloom, the birds to sing, the children to laugh
the sun and the moon and the stars to return to shine every day and every night.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

So did you go for your walk and to church? 3 of the 4 kittens got a home yesterday. Peaches the one that was most attached to me surprisingly got a home and we are just with the pure black, one Mary.

Worked off and on doing my homework between going back and forth to the shelter and getting a few groceries.

I think Thanksgiving will be at Carol and Pantelis on the Saturday. Too soon to really be sure.
