Monday, September 3, 2018


Yes we are still partying.  Dad and I are out wining and dining with Randy and Sandra and Mary.
It was Sandra's birthday.  It follows Tasha's and is before Ophelia and Lincoln.  We certainly wined and dined well!

Being born as human beings is a sacred trust as we share our lives with each other
 and enjoy the beauty of being a part of a family.

I am up early which is good as I have many things to do.  Starting with my prayers for my family.

It has been fun to walk Haiti over the last few days.
Yes I have to be very, very careful.
She loves going to the park and we do meet a few other dogs.

Today I will be walking with Aneta after my first walk with myself.
Then Sandra and Mary will come knocking at our door and we will plan to do something fun.

I know that I have learn ed a lot from those close to me who have loved me.  This includes my parents and my brother and children.

I admit I am a worrier so sometimes I do not sleep well
but I am always happy to get up and pray
and wine and dine even if it is coffee and toast!
Trying to face the day with cheerfulness and patience and courage and kindness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to spend the with you doing
all those wonderful things - but patience???