Monday, September 10, 2018


Here am I in my doctor's waiting room looking up at wild animals starting down at me.  Yes, he is from South Africa.

As I wait there I think about all the time we spend waiting.  Waiting for the doctor to come in, waiting for the light to change, waiting in a line at the store, waiting in a restaurant and most important waiting for life to get better.

I know that the doctor cannot cure all my aches and pains but I know he can help by doing tests to diagnose me.

I have a good visit and we discuss a lot of things and I leave with a form for the blood clinic.

Waiting is not always easy but I am thankful to be able to go to a doctor and know I have been listened to.

Every moment in life should count as a teachable moment.


Sandra said...

I guess if the waiting brings results then it is worth it.

Had to drop off my kitten yesterday to get fixed today. I dropped in to see her twice as she does not come out for other people and I do not think she ate all day.

Started my school work and can't wait for it to be over.


beth bennett said...

Yes so true.

You are so kind to your kittens.

You have a big heart!

Love mom