Friday, September 14, 2018


Dad has left for a bike ride in the Water Shed Park.  The sun is peeking out but it still seems cold.
I do a bit of pulling out dead growth in the garden but have to be very careful.
We have been trying to figure out what our plans should be for today.  Dad wants to go to the library to look up news paper information.

I went for my early morning walk and was shocked  when I met an acquaintance who I had talked to when he would walk with Jeff.  Jeff is Cathy's husband and is also a friend of his.  He seems to have forgotten them and it was strange.  Some times friends abandon you when a marriage breaks up but I was really surprise that he would do this.

On the other hand on Wed. I had a good visit with my neighbor Amy, the girl across the street from us.  She had invited me to the Baptist Church to attend a Bible Study.  She is Chinese but is attending an English speaking class.

It is on the same day as the study at Colebrook and I could not go to both of them,  I seem to need to rest before going out to go to the library, or shopping, or visiting or to a meeting.  Our will to live keeps us wanting to do our best.

Like the fall flowers I know that are time to shine has finished.  I am encouraged by the late blooming flowers that are just staring to show life.

Evidently we can change the lives of others just by being present.

Every season has a message and a plan.

Every life a story about making plans that did not work out.

Every day a plan that we try our best to carry out.

Yes Ophelia's birthday to-morrow.  I am really looking forward to celebrating with her.


Anonymous said...

Yes dear, we both got all tuckered out going to the library. But at least Siri library hadn’t forgotten you! And the flowers Are looking new again - just like you

Sandra said...

I have plans to get my second week of school work done quickly so Carol and I can go shopping on Sunday afternoon. Lets see how that goes!
