Monday, October 31, 2022


Feeling a little poorly.
I think it is cleaning up after more mouse poo,
Laura has been a good help.
She made lunch but I did not feel like eating it. 
Scripture scripture minds me the Lord is a source of strength in times when we need it.
WE find new hope when we pause and take time to go take time to take care of ourselves

Good to talk to Kenny and Carol and Penteli.  God to talk to Sandra who is home again.

Yesterday I meet Hilary on my walk  She looked very drained.  I learn the reason why is because she had been called on to do C,P.R. on a lady in the washroom who had over dose on fentenal..  No one else could help and she had been trained to do this,

She looked dead and it looked hopeless.  Hilary did her best to revive her until help arrived. Se was in tears as she shared the story,

I am reminded also that it is in uncomfortable situations that we trust in God's help.

Look inward and then upward to the source of our strength.

The grace of God.


Sunday, October 30, 2022


Very wet and windy.

Power was off all afternoon.

Rick has invited us for supper.

Friday, October 28, 2022


                                                  All is quiet this morning, no windy wind and rain.

Yesterday we enjoyed a visit with Rick.  I learned more about the past history of Canada as he shared the book he and his friend are working on.  It is good to have a goal to work towards.  It will be an interesting story.

I enjoyed getting together with my friends from Colebrook on Wed.  Just looking at thesehappy faces is a blessing.  We have four new comers and more may join as it is the way to keep in touch with our old friends.  We may become a church!

Rick also went shopping for us.  I needed GF flour.  I got ambitious and tried baking some cookies.  Without a recepie I did not do too well.  Laura will make a banana loaf today.  She is a good cook.  I will try again.  I got discouraged as I spilled flour all over the floor.

Dad had a very long sleep after Rick left.  He was only up an hour and then he was back to bed.  He has a nasty cough so I do not thibnk it is a good idea to be lying in bed so much.

So I enjoy the quiet of the morning as I think about our day ahead of us.  Always make plans to get us going,

It is good to feel loved and appreciated.

Yesterday the afternoon wind nearly me over.  Jan and Erick were watching and Eric came out with his dog to join me.  I was having trouble as I only had my cane  My walker was locked up in the back of the car. I did not know where the keys where.  I do much better with my walker.

It is good when people like to help you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


                                   "Optimism is the faith that leads to Achievement".  -Helen Keller

  I am making an effort to be more optimistic.  Very cold and miseerable on our walk today.  Dad is feeling better but we both get tired very easily.  My motto is do a little and then rest a little.

Dad drove me over to Heather's house to pick up my new study book.  Our group meets to-morrow.  It helps to get into it when you do it with oters.  We are all very good close friends.  We strengthen each other by our faith in God and his touch od grace in our lives.

Moving is alwaysa lot of work and also emotional stress.  I am glad Rick and Haiti are becoming good friends.  I am sure he thinks you are a part of his tribe now Rick.

Too cold and dark for a second walk tonight.  Too scary!

Laura will be coming to-morrow so that is good.  She had to have a minor surgery.

She always cheers dad up.  She is a good listener.  

Dad wanted to eat out today but instead we had chicken and rice again.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Dinner Saturday night at Carol and Panteli's.
I have not done any blogging because I could not find my camera and I wanted to put this picture on.  I have looked everywhere in pockets and in chairs and under the bed.  I doubted I would find it.

Anyway I went out to the car to find dad's I phone and my camera was on the seat under it.  I had looked there before but had not lifted it up to look under it.

We enjoyed having a visit with Carol and Penteli before their wonderful adventure.  They will be fasting at the retreat they are attending and hoping for some good healing to come from it.

They will also be visiting Kim and Hamlet and Alba.

We were very happy Melina had good news after all her tests.

These are the bags full of crap that was in are crawl space. Rick came over with Haiti to see if we wnted to move them.  We hope we can put them out for the garbage on Thrusday.  Maybe just a few at  a time.  I am glad it is done.  What a noisy job it was.  It took 4 hours,

I was feeling doutful about my blog but I will try to do my best.

Saturday, October 22, 2022


 Sometimes it takes a real effort to feel happy.  Dad was very ill and we wsere all concerned.  He has not been this bad for a long time.  We were both looking forward to have  Rick come and visit us.Dad had gone back to bed when Rick arrived.

Rick went up to visit him and cheer him up.  As usual I blame his diet.   Maybe he should not eaten those canned beans or mat there was a little too much butter on his bread.  I am ready to throw out all butter and cheese.  We have to do better.

Later on in the day I realize it was the pill he had taken.  Alpha-Lipoic Acid which be believes with help his feet pain.  It is discourageing to cope with his pain especially as it is getting worse.  As soon as he haad taken it, it gave him a stomach ache. 

He agreed with me and would still have a miserable day,

I felt a little better knowing the cause.  

This morning he is felling better.

It takes an effort to be careful and watch his diet.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


                                                  Lots to smile about.

Rick has arrived.  We decided to let him get a bit settled in and also to have a big rest.  Moving is

stressful.  We wanted to rush down to see him but we will enjoy having him close to home again.  He has moved a lot over the past years.  Here there and everywhere.

Dad has been choking on his pills.  They are very important and must be taken.  Today he has taken them all and no problem.  Taking pills is no fun and most of us do not like to have to do it

This a new picture I just put on today .....  I had to get the battery charged up..

I was thinking of all the places dad and I have lived. We took our dreams and hopes with us.

 We have made many wonderful friends, we are very happy in our home here.

Our days of wandering are over.  We feel very blessed especially with each other and our family.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


                                                        Life has been good to me.

Fall used to be the best time for me to go travelling with dad.  I love driving on the winding roads through the hills and through the mountains.  So excited to spend time with our families.  We cannot do this anymore.  We enjoy the warm fireplace on cold mornings.  Dad is now up making his porridge. 

Now some of our children will be travelling.  Sandra on her way back east, stopping first to see Randy's

favorite aunt and then on to see the children.

Rick will be driving here to stay with Carol and Panteli and look after Haiti.

Carol and Panteli off to her healthy retreat and then off to her children.

Thankful that there are no restrictions now.

For me I am travelling on,  continuing  my journey  of faith.  

A little mystery in life is good.

Yes I still have questions but I do not need to know all the answers.  My faith is built on what I do Know.

It has been an amazing journey.  The presence of Jesus my friend and my companion.  He has helped me cope with disappointments and illness and lonely times.  I believe that my children will be on their own path of faith.  

There are times when I believe we all feel a presence watching over us.

His love is unconditional. How amazing is that.

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Yes Ken I saw your video.   We are happy you and Melina are doing things together.

Today I want to object that  the visit by the nurse to check on dads pill takiing.

I am doing an excellent job.

It is very upsetting for both me and dad when he starts choking..  He had a very bad time of  it on Saturday.  If this continues  we will have to have a plan.

This morning like every morning dad's pills have been put out in little egg cups ready to be taken at breakfast, lunch and supper.

Sometime in the past I started the blister pack before the last one was finished,

I will make sure I do the right ones on the right day.

I appreciate all the support we are getting from our family,  Especially Sandra

Sunday, October 16, 2022


It was a different day. Sandra came over early to take us to the White Spot for breakfast.  A real treat

We returned home and she started to work on my computer.  She wanted to find a way my pictures would go on in proper order and it would be much easier to find them.  I have not tried it yet as my camera needs the battery recharged.

She worked for several hours and was just about to give up and it started working.  I do not know very much about computers but I do like things to be simple,

She must have had faith to believe it would work.

I was thinking about why I did go to church.  One reason was to explore different meanings in Scripture and how I could learn to live with the joy and comfort that can be real.

Another beautiful fall day. Dad tried a  walk using the walker.

I cannot walk safely without it.

Decorations are going up on a lot of houses for Halloween.

I hope I can take some pictures in the morning.

Friday, October 14, 2022


                                                    This is the picture I could not find.
She works very hard,

This is another picture I could not find.

I am feeling a little better finding the two missing pictures.  Dad encouraged and helped me.

Today I have received many encouraging words when I was on my walk.  /several people commented on how well I was doing.  I was also able to encourage an older lady at the store.  She was having a very difficult time walking.  She asked me if my walker helped me.  It certainly does I told her.  She has one but has never used it.  I do hope she will start to use her.  It is not easy to start.

As you can see I found a lot of the wrong pictures before I could find the right ones.

I feelinmg good when I can encourage others!

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 My first conversation of the day is talking to God.  I know he is listening.  I would find it impossible to believe no one is there.

I am thankful for his presence.  I am most aware of this in the quiet of the morning. I invite his love to fill my heart and soul.  I am thankful for a new day of new possibilities.  I pray that I will have the strength to overcome any doubts.

Praying is simply having a conversation with my Higher Power who I call God.  He invites me to share my worries and concerns.  I know he knows but I need to realize what I am thinking.  I struggle with  many being still and listening.

Yesterday our neighbor came over and had a good visit with us.  We learn his neighbors both have the covey.  He is learning to ride a scooter so he can ride with his two grandchildren.

Just after he left to go for his ride a friend I have met walking dropped by to give us some apples she had picked.  She is from China and is just visiting.  She has appreciate my conversations with her as others have not been friendly.

Later Ken gives us a call.  He and Melina are still waiting for results from her tests. Matthew hit his head and has a headache. We all worry about our children no matter how old they are.

My final conversation was with the mouse.  He comes out from somewhere looking for crumbs.  I stamp my feet and tell him to get lost and he runs away.

My last words are to say good night to dad.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


                                                  YES I am thankful for a new day.

I was very worried know Rick is loading and driving and unloading boxes,  He is driving from Kamloops to Carol and Penteli's house in Delta.  Then over to Leah and Craig and then back home to Kamloops.  I know he is determined so that will give him strength and courage to do it.  I have him on my heart and mind all day,

I was very worried when the bank gave me a list of transactions going on in my account when it was supposed to be closed down.  I said no I had not done these things and she suggested my partner had.

The answer was to go get a current statement which would show what was what.  She was wrong.

I am trying not to let a little mouse frighten me so much, he came back last night,

I have found that prayer helps to calm my fears,

Monday, October 10, 2022


                                               A  beautiful warm fall day.  Carol and Panteli picked us up to drive over to Sandra and Randy.'s  beautiful  home.  A big long table set up in the living room.  Decorated with lots of color, flowers and the best China.  We  were welcomed in to the wonderful smell of turkey and stuffing.
The cooks were busy putting the final touches of mashing the potatoes and slicing the turkey.

                                               A beautiful time to be with family.

                                            Thank you Theresa for your kind words.

Thank you Sandra for putting us at the middle of the table.
We felt more included.
Thank you Tasha for saying sorry and making us dinner. 

                                               Sorry one more picture will not go on.


Sunday, October 9, 2022


 I believe it is very important to be thankful. even when things are not going so well.

we are thankful to be invited to Sandra and Randy's for a real thanks giving feast,

Her knee is very painful and she is thankful for Randy's help.

Dad and I are not feeling too good.  Dad's running to the bathroom.  What did he eat?

I may have eaten some   gluten.+

Thursday, October 6, 2022


                                                    No time like now.

Time is a funny thing.  Dad and I were up early yesterday having toast and coffee.  All of a sudden it was time for Spenser o o to the vets.  He was dressed and ready to go so off they went.  It was an interesting waiting room with big and little dogs,

The good news was that Spenser was barking too much and that caused his cough getting worse.  We are having trouble getting his cough medicine in him.  

                                        The time had gone so fast and I couldn't believe it was time to go.

I find this happening more and more that time is going too fast and I am going too slow.

I told dad it was time to get an exterminator and get rid of the mice.  Mice stress me out and scare me.

A nice young man came and closed the one place they were getting in for sure.  .We now have traps set.

Our crawl space needs to be cleaned out.  I think he will do it in two weeks when he returns to look at the traps.  It is time to have that done.

Later in the day we drove over to Boundary Park so I could walk Spenser.  I was so surprised to meet an old friend from Colebrook. We used to walk together.  I could not remember her name for a minute. Janet Jack is a very kind person and she seems just the same as I last saw her,  We both miss our friends from Colebrook who we spent so much time with.

I want to get a new debit card as it was cancelled when my purse was stolen.  I have no acess to money unless I go to the bank to take it out.

Dad picked up his medicine at Safeway.  Some thing I would normally do.

The moon is so beautiful, big and bright.  

Everything is very dry so it is time for a little rain.  Th e thing is once it starts it will not stop.

Take time to look after yourself so you can be kind, generous and understanding of others, helpful and caring,

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


                                Found this old picture.  Our family is not complete until Ken arrives.

Yesterday I spent hours looking for dad's wallet.  Why are thigs getting lost?  I was determined to find it.  And I did but not till dad moved his car out of the garage and it had fallen out and was under the car.

I like the parables Jesus told about finding things and of course the story of the sun who returns home after leaving to find a better life.  I love the picture of the father running to meet him.  A picture to reveal to us the love of God.  He carries us all in his heart with unconditional love.

Today another sunny fall day.  Very cold in the morning and then hot by noon and cooling off by four.

Spenser's cough seems worse so I will take him over to see the vet. to-morrow

Dad is digging stuff out about his family.  It seems he is finding some new relatives.

Right now my room is a mess as he has dumped out a lot of shelves.  He is looking for  a lost letter.  It will be amazing if it is found.!

I went to the bank yesterday to have my card re-activated, or get a new card.        The line up was unreal.

There were only two tellers working.  So now I have a card I cannot use and no money at all.  Dad gave me a little to pay the vet,

AI have a lovely picture of Tavia and the tree but it will not go on my blog.  It seems to go missing when I try to put it on.  I am sure Sandra will figure it out.  I will try once again.  

It seems to get lo

st in space.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


God who filled our hearts with his love brought .Cathy and I together.

What a blessing this friendship has been.

 Many years ago we Dad and I volunteered to work at the nursery at the Vineyard church.  It was something we could do together to contribute to the life of the church.  We would become very fond of one little two year old and gradually become friends with her mom.  Her name was Tavia.

Her mom Cathy and I became good friends we shared our love for Jesus and our desire to become stronger in our faith.  We shared our problems and our deepest emotional needs as we prayed for each other.

I would go to her little old fashioned house in the woods to look after the family of five and give her a break.  She would spend the time studying.

Yesterday Tavia, a young mother herself came over to help us do some gardening.  Dad and I sit in lawn chairs and watch her attack the big butterfly tree.  It has grown huge and Panteli and Sandra have  cut off all the dead branches.  Cutting them up and putting them in brown bags is a lot of work.

Tavis comes over to prune the tree and put all the branches in more and more brown bags.

She has the knowledge needed as she has taken courses in gardening.  I have been amazed at the hard workers they all were,

Dad and Tavia have become good friends.

If I find my camera I will put pictures on.

Chathy and I had I had many good visits at her home in the woods  We shared our faith and our desire to become stronger  believers .We prayed for each other and still do today.

Monday, October 3, 2022


                                              I do not know much about gardening.

                                              Good to have help and advice from Panteli, Sandra and Tavia

Yesterday we were looking forward to our visit with Tasha at Sandra and Randy's.  Dad was not feelinmg that well when he got up having the same old stomach problems.  Should we go?  /what should dad eat.  /we did not want to disappoint Tasha..

The final straw was when dad chocked on a pill.  We both were in panick mode.  He bent over the coffee table and I hit him on the back.

Finally it moved and we got ready to leave.  Spenser was not invited but he darted out the door before I cold stop him.

We were too tired to chase after him and catch him and put him into the house.

He had a time out when he arrived.  He was so happy until then

 and was very subdued after.  We both had a rest when we arrived home.

We did enjoy the tasty lunch provided by Tasha and Sandra.  We enjoyed the lively conversation too.  I even got /randy to confess he hid the cheezies.

Today Tavia will come.  I really appreciate her knowledge nd skill.

Everyday is different and can surprise us by turning out well after a bad start.

Too bad Carol and Pantli could not come.  Carol had a busy morning and she tires more quickly.

Her last report showed no grow which is good and an answer to prayer.

I am thankful for the gift of a new day and the time I can take to pray.

Paul writes we live by faith not by sight!

Faith gives us the light and hope to see clearly.

Saturday, October 1, 2022


 We have a huge tree in he side garden that is dying, at least one half is dying.  What a nice surprise to have Panteli and Sandra arrive early Sat. morning to cut them off and cut them up,  A very big job and they worked very hard.  Sandra you did a great job but I know you couldn't get some paper wprk done.

Many thanks to both of you.  It is now ready for Tavia to do her thing.

I go off for my walk knowing they will do a good job.

Meanwhile in the house dad has torn taken down all the shelves in my room to find a old letter he things is in an album some where.  What a mess.  

It will be a big job but we will not start it today.  I know it is annoying when you cannot find some thing


                                                         Ye it looks and feels like fall.

I woke us so very cold this morning I just had to get up.  It is getting very cold at night.  The days are sunny and warm so that is good.

Rick is so enthusiastic about finding out about our family back ground and creating a picture that made is up of past events and documents.  We have lost interest but now are regaining some of our lost energy.

I phone Brian and Rick can phone him is we wants to learn what information Brian has at hand.

Nice to have a visit with Carol and Penteli and Haiti.  Haiti is so excited as usual to see us.  Spenser is upstairs sleeping.

Penteli has arrived with garden tools to cut down all the dead branches off the tree in our side yard.  The whole area which was looking lovely and green is brown and sad looking.

He is coming back today and Sandra will come at the same time.

Tavia is coming over on Monday to finish working on the front yard.

I try to do a bit and soon lose my balance and fall.

Sunday Tasha is going to cook spaghetti for us at Sandra and Randy's.

I look in the mirror and feel unhappy at all the old face that looks back at me. 

Wrinkles are a part of life too

Oh well I will go downstairs and have another piece of toast with Randy's jelly on it..