Sunday, October 16, 2022


It was a different day. Sandra came over early to take us to the White Spot for breakfast.  A real treat

We returned home and she started to work on my computer.  She wanted to find a way my pictures would go on in proper order and it would be much easier to find them.  I have not tried it yet as my camera needs the battery recharged.

She worked for several hours and was just about to give up and it started working.  I do not know very much about computers but I do like things to be simple,

She must have had faith to believe it would work.

I was thinking about why I did go to church.  One reason was to explore different meanings in Scripture and how I could learn to live with the joy and comfort that can be real.

Another beautiful fall day. Dad tried a  walk using the walker.

I cannot walk safely without it.

Decorations are going up on a lot of houses for Halloween.

I hope I can take some pictures in the morning.

1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

That was nice of Sandra. Nice and sunny here today, not very warm, but sunny. Did you see my videos on WHATSAPP?