Thursday, October 13, 2022


 My first conversation of the day is talking to God.  I know he is listening.  I would find it impossible to believe no one is there.

I am thankful for his presence.  I am most aware of this in the quiet of the morning. I invite his love to fill my heart and soul.  I am thankful for a new day of new possibilities.  I pray that I will have the strength to overcome any doubts.

Praying is simply having a conversation with my Higher Power who I call God.  He invites me to share my worries and concerns.  I know he knows but I need to realize what I am thinking.  I struggle with  many being still and listening.

Yesterday our neighbor came over and had a good visit with us.  We learn his neighbors both have the covey.  He is learning to ride a scooter so he can ride with his two grandchildren.

Just after he left to go for his ride a friend I have met walking dropped by to give us some apples she had picked.  She is from China and is just visiting.  She has appreciate my conversations with her as others have not been friendly.

Later Ken gives us a call.  He and Melina are still waiting for results from her tests. Matthew hit his head and has a headache. We all worry about our children no matter how old they are.

My final conversation was with the mouse.  He comes out from somewhere looking for crumbs.  I stamp my feet and tell him to get lost and he runs away.

My last words are to say good night to dad.


Ken Bennett said...

The rain finally stopped. The river about 2km away has broken its banks, the first time in 11 years. I used to walk by the river and would never think the water could get that high. There are more than 700 houses flooded. Melina had to pick Jasmine up from the mall at 8pm and drove home in terrible conditions. She had to cross a couple low bridges with water on the road. Jasmine loved it and encouraged her mom to drive through the big puddles.
Melina has an appointment with her dr next Friday to find out the results of the tests.

Catherine G said...

Amen to your thoughts about talking with God. Very sweet, very true. Thank you.

"My final conversation was with the mouse." Ha ha.
Yeah, I don't like mice either...

Sandra said...

Tasha came over today, had a good talk so the kittens could hear her voice. She will come over during the day to visit them as Mikey has to go to the island and can't stay.

Steady-as-rain said...

I am struggling to get the moving done. Work for 4-5 hours a day on the packing. At last things are starting to look more organized and ready for the movers. The landlord is showing the place to potential tenants, and I know she would like things to be more tidy. But I can only do so much. Just physically can only do so much.

So I think Haiti and I will be having a fair bit of quiet time when Carol and Panteli are in California (i think it is California) . Although I do need to come over and meet Laura. Maybe stomp my foot at the mouse!

Dolly Lowe from Ashcroft says hello.

