Sunday, January 31, 2021


January is a dull month.
The weather is dull rain and our routine seems dull.
I am glad to say good bye to this month.
I welcome the first flowers of spring.

I am thankful more than I can say for the help and support of our children.  Sandra has picked up the medicine dad needs to take the day before his procedure.  Pico-Salax, Reslicat, Dulculax and Gastrigafin. along with juice and broth he can have on his day of fasting.  He will need to drink a ton of water.  

She knows what we need to do and I am very thankful even if I may complain she is a little bossy.  That is what we need.  I am just being funny.  Thanks Sandra and Randy!

Net Carol and Panteli picked up some other items we needed.  I was happy not to have to walk over to the store in the rain.  Dad was happy to get some coolies!  Thanks Carol and Panteli.

Good to have a talk to Ken on the phone.  He has some decisions to make about financial choices.

Sunday is a day I try to make special with some spiritual reading.

To live a spiritual life we must first find the courage to enter the desert of solitude and and quiet the mind and as we pray and meditate it can become a garden of thankfulness and restfulness,

My mind is not as sharp as it once was but I accept the fact that this comes as we grow older.


Saturday, January 30, 2021


                                             Humor is like a beautiful sunset that brightens the day.

                                                             A moment in time.

I know that it is important to laugh at ourselves.  I know I do some crazy things.  It is good to laugh with others.

Dad is flying from room to room in the wheel chair to see if it will fit through the doors.

I was starting to read a new book and had to laugh.  After reading the preface the author says it is not important and not to bother to read it.  He admits he should have told you sooner.  Also it is not necessary to read the acknowledgements.  I do do not do that anyway.  If you are short of time skip the table of contents.  It is too late I have read them.

Actually you may want to skip the middle of the book, namely pages 239 -35i.  Not all that interesting.

Actually the first  three or four chapters may be all you are interested in.

I found this very humorous.

We always have a laugh as we watch Heartbeat.  The characters are very real.

Dad is eating Olives and I do not know if he should.  Well we will find out that is for sure.

I am happy Rick is going to have a guitar.  Music is healing and playing good for the brain.

Think of me the next time you have a good laugh!

Friday, January 29, 2021



An interesting old root I spied at the park.
Dad and I have settled down
and put roots down into our community.
Yes, we would like to stay here if our health improves.
That is the big question.
I hope we get some answers when dad goes to the hospital for a test on Wed.

We are trying to keep a sense of humor
but by night time it has gone missing.

It was a good day to walk through the park.
More people seemed to begetting dogs.
I certainly think it is a good idea.
We all are feeling uncertain right now.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


I was thinking about what fills the empty space in our hearts.
That doubt and fear and worry create.
The amazing beauty of trees.
A walk in the woods.
The birth of a baby.  Remembering Stephen's birth.
A good book to read.
Music that lifts our spirits 
can change our mood.
Creative thinking.
What can I change ?
Good visits with family and friends.
A familiar voice on the phone.
A pet that makes us laugh.
Good deeds of kindness and grace.
Having a goal to work towards.
Living a life of faith and prayer.

Dad realizes he cannot eat fish and chips/  He has had a bad stomach day.  No fun.  No fun at all.

He has a rash on his stomach and I wonder if it is shingles?  I know they are treatable if hey are diagnosed.

Something else to worry about.  No wonder we get anxious.  

We will get through this in time and with God's love and healing presence.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021


I could not believe my eyes when I opened them that it was morning.
We had slept all night.
Renewed and ready for the day.

It was not a nice sunny day like we have had lately but the rain was pouring down.  After breakfast it turned to snow.  The snow did not stick.  Spenser took one look out when I opened the door and then he looked at me as if to say we are not going out there are we.
We did have a very short walk.

Dad took him out later in the day for another short walk.  Dad seemed to be feeling better.

We decided to go to the store for a few things but when we got to the Safeway the parking lot was very full.  Since we were hungry we decided to go to Brown's.  Everyone was so happy to see us and the place was very empty.  Dad had fish and chips.  He is going to test to see if they bother him.

I could not believe Sandra and Randy drove all the way to Port Moody on this miserable day.  She got the instructions from the hospital for dad's procedure.  Some medicine has to be picked up and taken before he goes.  I sure hope we learn from this thing.  

Sandra knows the way and how to get there.  Very wise!  No wonder she married a wise man.

Hopefully we repeat another good night! 


Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Yes I was happy finding this book in my book nook..
I am sure it is just what I need.
But after another bad night
and even worse morning for dad
I just could not get any energy to look at it.
The strange thing  is when the attack stops 
dad feels good and wants to go out for fish and chips.
Give me a break!
Yes I am happy for him.
                                                I am worried and concerned about the future;

Fortunately Carol phoned and said she would come over and bring me some G.F. doughnuts and some special milk for dad and a goodie.  She saved the day.  Dad was in good humor while I was tired and cranky faced with what to make for lunch and supper.  Dad had eggs for breakfast and then made french toast for lunch.  He had a chicken sandwich for supper.

I am grateful for all the people in my life who help me to regain the energy to continue,
I am very blessed.

"Thoughts are energy."
-Anne Wilson Schaff.

"Worry us the most natural and spontaneous  of all human functions."
-Lewis Thomas

We have being given a mind to fight against worry .

We have been given prayer to calm our spirits and let light into our soul.

Yes as we get ready for bed we try to do all the things we can to have a better night's sleep.

I hope Shandel has a better night and Rick a better day.  It is hard when you have to wait for the dizziness to pass.

It is good we can share what we are going through.  Yes, some days are better than others.

Good night.  Sleep well and wake up rested!

Monday, January 25, 2021


Still some snow about.
I know I am frazzled with no routine for my blog.
I never know what the day will be like.

It is cold and raining this morning.

We sept until 4 last night.

Turned the heat on in the bedroom and dad had no asthma attack.

 Sandra changed her mind about coming over.  So nice to be sitting by a blazing fire.  We had a tlk on the phone instead.

Spenser and I went for a shot walk to the park again.

I was hungry when I got home so I made some toast.  Dad had toast but an egg too.

I was dozing off watching the T.V. when there was a knock on the door.  Right away dad sid he was right about Carol and Panteli coming over to-day not on Monday.  They brought us a chicken supper with salad and casserole.  Everything was spread out and we helped ourselves and chatted around the dining room.  It was good to have some company.

I feel a little frazzled getting things mixed up again.

This is not the first time and neither will it be the last.

Good to have left-overs for today.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


We only met one other dog walker.
She warns me about black ice 
and I take her very seriously.
Yes we did get snow.\
Spenser wanted to run ahead
                                                         He was not happy with the snow.

It was nice to be on a zoom call to wish Hamlet a happy birthday.  It was great to see him and Kim looking so happy but dad and I thought Hamlet looked tired.  I wish I had asked him some questions about his life and his work and the future arrival of a new little one.

It was great to see Ken and Jasmine, Rick. Ron and Donna. Sandra and Randy.  Randy joined in when he got home from work.

We were not a serious group but that is okay.

I was very serious when I talked to dad this morning.  Yesterday was a bad bad day.  He had an asthma attack at night.  We have to attack this problem more seriously.  No grilled cheese sandwiches, no chocolate etc.  He has to drink more protein drink.

It will not be me putting him in hospital but he will be doing it to himself.

We had two and dinners and too salads.  They were good but maybe meatloaf was not good for him and the extra gravy  he made himself.


Saturday, January 23, 2021


Snow is coming!  
Sitting  at my computer I see two young  girls in the walkway smoking in the wlk way.

I wonder what comment Sandra made and changed her mind.

Too cold for Spenser to go for a walk.

So happy for Ben now a White Cap Team player.
Theresa phoned to have a chat.
Good she is very happy and excited about her new job.

Dad had a good night and good morning.


Friday, January 22, 2021


It is awesome when even a little bit of sunshine brightens up our day
I pick up the book Awesome at the book nook.
Just what I felt like I needed to see the good things in my life and in my heart.

It is awesome  when you see the cop car as you turn the corner and are thnakful you were not speeding.

I used to be the one next in line behind the old lady who was slow but now it is me,  I am slow unloading my 16 items at the 15  items cashier.  My buggy keeps going the wrong way and I fumble getting my card out.  I try to be quick as I punch in the numbers for my card but make a mistake.
I smile and  try to leave without knocking into any one my way out.

I have decided to be happy what ever works out in the future.

I want Rick to be happy no matter what he chooses.

I know we need help but I want to decide for myself what help I need.

Dad was feeling very low this morning and did not feel like eating lunch.  Finally I suggested we go out to eat at the Catcus Club.  He brightened up and enjoyed every minute we were out.

Spenser had three walks today and enjoyed everyone.  He loves his slow walk with dad and a little faster one with me.

Now it is time to read my Awesome Book.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


Missed the sunrise as it was a musty morning.
The sun did smile on us later in the day.

A lot of the old familiar faces have disappeared from the Safeway.
The clerks where always so kind.
The other day there was a miserable young man who frowned at me when I asked where the raisins had gone to.  What a grouch face.

Yesterday when our meals arrived in a box the fellow looked so happy when I opened the door.  I felt happy just seeing him.

We tried our meals.  The salad was excellent and both dad and I enjoyed it.
The salmon dinner was good with lots of  vegetables .  So nice not to have to clean up.
We have two more meals to try.  One meals is enough for the two of us,

Today it was good to be greeted by happy faces on my walk.

When I got home the doorbell rang and there was Lily smiling at me.  She bought Spenser a new pink leash.  I find so many kind people are popping up here and there,

I find a smile seems to help me feel a deep happiness in spite of  worry.

None of us know what lies ahead but plans will take shape when we know what to expect.
Yes I am thinking about Rick coming home,
At his place he has not met anyone as he is confined to his room
but on Fridays they have a change to meet by computer.
The dining room my open up soon.
They have taken his computer and books away for three days to get rid of any germs.
He gets them back to-morrow.

I do not like masks because they hide so much of your face  but  I smile anyway.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Receiving our meals was exciting.
It all looks delicious.
We had already had lunch, Taco's before it arrived
so our first meal will be a salad.

Spenser and I met some good friends on our walk.  Several commented on my new jacket.  Lily comment on Spenser's leash.  I told her I was going to get a new one soon.  It is a very old one.

Dad was very cheerful.  He knows he has to accept some of his health problems while continuing to work on them.

We watch the ceremony in Washington.  Great music, great speeches, good people, which gives us hope things are going to change with this president.  We hope he can bring healing and unity.  Not a easy or a simple task.  He encourages everyone to take part in this process.  He stresses it will take hard work and lots of prayers.  Be a light that shines in the darkness and gives us all a purpose to do our best to support one another.

I like the verses he read from the Bible that joy comes in the morning.  Yes, the night seems long but our strength comes as we carry on with open hearts and caring actions.

We both feel cheerful.  Our family is so very supportive!


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


A very ordinary day for us both.
Ending the day with CNN.
It seems Trump has people guessing what he will do next
and who he will pardon.

I was thinking of how many dear friends I have had over the years and how I met them.\
 best friend Lynn I met on my first day walking to school with my mom.

Moving to Sea Island I had friendly neighbors but no close friend,

Moving to Delta I became good friends with /Dorothy /Wells.  We met at church.

Then moving again I became good friends with Thelma Inkster.  Her daughter and Ken became friends.

I remember the first morning when I saw Jane at church we stood and talked outside for over an hour.

Moving here my friends are the ones I meet walking dogs.  Joanne, Jan, Lily, Cathy, Kathern and Lorna.

Every church I went to I made good friends.  I dreamed of a couple last night Ron and Judy and I was so happy to see them.

Friends turn an ordinary life into a wonderful life.


Monday, January 18, 2021


We had a few simple plans for today.
I wanted to take some pictures but it was too cold.
A tree is always good.
I love trees and flowers and clouds.

Dad went for a walk around the block with Spenser leading the way while I warmed up the stew.  Carol and Pantli were surprised I had made stew.  I was too.

I cancelled dad's eye surgery until he feels better.  Today is was his feet and his back which he jarred with the latest fall.  Juss a little fall.

Dad drove down to the bank to deposit  some money.  Yes it is nice to have some come in.
There was a line up outside the door and I went to the back of the line.  The young girl taking names came and escorted me in.  I felt a moment of guilt but I consider it a blessing that comes with old age.

The final stop was at the Safeway.  I had sixteen items but I went to the 15 item check out with a confident smile on my face.  The young girl ask how many items I had and I was willing if she counted fifteen I would leave the last item there.  She went ahead and even helped me pack my bag.

Yes I have fallen asleep watching T.V.

Dad and I see many places we would have liked to go and we would have liked to have the solutions for the problems in this world today but we enjoy talking about what we have done in our simplelittlelife that was offered to us.

God bless us all!


Sunday, January 17, 2021


                                                   One can wake up feeling a little doubtful.

The good thing is that as long as we have good things to look forward to our feelings improve.

Good thing we could look forward to a phone call from Rick.  Good thing he has started to improve but still more work and effort to improve.  He manages to keep cheerful, at least when he is talking to us.

Good to find another old favorite at the book nook.  I put in two so felt I could take one.  My good friend came up as I was doing this and said she only reads the Bible.  We both consider ourselves as Christians and I do value scripture but I also value good books.

Dad did not have a good morning but started to improve by the afternoon.

It was good because we could then spend some time eating and drinking with Carol and Panteli.  Hard to believe they are an old married couple now.  They put a lot of thought and effort into making the right things that hopefully would be good for dad.

It turned out to be a very good day.

Yes we know there will be many days ahead that are going to be difficult.

Yes we know everyday has a potential to be good if we are open to it.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Every life has value.
Every life has a story.

Every story has a message.

I was fortunate to be chosen to go to the bird seed with Spenser.  Sandra came and picked us both up.  
We have a lot of little birds who come to our feeder every day.
We may have to move it if the squirrel gets into it and breaks it.

I was happy to have a bit of energy and could enjoy this outing,

We stopped at Choices to stock up on G.F. goodies for me and some healthy muffins for dad.  He actually likes them.

A good day for us all.

Going to Carol and Panteli's for supper to-morrow.
Looking forward to enjoying a visit with them and Haiti.

Looking forward to a phone call from Rick in the morning.

We value the time we spend together and with our family!

We also Value a good program like Heartbeat!  Time to watch it now.!


Friday, January 15, 2021


                                                            A beautiful sunny day.
Everyone was out walking.
We all had over dressed.

Dad and I were both feeling very tired and very hopeless.  We will try what the doctor has suggested with a hopeful attitude.

Facing a busy day with piles of laundry, bathrooms that need cleaning, a dog to take to the vet, groceries to be purchased, meals to make etc. I feel very hopeless.  How long O Lord?  

First I pray .
"Each present moment holds the key to connecting to the Divine".  -Rabbi Benjamin Epstein

It is easy to get disconnected.

I need to remind myself about how important relationships are and to try to understand what the other person is feeling.  

I am thankful for Randy doing my shopping and for Sandra phoning the nurse for us.

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."  Desmond Tutu.

I take a deep breath and relax and welcome the presence of the One who brings me the light of truth.

It takes me many hours to feel some hope.

The last load of laundry is in the dryer!

"Be still and know I am God"  Psalm 46
Things will change when the time is right.


Thursday, January 14, 2021


My eyes still seem blurry to-night.

Dad had a cheerful talk with the doctor but still no real answers.
I guess the answer is no magic pill but just keep track of what he eats and how he re-acts.

Sandra was looking forward to a nice walk at the beach when she got the phone call the doctor wanted her present.  I was glad she was there.  I want to put off the surgery but maybe her and the doctor are right I should have it done soon.  

I feel I am managing to cope but I need all the strength and energy I can find to do so.  Even coming home from the eye doctor's I felt worn out.  I have to keep n top of dad taking his pills and powdered drink  .I also have to see that he eats good meals that he likes.

My neighbors informed me that the little book place at the park has been rebuilt.  I look forward to going there to-morrow.  I have several books I can take.

Life seems blurry at times when there are no clear answers.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021


It looks worse than this.
I found Spenser's coat.
He looks so cute.
These trees sure get blown around in the wind,
Happy we had power this morning.

I am reading about mindfulness and how it is helpful when you feel stressed.
It is easier early in the morning.  I feel hopeful.  

To-morrow I have an eye appointment which dad will drive me to because of the eye being dilated.

Dad's doctor is phoning at the same time.  I guess I will cancel the call as he thinks he wants to drive me.  

I know it is important we are part of the solution.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Dad is better today.
We went out and ate at Brown's while the girls cleaned the house.
He had a hamburger.
After I went shopping.
Brian phoned to say the card from Shandel and Cameron arrived today.
The health department has been up checking on him asking a lot of questions.
Nobody likes this.  He may get some cleaning help once a month.

The water problem is bad outside on the tiny strip of lawn and running over the sidewalk.  I have been getting more concerned.  I was thinking of getting some handy man to create a ditch for it to run off to the side not over to the room/  I worry about people falling.

This morning a city worker drove up.  He was new to our problem.  I was so glad to see him.  I showed him where a tiny bit of water is still running.  He has put a cone there and promised to make the ditch.  He says rightly it is on their property.  I could have given him a hug.  But I know that I will have to wait and see.  I am glad dad seems happier and his stomach has calmed down.

Good news from the nurse and from Rick things are improving.  

Now I may take Spenser for a short walk.  We did not walk very far today.

We are all just human beings trying to find our way through life the best we can!


Monday, January 11, 2021


I failed to find something to take a picture of.

I was very angry at the doctor this morning.  He had promise to get back to us in 48 hours or put a prescription in at the drugstore for dad to try.  Dad seemed to be worse this morning.  He goes back to bed after having several bad trips to the bathroom.  He does not want to talk so that worries me.  Could he be having a stroke?  Should I call the ambulance?  When I threaten this he gets angry at me.  I know how he feels.

I call the doctor but cannot talk to him until Thursday.  I leave a message with his nurse.  I expected some response.  I am very disappointed that he has failed to keep his word.  If he does not know what to do he should send dad to a specialist.

I had planned a trip to the bird store to get some bird seed.  It is a lovely store and Spenser is  allowed  in..

Dad started to improve a little.

I wonder if I am making the best use of my energy? 

I am trying to learn about mindfulness so I can be calm and content and open.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


I thought about working in the yard but it was cold.

I was reminded by my granddaughter as well as my daughter how fortunate  we are to have the support of family and friends.  I feel supported by their love for me. 

I now have a lovely warm white jacket for my evening walks in the dark.  Thanks Sandra.

Receiving an invitation for supper yesterday made us feel good even if we were not feeling good enough to go.  Thanks Carol.

It seems the grandchildren had fun on he rides at the fair grounds.  I cannot imagine three rides on one of those awful rides.  Good to hear what they are doing.  Thanks Ken.

We want things to improve quickly but for dad and Rick healing is taking time.
Any improvement is wonderful.  Keep up the good work Rick~

I was happy it was not raining in the morning when Spenser and I walked over to the park.  My friend with the Jack Russell dog was there throwing the ball for her dog.  He is a handful and will not listen to her at all.

I stop to talk and we were joined by two other people and their dogs.  The Jack Russell decided to attach Spenser.  He came at him growling and biting.  I managed to pick Spenser up but he still was jumping up on me.  Fortunately the man who was there kicked at him and he ran away.  I was so thankful for that support.  I heard my friend saying sorry as I left.  She is a very kind hearted person so I know she meant it.

Sunday is a day when I miss the support of my church.

It was good to talk to Shandel and Cameron and Tasha.  They were in good spirits even though it is a difficult time.

Amazing how much better one feels when you keep in touch and feel supported. 


Saturday, January 9, 2021


Life is simple.
One flower can make a difference.

We are living in a world of chaos and unrest.
Thomas Merton suggests that it is also a transparent world
and the Divine is shining down upon us all the time.

I am hoping that everything that is troubling to me now helps me to be more compassionate.  This is to live with an open and honest heart that gives joy to others when it is given to us.  When I am worn out I feel negative and discouraged.  I must take time to face my negative emotions and then release these emotions that hold back happiness.

As I am heading home feeling a little tired a lady in a red car stops and motions me to come to her window. I am not sure if I know her but I approach her open window.  She hands me this cup of coffee and a little biscuit with a big smile.

Dad and I had a bad night and a bad day but I am hoping things will improve.

Had a nice visit from Sandra and Randy.  They brought this flower and two cans of beets. 

I believe there is kindness everywhere.  I believe there is love everywhere.  Sometimes I just have to be reminded of this.

When we live in the light of truth we can feel at peace.


Friday, January 8, 2021


SOME things left from Christmas.

Heavy rain in the morning dad volunteered to take Spenser out.  They did not go very far ar all.  Spenser starts shivering and dad is ready to come back in.  I put on my old coat and do the walk by myself.  It was a bit lonely.  I did not see anyone.
We did go out in the afternoon when the rain stopped.

Dad enjoyed a meat pie that Theresa brought over.  I had left overs.  I nearly burnt them but dad saved the day.

Looking back at many happy memories we realized that we have lived the life we dreamed about.  Our dreams are not exciting anymore but even enjoying a walk in the rain and seeing some new buds shooting out of the ground is good.  It was not a life changing adventure but my heart is full of gratitude for the fact that I can walk! 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


Walking through the park.

It is easy to be at peace when the world is quiet.
and walking in the beauty of nature.

To-morrow I am reading about how to turn worry into joy.

Today we were up early getting the garbage all sorted out ready for the three trucks that come.

After a walk with Spenser I had a short rest before going out shopping. I jump in the car and the battery was dead so dad had to jumped start in with the little battery dad gave others in the family.  I decided I would run in and put some rice on the stove to cook.  Then dad was shouting it was time to leave.  Yes, you know what happened next we drove a few blocks and I could not remember turning the burner off.  So home again.

Shopping was quick and we got a knee brace for Rick which we delivered to his residence.  His knee is complaining about the exercise he was being encouraged to do.

We had lunch at the Catus Club.  It has been months.  We share a salmon dinner so that should be good for dad.

Dad wanted to buy me a new jacket that shows up better when I am out walking.  The one that we liked best was in the men's section.  It is nice and roomy.  Dad wore it out tonight to take Spenser out for his last walk of the day.

We had soup and toast for supper.

It was wonderful to talk to Kim and Hamlet.  They are both doing well but disappointed his operation is on hold.

 I hope it is not raining in the morning but I will walk even if Spenser does not want to.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


A beautiful sunny day.
A day to feel hopeful.
Yet the chaos in the United States is troubling
to say the least.
It seems these violent protestors come out of the wood work.
They have listened to the voice of chaos.
a damaged soul wanting to lead others into lawlessness.
Yes se spent too much time watching with unbelief.
I was happy to be out walking with Spenser
saying hi to other dog walkers.

We plan to drive to Shoppers to-morrow and London Drugs to buy a support for Rick's knee.
His knee is complaining about the exercises that will help restore Rick's health.

Yes dad took all his medicines.

I will do my best to keep track of what he eats.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Spenser and I were able to continue our usual morning walk.  By afternoon the heavy rain started.
The wind is to be strong tonight.

Carol talked to dad's doctor today and he is going to try some new medicine.  I am trying to keep track of what he eats and when he goes.  I know we need to continue on but I feel pretty worn out with it all.  We are so fortunate that Sandra and Carol are helping us with nutrition etc.

Carol and Panteli went over and did some shopping before they left.

Rick said he had a better day today with no dizziness.  I hope that continues on.

I know that Ken and the family will continue on having a great time at the beach and at the stores shopping.

We are continuing to stay at home.  Thankful for the hockey.  When that stops it will be back to watching what stunt Trump is pulling next.


Monday, January 4, 2021


Books are like old friends.
It is great fun to find one at my little book place.
This is one I found a few days ago.

The weather has been so miserable and most of my dog friends have not been walking or they walk at different times.  On Sunday I was walking with Sandra and this car drives up to the curb and my old friend Jan jumped out.  She is he muffin lady.  She was wanting to know how dad is doing and also about Rick.

Today when Carol and I walked by our neighbor Core he was working in his garage and also asked about Rick.  Core and Natasha are the the people and the chocolate cake people.

I was happy to go for walks with both the girls.  The walk with Carol was short because /Spenser did not want to go for a walk at all.

Carol stayed and asked dad's some questions.  She will come and be here when the doctor phones dad at one o'clock.  We think he is much the same but when we tell him about our discovery that he might have  Teneamus.  Sandra found it on the Inter-net.

I am thankful for the meals that Theresa brought.

Now I have to also learn how to order meals.

Dad and I are feeling weak so we will try to get stronger.

Dad rode his in door bike today so that is a good start.  Walking helps me.  It has been nice walking Spenser but I should do it even if he does not want to.  Rain is here to stay for awhile.


Sunday, January 3, 2021


i was hoping the wind would have calmed down by morning.
It was a little calmer.

Sandra and I could feel it blowing upon us
as we went for a walk.
I wanted her opinion on my dropping shoulder.
She noticed it before I even felt it.
Her advice was I was to fight against it
by straightening up.

Dad had a fall against the chest of drawers in our room.
I woke up hearing the noise.
I tried to calm my beating heart
                                                               .knowing he was not hurt
                                 Scripture reminds me that prayer and solitude help us to feel calm. 

I think the hard thing about old age is knowing there are things you will have to learn to live with. Dad had a fall against the dresser in the night that really scared me.  It took a while before I could calm my beating heart even when I knew he was not really hurt.  I want him to use his cane to go to the washroom at night.

  I appreciate the nights that are calm and uneventful.  With help I may change the bed around so dad is closer to the washroom.

Talking to Rick on the phone makes us more aware of the problems he is facing.  Hopefully the slight improvement will only be the start.  I can only image how one would feel when strange people come in your room all gowned and with masks and eye shields.

Actually I was just thinking it would make a good mystery story trying to guess who the intruder was.

Sandra also did some shopping for us so we would keep safe and calm.

Theresa and Ben dropped by to bring us some more meals.  Dad was delighted to have the stew.  There was a excellent salad as well as yogurt and fruit.  I did not need to worry about supper or meals for a week!

I find it is hard just to decide what to cook and then have to prepare too.  Dad is a good help.

I think I find strength and courage when I calm my heart with thankfulness.  We are blessed to have family that help and support us!

Saturday, January 2, 2021


We are ready if the lights go out.

Too windy and rainy for a big walk.

I have not got very far putting ornaments away.
Does anyone want any?

Dad is feeling better today.
I wonder how Rick is doing?

Ken hopes to be flying away for a vacation.
One dog has to be dropped off at the doggie hotel.
One dog gets to stay home with Nanna.

Best advice I heard today is to live from your heart,
that is why I watch Heartbeat.
Each day a New Beginning!


Friday, January 1, 2021


I think that Christmas and New Years is a time to think about old friends
ad family members we have not talked to in a long time.
So I spent a long time on the phone.
Phoned Brian to wish him a Happy New Year.
I hope he keeps healthy.
We had a long chat.

A lot of people were not home so I left messages.  It was nice that Thelma Inkster phoned me back.  It has been a difficult time for her cut off from her activities at church etc.  She just lives in Abbottsford so it would be nice to visit her some time.

She is enjoying all her grandchildren as we are too.

Our hearts are full of love and thankfulness.