Wednesday, January 6, 2021


A beautiful sunny day.
A day to feel hopeful.
Yet the chaos in the United States is troubling
to say the least.
It seems these violent protestors come out of the wood work.
They have listened to the voice of chaos.
a damaged soul wanting to lead others into lawlessness.
Yes se spent too much time watching with unbelief.
I was happy to be out walking with Spenser
saying hi to other dog walkers.

We plan to drive to Shoppers to-morrow and London Drugs to buy a support for Rick's knee.
His knee is complaining about the exercises that will help restore Rick's health.

Yes dad took all his medicines.

I will do my best to keep track of what he eats.


Sandra said...

I had a morning walk to take advantage of the sunshine.

Have you heard back from Dr M?

Did Rick ask you to go get something for his knee?


Ken Bennett said...

Covid again an issue. Brisbane city is in lockdown for three days, until Monday the day we fly home. There are seats from Coolangatta to Melbourne but people may rebook. I will keep an eye on it and may have to fly home early.
A good thing dad is taking all his medications. The weather is still warm but strong wind and showers about.