Sunday, January 24, 2021


We only met one other dog walker.
She warns me about black ice 
and I take her very seriously.
Yes we did get snow.\
Spenser wanted to run ahead
                                                         He was not happy with the snow.

It was nice to be on a zoom call to wish Hamlet a happy birthday.  It was great to see him and Kim looking so happy but dad and I thought Hamlet looked tired.  I wish I had asked him some questions about his life and his work and the future arrival of a new little one.

It was great to see Ken and Jasmine, Rick. Ron and Donna. Sandra and Randy.  Randy joined in when he got home from work.

We were not a serious group but that is okay.

I was very serious when I talked to dad this morning.  Yesterday was a bad bad day.  He had an asthma attack at night.  We have to attack this problem more seriously.  No grilled cheese sandwiches, no chocolate etc.  He has to drink more protein drink.

It will not be me putting him in hospital but he will be doing it to himself.

We had two and dinners and too salads.  They were good but maybe meatloaf was not good for him and the extra gravy  he made himself.



Ken Bennett said...

38c @ 1000 am, going to be in the 40's today. We will stay inside and enjoy our new air conditioning. Cool change expected by 9pm or so. Rocky the dog ate my gate to escape again. I will need to use steel to reinforce the gate. The good news was the dogs didn't fight when they were together. I am watching the NFL this morning. NHL this afternoon. Nona is dropping by with Matthew's phone that he forgot at the cousins' place. Then we may drive her home or she can stay here until the heat passes.

Sandra said...

I can't keep up with you, always posting at any time of day or night you want.

We go our walk in after it had turned to rain.

Good luck with dad, still say throw the chocolate out rather than have him find it.


Shandel said...

Its really interesting how we as humans who are so smart still do things that cause us pain or suffering. I am not sure i will ever understand it, but we all do it, at one time (or several times) or another. Hopefully Grandpa will remember this and not over do it with things that will make him sick. Keep on trying thats all both of you can really do?

It is very very cold here, we woke up with feels like -29. Quick walk for Daisy and Cameron, and i am sure later through out the day it will be another few quick walks. We are trying to use a de-humidifier in our condo. We have so much humidity, between the heat to keep us warm, the plants, and the outside cold air, its just getting out of hand. Hopefully this little expensive machine helps. We were very proud of ourselves (mostly us both of Cameron lol) he changed out our leaking taps for brand new ones. Now this may not seem to be very "big", but for us it sure is. We are not handy like people at all. Slowly learning thats for sure. Its so great to not worry about the kitchen tap leaking. Today is my last week to enjoy 4 days off. I will be getting some cleaning, food prep, and a little bit of wardrobe additions to feel ready to start a full time job next week. I hope you guys have a good week, and Spenser isnt too upset with the remaining winter. XO

beth bennett said...

We are imperfect people in a imperfect world.

Good job Cameron.

Love grama