Sunday, January 3, 2021


i was hoping the wind would have calmed down by morning.
It was a little calmer.

Sandra and I could feel it blowing upon us
as we went for a walk.
I wanted her opinion on my dropping shoulder.
She noticed it before I even felt it.
Her advice was I was to fight against it
by straightening up.

Dad had a fall against the chest of drawers in our room.
I woke up hearing the noise.
I tried to calm my beating heart
                                                               .knowing he was not hurt
                                 Scripture reminds me that prayer and solitude help us to feel calm. 

I think the hard thing about old age is knowing there are things you will have to learn to live with. Dad had a fall against the dresser in the night that really scared me.  It took a while before I could calm my beating heart even when I knew he was not really hurt.  I want him to use his cane to go to the washroom at night.

  I appreciate the nights that are calm and uneventful.  With help I may change the bed around so dad is closer to the washroom.

Talking to Rick on the phone makes us more aware of the problems he is facing.  Hopefully the slight improvement will only be the start.  I can only image how one would feel when strange people come in your room all gowned and with masks and eye shields.

Actually I was just thinking it would make a good mystery story trying to guess who the intruder was.

Sandra also did some shopping for us so we would keep safe and calm.

Theresa and Ben dropped by to bring us some more meals.  Dad was delighted to have the stew.  There was a excellent salad as well as yogurt and fruit.  I did not need to worry about supper or meals for a week!

I find it is hard just to decide what to cook and then have to prepare too.  Dad is a good help.

I think I find strength and courage when I calm my heart with thankfulness.  We are blessed to have family that help and support us!


Sandra said...

I did not go for another walk, even though Randy offered too after he got home. I did yoga twice instead. It hurts a lot and there are many things I can not do, but it is good to keep trying as Carol, Kimberly and Theresa keep reminding me.

If I was going to do a new years resolution it would be to cook more, even if I did it once a week that would be an increase for me.

Maybe I should try that meal prep thing too, get inspired again.


Shandel said...

That is wonderful you have so many of the family bringing food and helping you guys live more comfortably. It makes everyone feel good to be able to help in any way. We wish we were closer to be able to help.

Shandel said...

Sandy that is a great idea! trying to cook a meal at home once a week. Cameron has gotten pretty good with his one or two meals a week. Tues and Thurs I work until 7pm. So those are his nights to prep dinner. Even if its simple and easy it really helps and counts.