Friday, January 22, 2021


It is awesome when even a little bit of sunshine brightens up our day
I pick up the book Awesome at the book nook.
Just what I felt like I needed to see the good things in my life and in my heart.

It is awesome  when you see the cop car as you turn the corner and are thnakful you were not speeding.

I used to be the one next in line behind the old lady who was slow but now it is me,  I am slow unloading my 16 items at the 15  items cashier.  My buggy keeps going the wrong way and I fumble getting my card out.  I try to be quick as I punch in the numbers for my card but make a mistake.
I smile and  try to leave without knocking into any one my way out.

I have decided to be happy what ever works out in the future.

I want Rick to be happy no matter what he chooses.

I know we need help but I want to decide for myself what help I need.

Dad was feeling very low this morning and did not feel like eating lunch.  Finally I suggested we go out to eat at the Catcus Club.  He brightened up and enjoyed every minute we were out.

Spenser had three walks today and enjoyed everyone.  He loves his slow walk with dad and a little faster one with me.

Now it is time to read my Awesome Book.


Ken Bennett said...

karma Mom, Nice people show up because you have done so many nice things for others. Universe paying you back.

Sandra said...
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Shandel said...

Driving in the city with all the photo radar we have, I have to remind myself to be very diligent about doing the speed limit. I don't often speed, but sometimes its hard not to when you are trying to just fit in with all the traffic! Looking forward to my short commute come February when I start my new job! I am looking forward to it being full time. It will keep me nice and busy, seeing as we cannot do anything else.