Saturday, January 16, 2021


Every life has value.
Every life has a story.

Every story has a message.

I was fortunate to be chosen to go to the bird seed with Spenser.  Sandra came and picked us both up.  
We have a lot of little birds who come to our feeder every day.
We may have to move it if the squirrel gets into it and breaks it.

I was happy to have a bit of energy and could enjoy this outing,

We stopped at Choices to stock up on G.F. goodies for me and some healthy muffins for dad.  He actually likes them.

A good day for us all.

Going to Carol and Panteli's for supper to-morrow.
Looking forward to enjoying a visit with them and Haiti.

Looking forward to a phone call from Rick in the morning.

We value the time we spend together and with our family!

We also Value a good program like Heartbeat!  Time to watch it now.!



Shandel said...

Good days are just wonderful! Glad to hear. Oilers did not have a good day yesterday. oh boy. Montreal kicked our butts. I hope your good days continue, even though they are incredibly hard. Do you write down every ingredient to every meal in a food journal? That can be very helpful when trying to find a problem food. Googling foods can help too, explain what they are good for or what they are not good for.

Ken Bennett said...

I hope Dad was ok to travel. Did dad watch the Canucks game? I am going to see the dr about my sore knee, I really don't expect much help.