Saturday, February 27, 2021



                                                         .Life is beautiful.

I need to take time to look and see and appreciate the beauty.

Life seems also to be full of disappointments, hard work and suffering, and all the daily details.

What really matters?

Is it really possible to wake to the wonder of a life of joy?

Some days it does not seem possible. Dad has had a bad day but we did get some things done.

Hope to-morrow is better.  




I woke up with plans to organize and get things done.
Nothing went right,
Spenser did not want to eat.
He wanted to go out continually.
He would not go with dad.
Final walk was at 6 in the cold wind.

I had some work that had to be done at the clinic.  I stood in line to get an appointment.  I was over an hour late getting back.  Stood inline again.

We went over to pick up Chinese food.  Took Spenser with us.  

Rick was having a busy day at work and I tried to keep Spenser quiet.

Dozed off watching T.V.

I will start all over again.  Looking for a phone number etc.

Dad had an okay day and slept till 4 this morning.


Thursday, February 25, 2021


I am trying to adjust to getting older.
My walk is shorter and slower.
I miss some of the old friends
do they miss me?

I have to find new confidence in the way I handle my day.

Today we went shopping at Shoppers.  We usually get the same old things.  We had frozen fish cakes for supper and they were quite good.

I was sure the Canucks were going to win.  I thought they were playing pretty good.

It was cold and windy but we did not get any snow.  I use to love walking in the snow, now I am afraid of alippimg.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021


I think I will go on my computer but I get side tracked.

I did not feel too good this morning.  Neither did dad.  So we decided to go out to the Catcus Club.  Rick does not bother with lunch so we left him home with Spenser.  We stopped at the dollar store where dad had fun shopping.

We all seem to be learning to adapt to new things.  This is an opportunity to grow.

We can not do a lot of things any more but the words we say can have an impact on others.  

Keep talking, keep listening, keep learning, keep sharing, keep remembering the good times and forget the not so good times.  Above all keep being grateful.

we are fortunate to have a voice to express our feelings.

Take the opportunity when you can to laugh at yourself and laugh with others.

Love illuminates our paths one day at a time.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021


The way is the journey we choose every day.
The way to being healthy can be stressful/

This is an internal process as well as a physical way.
It is spiritual and meaningful and hopeful.

The wind was very cold as Spenser and  returned from the park.

So nice to know Carol and Panteli will be arriving with a warm supper.

Dad had two phone calls about up-coming appointments.  One is with the doctor who will order the M.R.I.  That is on March the first.  Dr.Sonja  Caden

The other one is not until May.  This is to find some answers to his stomach problems.

The way to find health and wholeness takes patience and perseverance. 

Ken tried to move the basket ball stand and ended up with it falling on his toe.  The nail was torn right off.  What a painful way to begin his day.
We did remember to watch the hockey game.  What a good game to start.  

We all do our best to be brave as we face the unknown.


Monday, February 22, 2021



It was not a big cake, it was not a chocolate cake, but it was the right size lemon cake.  It took several tries to blow out the candles.
It was a fun party and did dad a world of good.  Love was expressed in the cards he received and the food that was brought.

Today was a day to rest and be happy.

                                   Spenser has many good friends.  A sunny afternoon for a walk.
We are facing unpredictable outcomes in the tests that dad will be having.  I wish we would hear when they are scheduled.  We can experience internal growth from circumstances that are unpredictable.
We have a lot to be thankful for especially all the good years and the stories that dad continues to tell with each memory.

Dad had a pretty good day today.  He took Spenser for a very short walk.  Rick has been working hard at work and at cooking supper.  

Dad cleaned up!

Dad just brought my pill up that I forgot to take.  Bladder infections are miserable.  Thanks dad.!

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Running a little low on energy.
Very windy on our walk this morning.
 It is good when the wind pushes you along ,not so good when you have to fight it.

So thankful that Rick likes to cook.  Came home from my afternoon walk to the park and preparations for supper where well on the way.

Thankful that dad likes to clean up and does such a good job.

We all enjoyed watching Heartbeat.  Romance is now in the air.

Looking forward to Sandra and Randy coming over with Carol and Panteli.  They are bringing the birthday supper with them.

Sunday  do some serious reading starting with the gospel of Mark.

His gospel is about the way and how Jesus is the one who shows us the wat.

Why is religion such a taboo subject?

For me it has given my energy and  my inspiration to see life in a more meaningful way. 


Friday, February 19, 2021


Dad's birthday started out miserable but ended with joy.

He had a wonderful time hearing birthday wishes from
Ken, Mary, Theresa. Stephen. Shandel and Cameron.
Also some friends also called.

What an awesome supper we had when Carol and Panteli arrived with lots of good food.
Even some cheesecake!

After supper and opening presents we had a lively discussion about the Bible.

Who believes in Adam and ?Eve?

All  know is that there are some interesting points to the story.  Men are easily tempted by beautiful ladies, our minds can think evil thoughts, even without a snake, and we exist by hard work and effort.

I am finding it hard to concentrate.  
I am getting some antibiotics '

Looking forward to a brighter day to-morrow.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


No news is good news until we get the news.

Dr. Lee has phoned and dad has what maybe a small growth on his pancreatus. 

He has to have a MRI and she is referring him to another doctor.

I hope they can do this quickly.



Tuesday, February 16, 2021


A busy day for us all.  Dad went shopping and I cleaned up.  Rick talked to a person about his new job.  /they had a long discussion and he appeared to be happy after.  He then cooked a big supper of chicken stir-fry for us.  It was very tasty.  He went to bed early and so did we.

On Heart Beat some one turned all the road signs around and every one was getting lost.

We look for signs to help us find our way.  I have this big urge to unclutter everything.  For me a simple life is best.  It helps me to feel more spiritually grounded.  Prayer helps me to cope and find the strength of mind to take a day at a time, moment by moment.

To-morrow I am getting my hair cut which is good.

Monday, February 15, 2021


I was reminded again today of how thoughtful everyone is in our family.
Carol came and picked up Rick and took him to get his hair cut.
He is looking much better.
It was worth getting tired.

I have made many new and caring friends when I am walking Spenser.  He likes them too.  Today one of them gave me books to read and a new jacket.  It was an old jacket she thought would be warmer for me.  /she had gotten a new one and was wanting to give this to some one.  

Yes my old jacket was looking very sad and now I have three jackets.  Sandra very thoughtfully picked out for me.  Sad my old one is not even good enough to donate.  It was well worn.

Panteli picked up several cookies from the Wood N Frog for me that I like.  Thank you for being thoughtful too.

Dad picked up hamburgers from Brown's for our supper tonight. Both he and Rick enjoyed them and I had my cowboy salad.  Very thoughtful!

I never know when my day begin how many kind and thoughtful words I will hear or read or kindness I will receive.  

Thoughtful words and deeds mean a lot to me.
I have so much to be thankful for/1


Sunday, February 14, 2021


Kids playing at wade Road Park

Good to see the children having fun.

                                                    It snowed all day.

                                                      My favorite little book nook.

                                                                       The way home


                                                            Can you see the snow falling.

Very pretty, very cold.

Good to have a visit from Randy and Sandy.  Thanks for picking up some food for us.

Thanks for laughing with us.  Sometimes we forget life can be funny.

Good to talk to Kim.  She is going to have their new place ready for when Hamlet comes home.  

Praying for an amazing recovery!


Saturday, February 13, 2021


Trying to keep the romance alive.

Good we can still laugh together.
We had many up's and down's
we strengthen each other with love.

We are thankful to have Rick here too.

We send love and laughter to all.






Todd has come and shoveled our driveway.
It is very quiet this morning.
We will be staying home.

The author wrote about going to learn how to meditate from a famous Guru.  After a kong period of silence the guru told him to get a life.

Our goad is to be real and to live every day fully.  Even when life becomes stressful and we feel anxious we need to stay open and life from our heart and soul.

Fresh air helps me to feel alive.  I will go out later.  
Every day it is important for me to say yes to life.
To work with the talents I have been given.
To know what I believe that helps me to find my way.
Sometimes I do things with a false motivation.
Sometimes it is best not to give advice.

We, three sit in silence as we watch the impeachment.
Lost in our own thoughts.
Rick seems better today. 
My heart feels a little lighter!

Friday, February 12, 2021


Yes our path takes us through the park.
It is very quiet.
Every path we take or have taken is important.
Does this path reveal the heart and soul of humanness.
The amazing thing is we can change our path
when it leads to nothingness.

Not a good day for Rick but his path ahead is not going to be smooth sailing.  There will be good days and bad.  It is hard to see both are necessary.

Each one comes unexpectedly. We are reminded that we cannot control our destiny.  We carry within us some uncertainty and some fear of the future,

We all long to be healthy and happy.  To do our best in our circumstances.

  To know the path we are on is the right one.

Praying for Rick and Hamlet to take every day as it comes.  Relearning to walk and move agian.


Thursday, February 11, 2021


Yes it is very cold.
So thankful that after a long surgery Hamlet is doing well according to his surgeon.
A long day of waiting for Kim and his mom and sister.
I pray that he will recover quickly.
His life is very import to us all.

What did Jesus mean when he declared the Kingdom is Now?

The secret Kingdom is everywhere.
It is a mystery.
Those who search for it will find it.
It is a pearl of great worth
It is forgiveness, mercy and grace.
It is a net that holds believers  together in faith.
It was told by Jesus in his parables. 
We enter that Kingdom by living with compassion.
Compassion is alive in each moment of our lives.
We live for today aware of the gift that each moment of each day is opening to the beauty and awe that is all around us,  We are not alone but live in a world that is awesome.  God is loving.

We shared the good things that had happened to us three today.  For each one of us it was finding what was lost.  Rick's found a missing I Pod and I found my purse and dad's card for the car that allows him to park in the handi-cap place.  We took a chance at Shoppers parking in that spot without a card to display.  On the way home I spied it where it was hiding between the seats.

That card is extremely helpful.

I managed to find something in the freezer for supper.  Rick made a salad and dad cooked the rice.

I thing we will each take a turn planning supper for a night.

Rick was asking me this questions.  He is in my typing room with all my Christian books.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021


"We take the mundane with us on the way to holiness".
Holiness means wholeness.

My day today was pretty ordinary.  A walk in the cold and windy morning.

It is wonderful to have exciting times like when Rick arrived here yesterday.  Probably a little two much excitement for him.  Today he has had some dizziness and he seems tired.  It did not help the girls came to clean.  They always do a good job and I really appreciate it.

Dad and he watched some of the impeachment trial.  I have a feeling most of the listeners have already formed an opinion and they will stick to it.  The pictures on the T.V. are powerful in the message they reveal, the anger hate their words and actions reveal.

Where is the compassion for those who are suffering in poverty and hopelessness with this Covid virus.

Carol was kind enough t drive me t White Rock for my eye appointment.  Pictures were taken of my eyes.  My eye surgery is set for March 29.

Supper was dining on left-overs and an omelet that dad cooked.

I have not found time to do my journaling but will have to try to make it a part of my day.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Happy to have Rick home.
Happy to have a big family dinner.
Chinese food.
Sandra and Randy, Carol and Panteli, dad and I and Rick.
Rick is a good driver in his wheel chair.
He has been up and down the chairs.

All is Well.

Monday, February 8, 2021


Congratulations Rick.
Your hard work and determination have paid off.
We are so happy to have you coming home.
Love helps us to heal.
You are loved by us all.

Life never stops asking us to do difficult things,

I am more and more aware of every thought I have and the words that I say have energy that creates hope and happiness.  Becoming more aware of the needs of others and how much we need to see life with new eyes.  Spiritual eyes that see the light and love that surrounds us all.

I think I will be too excited to sleep to-night!

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Our weather is suppose to turn nasty.
Cold and windy.

Dad ran into a nasty lady at the M&M store today.  He had been looking at the flyer and everything looked so good.  He was all excited about getting some things and having them if company came over.  He thought maybe Carol and Panteli would want to watch the Super bowl.  They had other plans.

So he phoned to make sure they were open.  He put on his mask and jumped in the car.  The car battery was dead again.  Very annoying.  He got it going and happily went on his way to the store.  Going inside he asked if they had the flyer and the cranky lady said no the flyer was in the window.  That's okay he replied and looked it all over and had decided what to buy.

While he was outside three young boys came in looking at things.  Dad opened the door to come in and was told he would not be allowed in as only three people are allowed in at once.  He could feel nasty energy coming from her.  He had had enough so he left.

He arrived home when Sandra arrived with the groceries she had picked up for us.  Always fun to look and see what others have purchased.  She had done an excellent job and even through in some special items.  Dad started to feel better.

We watched the game but it was not a good game as one team was winning with a lot of points.

Dad is having some discomfort and it is wearing him done.  We keep hoping things will improve.

Spenser escaped when I was saying good-bye to a friend.  We had a nice visit on the front sunny porch.
He goes right up to our neighbor's Core and Natasha and barks at their door.  They let him in.  It is good they think he is loveable too.

I have lots to do and I take my time doing it.  Day by day.



A lot to do.  Where do I start?
I started by doing nothing.
I did start a new book.
Another lovely sunny day!
As usual I start with a walk with Mr. Spenser.


Friday, February 5, 2021


It is good to be curious about how life works.
I am curious about a fake kitchen
but it looks like Rick did a good job.
It was good that both Sandra and Carol got the filters for Rick.

I am curious about what dad's test will tell us.  I hope Ken can get some answers.  I hope Malena enjoys going out for supper.  Are they going to shut things down because they have one case of Covid?

Every morning early we get strange phone calls.  We usually do not answer but if we do a strange voice starts talking.

I found another book I like in the book nook and I am curious about who these people are who put them  in.

Curiosity  helps your brain make new path ways.  Curiosity stimulates the spirit that is open to all the different religions who are all searching for the truth.

Jesus told his followers to be like a little child.
They ask a lot of questions about everything.
They have great imaginations.
They are full of wonder.

We have to get some batteries before we can use the /Dr. Ho circulation device.
Thanks Carol for bringing it over.

It would be wonderful if it helps dad's feet.

Being curious is a way of being more present in the moment.

I am making a lot of mistakes so time to call it a day! 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Yes Spenser and I were left behind
standing at the door watch dad and Sandra drive off.
I was thankful dad was being driven and would get
to his appointment on time.
Sandra had scouted out the route.
I did want to go too.

Yes all went well and dad sailed right through it all.
Meanwhile Ken was also at the doctor's getting an Ultra Sound.
They both will have to wait to get the results.

Spenser and I went for a walk but it had started to rain and it was cold and neither one of us enjoyed it, After a short rest I started reading but after I realized I had not remembered it at all.

I knew dad was worried before he left and I had absorbed some of that worry.  We do worry about what our future will be.  I was so happy to hear dad's cheerful voice when he was on the way home.  Dad was happy to have some sandwiches to eat on the way home.  This was Sandra's good idea.

We are not going to worry about the results
but just be happy to be together.

Thanks Ken reminding dad of the hockey game.  Too bad another loss.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021


I am hopeful through loving prayer
our journey towards healing will continue.
Both dad and Rick are on this journey.
Kenny also is having health problems.

Rick is making good progress and we are delighted.  We look forward to seeing him soon.
Dad had a difficult day fasting because he felt so hungry  He is having a final drink of Ensure.  He cannot drink after midnight. He has gotten more miserable as the day went on.

Ken was also fasting until his evening meal.  I hope he is able to find help with his health situation.

Our journey can take months but we realize that there is not one simple pill that can make us better.  We need the strength and courage that faith and hope are still alive.

Sandra picks us up at 11 in the morning to drive to the hospital for the test.
We certainly want answers.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Many things come along to brighten our day.
Tiny little snowdrops for one,
Spenser and I did are whole walk
before the rain started.

Carol dropped by to brighten our morning after taking the guitar up to Rick's place.  She had a good check up at the eye doctor's that her eye sight is good.
She may be going to work in the Grand Cayman in September.  She loves the bright sunny days there.
We will miss her but think it is good she does this while she still can.  

After we got home from the White Spot there was a message from Rick.  Very good news to brighten our hearts that he is improving an may come home next week.  He can walk with the walker and do a few steps.

Wonderful news!

A learning experience for all of us as we make adjustments and work through stuff.

"The universe is full of magical things, that can brighten up the dullest days, patiently waiting to be discovered."  Eden Philliipots

We went into the Whitespot and it was raining and when we came out the sun was shining.

Yes we all have our own path to follow as we live each day with kind thoughts and loving hearts!


Monday, February 1, 2021


"Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind.  To be happy. rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all"  The Budda
It feels very incredible to have each one in our family.

We help each other when times are tough.
We will continue to support and care as a family.
A family provides us with a sense of belonging.

Yes so today I phone the clinic about getting a bladder check.  I was told I would not be able to talk to Dr. Nolte until the end of Feb.  The receptionist said I could have a phone appointment with the Walk in clinic later in the day.

I filled in the time making corn meal muffins.  I dumped too much vanilla in and they had a bitter taste.  So I just had to put more jam on them.

Dad has been wanting to go to Home Depot to buy some support handles.  He did that while I took Spenser for a walk to the park.  I took several books over and picked up one called "Advice Not Given."  I think in our family it might be advice not taken.  

A very nice doctor phoned and is taking care of this.

Dad had a pretty good day.  Made himself pancakes for supper.  He has been craving pancakes.
Me all I crave is popcorn.

Yes we are all different but incredible in our own way and even more incredible when we work together as a team!  !